
Chapter 1845


Change to someone else.


Other companies.

Domestic will not have such support. Generally speaking, private enterprises are limited by their size and vision, and it is difficult to stimulate the economic trade of a country on a large scale.


Tang Qing is different.

Body weight.



A lot of things are done that exceed domestic expectations and are consistent with national strategies. This is commendable. Tang Qing’s companies really make domestic likes.

Comet Group.

Use a Civilization.

The World movie market was opened, a wave of shock was shaken, and a large amount of money was returned. In addition, the star mode of the Comet Group is a clear stream that has changed the entertainment industry.


Not just a profession, but also a huge social influence.



Flash away.

It’s really disturbing to do it in turns. Later, the epoch, time, once again caught the attention of the World, one that brought people into the era of real smartphones, and one that started sci-fi life.

Zhongyu Special Guard.

Resolved a large number of veteran jobs. Recently, I heard what skills training is being done. However, when Africa sends employees, they can find a good job when they return. It makes them like it.


You can try inside, and send a large number of professionals to the community.



Heavenly Eye.

The influence on Huaxia’s business belongs to the same category—making business more prosperous. Either do the work of a middleman or serve the enterprise. In short, it has scope significance.

Every one.

All highlight Tang Qing’s remarkable vision.


Hummingbirds set sail again now, and of course China is willing to contribute.


Does not think Tang Qing is really short of money.

Tang trillion.

Not just calling. The establishment of the Hummingbird has been analyzed in the country. Even if ICBC does not lend money, Tang Qing can get the Hummingbird up, and it will not slow down because of the lack of ICBC money.

Looking back at Tang Qing’s growth history.

—Do not fight unprepared battles.

It is its code of conduct. This time, in the international expansion of Hummingbird, Tang Qing did not ask for loans from any major domestic bank in advance, which shows that Tang Qing does not care about giving or giving money at home.


To do it.

No, do n’t do it.

Sometimes it’s so fun.


Not available.


Someone came to the door, icing on the cake. Of course, the country is willing, otherwise, Hummingbird international expansion, a foreign media investigation, Huaxia bank will not give a loan, what heaven knows will write.

Even Tang Qing did not apply.


Foreign media can believe? Do n’t think about it, it ’s definitely adding fuel and vinegar.

“How much is missing?” the big man asked.

“A lot.”

Tang Qing said.

“At least the number.”

“50 billion.” Tang Qing held out five fingers.




Everyone is speechless. As far as they know, Hummingbird’s partners are the big ones. In other words, Hummingbird’s expansion may require more than 100 billion Renminbi.

100 billion.


How big are you going to spread?

“How many countries are there?”

The big guy asked directly.

“This batch, 39 countries.” Tang Qing Capital.

After listening.

“His ~”

A lot of people took a breath. Sure enough, it is great talent. In 39 countries, on average, the investment in each country will exceed 2.5 billion Renminbi. This is a huge sum.


You cow.

“Are you sure?”

At the moment.

The big brothers can’t help being a little worried. In the 39 countries, different countries, different skin colors, different laws, and different interests, the whole situation will be very complicated.

This is not the same as selling standard products.

On difficulty.

High is not an order of magnitude.

“It’s all right.”

Tang Qing is relaxed.

“Is there Heavenly Eye.”

“You can count on your heart.” The big brother looked at Tang Qing and stopped talking, Tang Qing only said Heavenly Eye, and did not mention those partners who possessed great magical power, which he appreciated.


Not crazy.

It’s really hard to come by.


Tang Qing nodded.

At this time.

The curious asked: “Originally, where are you going to get so much money from?”

hearing this.

Tang Qing laughed:

“Last time, troubled the country. How sorry this time, the original plan was to sell part of the hummingbird’s shares, in exchange for cash, and then borrow some more. It’s almost enough.


“didn’t expect you and China are so generous, I can save a lot of things.”

As planned.

The Hummingbird will sell part of the shares to Burma Investment (Hua Xia) Branch. Then, through this relationship, it is justified to obey the Burmese Bank (Hua Xia) branch and obtain a loan.


There are hundreds of billions of dollars of funds lying in the branches.

“Sell? To whom?”

The big brother is curious.


When Tang Qing reported his name, instantly, the big brother suddenly, so that’s how it is, sold to this company, as long as he was willing to support, Tang Qing’s funding problem was not a problem at all.

50 billion?


Even if it’s all out, everyone can afford it. Every month, when they sell gold, their bank will make a deposit of 20,000,000,000, which is more than 200 billion yuan a year. It is estimated that it is a line led by Tang Kai.

“Did you talk?”

“Now that the sale of shares has been discussed, the loan is not completely certain.”



One step late.

It seems.

Only the loan part can be sold in China.

“How much are you ready to loan?”

“Looking at how much ICBC can lend, the rest can still be loaned to them, but the negotiation pressure will be much less.” Tang Qing said with a smile, this matter, there is no shortage of money, it does not matter.


Big smile.


Equal to say: “How much you can do is optional, and the rest will make up for it”. It always feels awkward to listen to this, as if we are very poor, well, even if Tang Qing can handle it, it will be domestic.

“20,000,000,000, the rest, you solve.”

Not much.

A lot.

Too much is irritating and too little to lose face. Afterwards, this matter will definitely be carefully analyzed by all sectors of the media. It adds up to more than 40 billion loans, which is very interesting.

. . .

After ten minutes.

Tang Qing leaves.

For his discussion, the morning room continued.

“This boy, he has a good appetite. He has invested hundreds of billions of dollars. Just do what he says. It’s very courageous.” Looking back, the big brother couldn’t help laughing, and the Chinese younger generation was excellent.

“Just too eager.”


“Tang Qing is just such a person, do what you think, and plan well, not rashly. Just say this time, I can be sure that he prepared for at least a year.”

“From the beginning of the Hummingbird, it has been preparing for today.”

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