
Chapter 1238

September 19th.



capital Airport.

In front of a limousine.

Kinloq is holding an umbrella and staring at the distant sky. Next to it is the top of Mozambique. As the President of Mozambique, he came to the airport for the first time since he took office.

Because they are small countries on the edge.

Very few guests come to visit.

This time.

Burmese also gave face, let the deputy first-hander run a mile!

This is before.

Where is Burmese?

He estimates that there is no impression, but now, it has become a negligible existence, its domestic products, making money on a global scale, and economic strength is also increasing.

just now.

I have already reached the world where Mozambique can’t see the tail!

Looked at the watch.

There are still less than five minutes to come. Before coming, there were some things to talk about next. When I received an official letter, Kinlock could be said to be overjoyed.


I have to have money again.

five minutes later.

With a roar.

A Boeing plane stopped on the runway.

The already prepared groundwork quickly moved the stairs over, and the orchestra played a unique welcome song on this side. When the hatch was opened, Kan’s suit came down.


A heat wave hit.


Sure enough.

It was still cool in the plane. This plane was a zero-special plane. It was delivered only last month. This time, it can be said that he took the lead and took the plane to his country for the first time.

have to say.

The plane is more comfortable than the plane.

The entire interior has undergone major changes, is very comfortable, and the flight is stable, sleeps halfway, does not feel any large airflow vibration, and can communicate with the domestic real-time.

Kan came down.

Several Mozambican children wore a wreath on him.

At last.

After passing Mozambique’s ceremony, he finally got on the special car arranged by Kinlock and headed for the presidential palace. Along the way, the Mozambican military police opened the road and was very grand.

Because the road was blocked.

Let passers-by look at them curiously.


A black man with a backpack moved toward the roadblocked soldier and asked.

“Who is this?”

The soldier glanced at him and said: “I heard that it was a high-ranking official from Myanmar.”

“Myanmar? The Burmese that gave me a loan?” The black eyes were in vain.

“Yes.” Soldiers said.

“Oh, it turned out to be them.” Dahan suddenly got gnashing teeth up.

The soldier glanced and asked: “How to provoke you.”

“The goods of the National Import and Export Corporation have made my previous business impossible, and now I can only switch to other things. You said, let me live with my family.” Dahan did not shout.

In this regard.

This asked Mozambican soldiers to look at him with contempt.

The goods given by Burma are good goods.


These good goods have not completely pushed other commodities out of the market, but they have coexisted. After all, people’s consumption levels are limited, and the impact has not yet reached this level.

Like this person in front of you.

Can be forced to change.

It must have been the ‘government procurement’ bowl of rice before, because since the establishment of the Mozambican National Import and Export Corporation, the first batch of coverage is government procurement. This kind of people’s heart is black, and the soldiers’ ass are all coming out.

Not worthy of sympathy.

“The quality of people is good.” Soldiers retorted that if they were of equal quality and the same price, the Mozambican government would fully consider the interests of local entrepreneurs.


Many people do not live up to expectations and want to make a fortune.

“If the quality is good, then we will not consider our life and death?…”

Listen to this.

There was no door in Dahan’s mouth.

For some people.

I can’t eat meat, is someone else wrong, reason? Reasoning is impossible. It is impossible to reason in this life. Why do I like to sell inferior goods?

The soldier listened for a while.

We can not wait to beat him up.

. . .


Come to the presidential palace.

Kinlock once again solemnly expressed his welcome.


I watched a few shows.

Just started to get to the point.

“Mr. Kan, before you said that it would increase the loan of 10 billion yuan, we need it very much, and once again express our gratitude to your country, and hope that our friendship will last forever.” Kinlock said.

of course.

Kan is not too concerned about it.

Between countries.

Benefits are the core of friendship forever. If you have a good voice, you can listen to it.

“This is what we hope for. However, this project loan, we have a clear scope of use, can only focus on electricity and roads, not included in other projects.”

Kan has put forward the conditions.


“Our loans are designed to help our friends develop, and the cornerstone of all development is energy and transportation. These two solutions are solved, and there are industrial and other superstructures.”

“But, in our second batch of project loans to your country, a significant portion of them were used in non-critical projects in Mozambique, and there were even a few serious wasteful actions.”

“There is nothing. This is a private matter in your country. However, due to the limited transportation and the local security environment, we expect that one 25 million tons of ore to be purchased next year will not be fully shipped to the port.”

“In order to avoid your country paying liquidated damages, we have made such a request. I hope that your country can understand that cooperation should be mutually beneficial, money is not a thing, but you have to do things well!”

Kan relatives directly indicate the reason.

The efficiency of doing things here.

He is served.

More than a year.

The roads and supporting facilities contracted to several companies in China have not been slow. However, Mozambique has its own interest groups. They have eaten a lot. However, this is really ‘eating’.

The progress of the project was so inefficient that he could not imagine.


This time.

Not just to send money, but to remind them.


Can give it to you.

How to earn.

You can also distribute it yourself, but the distribution is not a part. If you want to do it, you have to do a good job. Otherwise, I have the right to supervise the use of these project loans more strictly!

Hear this.

Kim Locke.

There are also high-level people in Mozambique who blush.

Self-employed work efficiency.

They are aware of it.

Three days of fishing for two days to dry the net, this is a commonplace, many people get paid, and they run away without a shadow. When they have no money to work again, this is a cultural tradition that has been passed down for a long time.

They are also very helpless.

You can’t always hit the whip.


Those interest groups.


It is also very difficult for many of the households here. On the one hand, they want to make a lot of profits. However, they cannot find efficient workers, but if they subcontract to Huaxia, they will earn less.

that’s it.

Many projects are moving.

I thought they would ‘understand’.

did not expect.


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