Rebirth of the Zombie King: Abducting a Human Bun

Chapter 440: Suppressed Anger (Part 2)

Fortunately, Gu Bai didn't know what Qiao Jingran was thinking in his heart, if he knew, he would definitely be depressed. If he can't even compare with a child, then he is really ashamed and thrown to his grandma's house.

Everyone walked into the castle through the huge door, and the inside was really completely different from the gloomy one seen outside.

The castle is very grand. In the absence of water outside, there are hundreds of fountains, large and small, all working normally. The water inside is clean, and there is no water source polluted by zombie viruses.

Tsk tsk, what a luxury. Gu Bai looked at the clean fountain and said with disgust. With these water sources, it is enough to save hundreds of people.

When they walked through another tunnel built in the mountain, Yun Mengshi squinted her eyes and looked around. She smiled mysteriously.

Qiao Jingran would not give up any of Yun Mengshi's expressions, so he asked, What is Xiaoshi laughing at?

Yun Mengshi didn't speak, but just shook her head. Then he stretched out his hand and made a stop motion.

Everyone stopped immediately, is there something wrong here? Everyone thought at the same time, but because Yun Mengshi didn't make a sound, none of them dared to speak.

Qiao Jingran looked around, as if he found something.

Yun Mengshi walked a few steps earlier, walked to the side of the cliff in the tunnel, tapped lightly with her hand, and listened to the sound. She shook her head.

He took a few steps forward, knocked, and shook his head.

This kind of action was repeated several times, and at the tenth knock, Yun Mengshi finally smiled. She stretched out her hand and pressed it against the wall, and the huge mental force immediately rushed out of her body and invaded the cliff.

There was a soft crack, something broke, Yun Mengshi took her hand back, stood for a while, and thought about it. Then he slapped his hand on the cliff again.

What the hell is Mengshi doing? Gu Bai on the side finally couldn't help it, and asked in a low voice.

Qiao Jingran guessed, Xiaoshi seems to be destroying some device, and then make a fake one.

Oh? Nix was very surprised. He had lived here for a long time, and he didn't know if there was any hidden device in this cliff.

Everyone's eyes widened, waiting for Yun Mengshi's explanation.

About five minutes later, Yun Mengshi took off her hand again and smiled at everyone.

She knew that everyone was very puzzled about what she had just done, and explained: Someone has cast an illusion in this tunnel, as long as we walk through that line. She pointed to an extremely thin line, You will fall into it. And the function of this phantom array is to reveal what you know unconsciously.

To put it another way, as long as you enter the federal base, you will have no secrets. All your secrets will be in the hands of the base's leader. Yun Mengshi's lips curled up slightly. Fortunately, she is best at Psychiatric department, otherwise, the fact that she is the zombie king must not be directly exposed?

Then, Xiaoshi, you pressed your hand on the wall for the second time just now, did you change the phantom formation? Qiao Jingran asked.

Yunmeng nodded to confirm, That's right, I modified this phantom array a little bit to cover up all the secrets in our hearts, instead revealing those insignificant things.

Haha, I just said, with Mengshi here, everything can be solved. Gu Bai laughed triumphantly, as if he did all these things.

However, there is still a good news and a bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first? Yun Mengshi was mischievous once, and did not directly tell the two news to everyone.

Let's hear the bad news first. Qiao Jingran said.

The bad news is that inside the federal base, there is indeed a person who is very good at psychic powers..

So, what about the good news? Nix asked eagerly, this is an important matter.

The good news is that this guy is not as strong as me, so I can block his mental power detection without showing any traces, and he will only think you are mysterious and unpredictable, and will not directly recognize your identity. Yun Mengshi said with a smile.

That's good, that's good. Nix felt that his heart was almost reaching the limit of his endurance these days.

Okay, let's go. Qiao Jingran grabbed Yun Mengshi and walked out.

The next road is very easy. The phantom array transformed by Yun Mengshi can't affect everyone, and everyone walks through it easily.

In one of the most luxurious rooms in the castle, there is a man who looks exactly like Nix, who is Nix's older brother and the leader of the federal base - Hans. He sat on the first seat, and on the opposite side was a teenage girl with blond hair reaching her ankles and a white dress, like an angel.

How is it? Hans asked.

The girl replied in a childish voice: Boss, there is nothing worthy of our attention in these people's hearts, but...

But what? Hans opened his eyes with his eyes closed all the time. They were brown and bottomless. The corners of his eyes were raised, and he looked like a scheming person.

However, I feel that some things have been deliberately covered up. If it's not that there are experts here, it's because I'm thinking too much. The girl frowned, not at all like the expression she should have at this age, and she looked very mature.

You said, there are experts here? Hans seemed to have only heard this sentence.

The girl was very embarrassed, All of this is my feeling. What kind of strength they are, still needs to be decided by the leader himself.

Alright, since I've met interesting people, I'll meet them personally. Hans kept turning the pen at his fingertips, smiling sinisterly.

After Yun Mengshi and the others walked out of the tunnel smoothly, they stood under the sun again, and Gu Bai and the others felt reborn.

Welcome, my most respected guests. This was the first scene Yun Mengshi and the others saw after they came out: a man in his thirties, handsome and well-dressed, in a haute couture suit, wrist With a beautifully handcrafted watch, everything seems to be the same before the end of the world. He is not like other survivors, they will want to choose a suit that is suitable for battle and not easy to break.

Nix, who stood at the back of the team, gritted his teeth and tried hard to control his angry expression. He knew this person even turned into ashes.

He is Hans' number one lackey, a figure like a military adviser, and his methods are sometimes more ruthless than Hans. Many of the murders of Knicks were done by him.

Dear guest? We want to join the federal base. Qiao Jingran stood up and said calmly, completely suppressing the man in terms of momentum.

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