
Chapter 1094

Will this ‘indiscriminate flower’ affect normal trade settlement?

Obviously not.

Any stable country.

The ability to attract investment is not comparable to that of the average country. If the law and order is good and the law supports it, then it is even more like a fragrant scent. For example, China, in addition to the population, a stable environment is also an important reason.

It is now seven or seven years.

The subprime mortgage crisis is approaching.

During this time.

Capital is very active.

Just like the madness of the Chinese stock market before 6,000 points, it will soon flow into Burma, and what will happen to those hedge funds after the subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global financial crisis?

Of course, I am looking for a stable harbor.


By relying on the existing Burma market, after the financial crisis, it is impossible to attract too much foreign capital. What attracts them is the preservation of assets. Therefore, before the end of this year, there will be two major events.

First, let the Asian dollar completely replace the kyat.

Second, establish the stock and bond markets of Myanmar.

Financial market.

It will always be an important tool to attract international hot money.

It is also an important means of regulating economic health. After the replacement of the kyat by the Asian dollar, passive inflation is inevitable, but the stock market can control this inflation.

As long as the stock market booms

Funds flowing into the real economy will be attracted to the past, so that the total amount of money has increased tenfold, but it does not cause inflation, and everyone’s money is still worth the money.


The future is quite a long time.

Here is the state of net capital inflows. In addition, Tang Qing has a stable source of foreign currency sources. Don’t forget that he has huge funds from warriors all over the world.

As long as Tang Qing is willing.

Lai’s foreign exchange reserves are sufficient to cope with any foreign currency redemption crisis, and when the Asian dollar is strong enough, hehe, the dollar? EUR? What is the thing to do? When is wood burning?

Print your own money to buy global resources.

It is the ‘right way’.

. . .


A $10 billion loan was passed out.

Other states are very envious.

But only the envy of the money, the money is used in the agreement to help the two backward areas, without their business, the settlement to the Bank of Myanmar, that is the money of the Bank of Myanmar.

How can the Bank of Myanmar work?

They are not qualified to make an idea.


The businessmen are excited.

Just this loan.

The Bank of Myanmar will allocate more than 80 billion Asian dollars to the two regions. How can such a big cake make them unwilling, and this is only the first phase of the Burmese Bank grant.

In accordance with the construction of the Xin’an area ‘roads’.

The Burmese Bank Group is not only responsible for local infrastructure, people’s livelihood projects, but also a large number of supporting industries to follow up. It is foreseeable that there will be an explosive investment boom here.


The opportunity to make money.

But they know clearly that whether they can make money or not, the Burmese Bank Group has the final say, without it, no one agrees, this land, no one wants to run around.


In order to obtain an access permit in a new area.

Merchants have come to the headquarters of the Bank of Myanmar to consult, but these are small businessmen, the big businessmen in this land, almost all joined the Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, there is a problem, of course, is the Chamber of Commerce President.

In order to focus on this issue.

The Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar decided to hold a meeting.

I heard this news.

They laughed.

It’s time for the distribution of benefits.

. . .

Qingyan City.

Tang Kai got the news.

– Chamber of Commerce meeting tomorrow afternoon. After receiving a call from Wangsa, he immediately packed his bags and prepared to go see it tomorrow morning, trying to win more projects, and the jade stone jewelry share.


Only the jade stone jewels in Xin’an area are absolutely sold to him.

Other places only partially pass through his channels.

Two new zones have been added.

Whether he can still sell, Tang Kai has no bottom, think of this, he thinks of his own nephew, the person who perfectly predicted the result, looked at the time, Tang Qing should have been out of school.

He took out the phone.

Dialed the past.

“second uncle.”

“Tang Tang, second uncle finds you something to do.”

“what’s up?”

“Isn’t there an expansion zone over there? Will my business of jade stone jewellery be affected?” Tang Kai did not ask for him all, but only hoped to guarantee the existing share.

of course.

Can increase or not.

Do not lower it.

“This.. a little hanging.”

Tang Qing’s words.

Let Tang Kai raise his heart and be busy: “What’s the matter, how should the policy change?”

Tang Qing explained: “Second uncle, you want to keep the identity of the dealers in Xin’an area is OK, don’t worry, but you can’t have a big share in the two new districts.”

“You have to know that the Xin’an area was almost completely robbed before, but these two areas are peaceful expansion areas. There are many businessmen of different sizes who are operating. It is impossible to drive all the people away.”

Tang Qing does not have the bottom line to convey benefits to his family.

These two areas.

Due to historical reasons, there are still hundreds of thousands of Chinese living in the two states, which are distributed at the junction with Huaxia. Tang Qing is no longer able to seek property.


These two areas.

In the control of important resources, it will be dominated by the Bank of Myanmar Group, such as land, oil, natural gas, unowned mineral deposits, newly discovered gem resources, and unowned forests.

And those who already have the main non-essential resources.

Still operated by the original businessman.

As long as you are legally taxed.

The Bank of Myanmar Group also does not see anything. Those people only have some underground and above-ground resources. The total amount is quite small, which is less than 0,1% of the total assets of the entire region.

There are not many.

This must be robbed.

That is too human.

“As long as you can maintain the existing share.” Tang Kai laughed.

Know that second uncle is going to attend.

Tang Qing reminded me.

“second uncle, this time I will attend the conference. I think you will definitely find a way to compete for some construction projects in the new district. You have to be prepared. This competition will be a bit fierce, and it will be different from the last time.”

“The last time the economy in the SAR was relatively closed, and the future of the Asian dollar was unknown, many people were afraid to accept the Asian dollar payment, and you can get such a big project order.”

“Now, the rise of the Asian dollar is a foregone conclusion. You want to be almost impossible like last time. Moreover, this time I heard that there will be many companies in China to participate in the tender.”


Tang Qing has a turn.

“However, you have the identity of the original member of the Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar. This time, the cake you can win will not be lower than the last time, but the proportion of total investment relative to the project will be much lower.”

“second uncle, I suggest you apply to the Myanmar Bank Group for production license and technical support for pure electric vehicles. I know that your company has a project and a certain technical reserve.”

“Pure electric car?” Tang Kai whispered.

“In order to reduce the consumption of fossil energy, the direction of the electric energy society has been pointed out. It will not be long before it will introduce more stringent carbon emission standards. This is an opportunity.”

“The filter can filter harmful substances, but it can’t filter carbon dioxide. Therefore, if you get this license early, it will be beneficial. If the technology is mature, it can be expanded domestically.”

“But will they give it to me? Does the Myanmar Bank Group not operate?”

This point, Tang Kai is skeptical.

Tang Qing explained: “This is an application field, and non-strategic and lifeline industries, they will invest in basic technologies such as materials and glass, but in the application field, they are generally authorized to go out.”

Tang Kai remembered the style of the Myanmar Bank Group.

It seems to be true.

“Then I have to hurry up, can’t let people get ahead of it.” Tang Kai decided, dry.

“The sooner the better, I will help you with this, although it is a bit difficult, but not big. How about it, you go there and ask, they should tell you how to do it.” Tang Qing said.

Tang Kai nodded and said: “I will go to the plane tomorrow, but you really don’t go there to do business?”

“I have enough business now. Besides, my business can’t be extended to it, it’s okay.” Tang Qing now fully understands that capital is the true meaning of a game.

This is just the beginning.

The Asian dollar has not replaced the kyat.

The ‘Economics’ of the Bank of Myanmar Group is not yet fully mature, and the layout in Burma is just beginning. Before the Asian dollar goes to World, it must be built into a golden body.


Still very long.

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