Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 1046: Three swaddlings

The doctor came quickly, and when he saw that it was Su Ruan Ruan, he smiled first, and then he talked to Su Ruan Ruan.

Su Ruanruan knew that it wasn't because these words were talking to the nurses. The reason why they kept talking to themselves was actually diverting their attention so that they would not be too nervous.

When the doctor talked to Su Ruanruan, he didn't just talk nonsense, but asked about Su Ruanruan's situation.

Knowing that Su Ruan Ruan hadn't been launched for half an hour, I felt in my heart that I would have to wait for a while before I was born.

Who knew she knew she was wrong when she started.

Miyaguchi was almost opened, and if you prepare, you will be able to give birth immediately.

While the doctor was surprised, he didn't forget to quickly arrange a nurse next to him, and then said softly to Su Ruan, "Ruanruan, you are blessed, the uterine mouth opens very quickly, we can have a baby this way, you have to hold on. You are born very quickly, and you won’t be so uncomfortable when you are finished."

Su Ruanruan only felt that his stomach fell for a while, and he didn't even have the strength to nod his head. He could only look at the doctor eagerly. As for the rest, of course it was what the doctor said.

In the next time, Su Ruanruan felt like he was dangling at a ghost gate, and he could reach in a foot at any time.

The delivery room was busy and orderly, and there were few noises, which scared Xiao Chengjin outside the delivery room.

Xiao Chengjin had never seen a child in his life, and couldn't help being nervous when he couldn't hear anything inside.

But he didn't dare to pace back and forth, fearing that he would make any noise that would disturb Su Ruanruan and the doctor inside. He could only stand like a wooden pile in front of the operating room.

There are seats outside the delivery room, but at this time, who still wants to sit down and wait?

Xiao Aiguo was standing next to Xiao Chengjin. Seeing Xiao Chengjin's appearance, he wanted to comfort him, but when he thought of Xiao Chengjin's wife and children, he was not comforted.

Xiao Aiguo himself was a person who came here, knowing that at this time, comfort is useless.

Only by seeing the daughter-in-law and the child are healthy and well, can we feel at ease.

At this time, Qian Aiju didn't bother to see what the man and son were like, she just stared at the door in front of her.

At this time, the three people's ideas are almost the same.

They all hope that Su Ruan Ruan will suffer less and give birth to the child sooner.

It’s just that no matter how I look forward to it, I feel that this time is going to be very slow, long and long, and I don’t know when it will be headed.

Su Ruanruan also felt that time passed very slowly, and every second was suffering.

But soon, she didn't have the time and energy to think about it.

My stomach hurts more and more, as if there is something to rush out.

Su Ruanruan clenched his hands, clenched his teeth, and followed the doctor's words hard again. The first child was finally born.

Although they are twins, as long as the first child is born, the next two will be soon.

Standing outside the delivery room, the three of Xiao Chengjin, from the moment they heard the first cry of the baby, a heart was tightly raised in their throats, hoping that the door in front of them could be opened quickly.

It was true that the three of them did not wait too long this time. After almost fifteen minutes, the door of the delivery room opened.

Three nurses came out, all of them holding a baby in their arms.

(No. 3)

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