
Chapter 1784

To maintain ‘superiority’.

No Tang Qing.

They’re going to do this and do one thing, and they’re going to have to pay $10,000, but if one thing is to be destroyed, only a few points of strength are needed.


a little less! I like to invite you to collect: (i) the fastest speed of updating the Japan Court.

By the



them finish, these guys, do clean things, but they’re not as clean as the warriors, and their opponents are at the same level as the warriors, but they’re worse than the warriors.

Shit, a little less! Japan Court, update the latest chapter!


right now.

It’s hilarious.

“Should be given.”

Day, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“Saved the many, historically, how many Nobel Prize winners can save millions of people, and there is no reason to take them back after a decision has been made to do so.”

Yes. “”

The people will return. ”

But, people’s technology is confidential.”

That’s right. ”

The Nobel Prize laureate should be public and selfless, a source of technological progress for humankind, let alone technical details, as long as it publishes basic principles and proves to be adopted.”

Yeah. ”

That’s true.”

Agree. ”

Strongly recommends the publication of a convincing underlying theory.”

Basis is greater than application, which is common sense, and if there are not too many liquid transcripts, it is questioned long ago, but is being concealed to the public opinion, and now, public opinion is turning to the front.

If you want to ignore, you can’t ignore



Naturally, a preference for their own people, if they were to hang some useful information, would not have to wait for a substitute for the Duja Institute to be replaced directly and perhaps at lower prices


European-American public opinion turned.


, Maint, as always.

“ Idiot. ”

Love doesn’t give.”

Big deal no more, who’s missing your prize.


back on ones word. ”


In the case of the Nobel Prize, there is no concept, and in their history there has never been a search, and there is a desperate desire for heart, and every celestial seed is gone for a year.

An agricultural country.

Who cares about this.


it’s not. What are you doing here? It’s enough to eat, have a room, have a run, and the bonus is probably not enough for the annual salary of three scientists.


You really think someone cares about your prize?


Such a public opinion environment makes tourists in mainland very silent, whether East or West. Western tourists feel that this is a great honor, and you should try.

The countries of South-East Asia are silent.


want it.

But no one gives it, only envies it, and, as a result of the public opinion environment, their minds are affected, and a foreign prize proves itself? Is it really necessary



are watching the show.


One doesn’t want to give, one doesn’t care, haha. ”

Strike your face.”

Suddenly, the Nobel Prize is not that expensive, looking at people, an agrarian country, and not taking it seriously, and I think that we should adjust our minds and be ourselves. ”

Be yourself?”

No foreigner’s approval is required. ”

Self-strong, uneasy.”

Yeah. ”

We don’t, but we don’t deserve it. The West doesn’t look at us like that. It really makes them look at each other.”

Well said. ”

We don’t show people, just show ourselves.

Whenever the Internet is covered by a word like the Star Fire, the Treasure, a prize, is it really worth pursuing? A lot of people are rethinking.


there’s an answer.


not worth it.

Look how many Nobel Prizes have been awarded, almost twenty, but in the eyes of Americans, they are not ‘Wang’, and the role of winning awards is an indication of useful value


Long face?

Look at the island state, for example, the real face, the strength, otherwise the more prize, the fate that is on foot, will not be overlooked by the Western countries, even with one eye.

“ The strength is nothing but power. ”

This view.



became a web-based mainstream speech in Warsaw.


spreading, from the network to the line, many journalists are grieving

that there is nothing to report, because it’s cyber opinion, and it’s not what they pick.

Two days later.


Nobel Foundation.

“ What? ”

Look at uncontrolled public opinion in some countries, the head of the Foundation is surprised that this is a haircut, a fire in the backyard, not a question of the transfer of raw liquids, and how to question the award.

This fire.

Without pointing out, the reputation must be compromised, although there will be no substantial loss, but if there is a loss of fear and a loss of ambition, that superficial status can be affected


The point is.

No, I can’t.

Wait for the public to close.




Nobel Prize needs a public offense? This is all bullshit. Umey doesn’t have to do it, it’s its own people, it’s a sense of superiority that gives prizes to foreigners, and it doesn’t have to reverse itself



three people are coming to the prize.


no public authority can be as black

as this


, D.C.



“These guys think public opinion works? When Kitty didn’t know you guys were pushing in the back, huh?” Old people laugh, and now he’s convinced of it.

Until today,


full month from zero safe return, a month when countless information came together, in all or in the dark, to point to the alarming news obtained from the heavyboxing headquarters.






Through a number of channels, heavy fists were found to have flowed into Maint, anonymous, and there were no traces of medium- and high-end equipment from where they came from, as well as traces from Europeans



never wrong.

Using their

own intelligence network, we must have known consortium’s plans, and it was weird, and there was no way to sing it, and sometimes to draw it a sentence.

The following day,

three men will take off from Maint and come to Sweden and must not allow consortium operations to continue. This operation in Europe is not for him to carry out, and he knows only part of it.



Bad things are easy.

“Here we go.”

Yes. ”

The next


When countless people woke up, they were shocked by a message.

“ The alternative to the Dukha Institute was prepared on the basis of the transcription of raw liquids, all of which, due to its volatility, misled the results of the inspection by the Bank Group of Mainia, were the conspiracy of Fred. ”

The purpose is to deceive donations and investments.”

An instant.

Numerous people are staying.



God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

They’ve been playing monkeys for months?

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