
Chapter 881



It is already 4:30 in the morning.

Half an hour ago.

The president, Kinlock, who had just slept for three hours, was awakened by a phone call.

After learning that one of the mine-clearing vehicles was attacked and dozens of people were still dead, he was no longer sleepy. However, this battle-to-loss ratio is a little bit unbelievable. Are these people special forces?


Even the special forces did not hang like this!

There is nothing to pick one.

But playing a group battle, it is still a big night, the bullets are blind, and the gangsters are also weak enough. If you don’t hurt others, you will be sent to life. Overestimate one’s capabilities, it is completely a behavior to die.

Ten people have died.

Things are actually not too big.

In countries where guns are rampant, tribal conflicts sometimes die more.

This time, I can only blame the attacker for courting death, who is not good, who has met this group of comets, who is blamed, and Jinluo is also very angry. Others, the Myanmar military service company is going to help you, to eliminate safety. Hidden dangers.

You don’t know how grateful you are.

Also went to attack people.

This group of ungrateful people is simply death cannot wipe out the crimes.

The latest news continued to come, and the investigation team soon arrived. After the recording was completed, the behind-the-scenes instructions were found, and it was found that the Burmese military service company would not have anything to do.

“Mr. President, the Myanmar-based military service company sent a message saying that the core components of the mine-clearing vehicle were damaged during the battle and needed to be returned to the factory for maintenance. At the same time, it was proposed to transfer the investigation site to the nearby station.”

The secretary hung up and reported to King Locke.

“Is it really damaged?” Kim Locke frowns, muttering.

Such an important device.

The core component is definitely the thickest place in the armor.

How can it be so easily damaged, but since others say it is broken, and they don’t understand technology on their own, they can only recognize each other’s ‘authoritative identification’. Anyway, Mozambique originally ordered three mine-clearing vehicles.

There are also two other mines in other places.

If it is fast, the dangerous minefields of the entire country will be cleared by the end of this year.

According to the number of mines in their country.

The contract amount this time is nearly 300 million US dollars.

The Myanmar-based military service company does not collect all the dollars, but also collects various minerals and raw materials. This is also a human condition for the Mozambican government, which has almost no foreign exchange reserves and is still owed a huge debt.

Therefore, the cooperation between the two sides has been good.

“Promise them, immediately transfer the location of the investigation.” Jinluo felt that there was something wrong, but there was no accurate information. He could only watch while walking. Anyway, the others went to the mine-clearing vehicle. The urgent thing is the Myanmar company.


The secretary immediately called the scene.

Kinloch began in the study.

Thinking about the deep logic behind the incident.

as well as.

The Myanmar Bank Group sent an aid loan intention last week. The Burmese Bank Group intends to develop mineral resources in Mozambique in the form of a subprime loan hedging.

A condition is to provide a certain amount of credit guarantee.

It is equal to saying.

The Bank of Myanmar Group can use the Asian dollar to buy mineral deposits in its territory. Mozambique can use the Asian dollars it has to buy the products of the Myanmar Special Economic Zone. Even the Burmese Bank Group can guarantee the purchase of services from other countries.

such as.

Mozambique wants to repair railways, highways, airports and the like.

Its fiscal and foreign exchange reserves are impossible to pay. Mozambique is one of the least developed countries in the world and a heavily indebted poor country. The country’s GDP was less than seven billion dollars last year.

The amount of imports is double that of exports.

It can be said that it is a debt.

The credit guarantee proposed by the Bank of Myanmar Group can be paid to the third country in the form of payment, which can be said to be a change of loan, but this loan does not have to be returned, you only need to take mineral resources out.

At the same time, he agreed to the two core conditions proposed by the Bank of Myanmar Group.

First, the Asian dollar is listed as the national reserve currency of Mozambique.

Second, the issuance of a banking license to allow the Myanmar Bank Group to conduct local banking operations in the capital of Mozambique.

This proposal is extremely attractive for the Mozambican government, which has high debt and high credit ratings and is basically not willing to lend by the state. It has been discussed many times these days.

I feel that it is an opportunity, and there are very few people who oppose it.

The only thing that made Kimlock hesitate.

The purpose of the Burmese Bank Group ‘self-harm’.

Is it more money to burn?

. . .

The incident occurred.

Commanded his men.

Kidd waited anxiously in his car.

Not a while.

His whisper ran to his car and whispered in his ear: “Sheriff, I have already notified several tribes, they will arrive soon, what do we do?”

Although he had too many noises during the conversation, he couldn’t hear clearly, but he thought that he had already made things clear, and the people on the opposite side said that they would come. It should be a very quick thing.

“We are standing by.” Kidd looked at the distant demining car, and he had arranged the hands-on people.

“Yes.” said the heart.

ten minutes later.

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At last.

浠栧彧鑳 溂镌佺漱鍦 溂镌佺漱鍦 湅镌 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭 冭

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