Rebirth of the Zombie King: Abducting a Human Bun

Chapter 239: The Perverted Mutated Giant Beast (Third Watch)

For a moment, there was an atmosphere of embarrassment between Qiao Jingran and Yun Mengshi.

Qiao Jingran wanted to know what Yun Mengshi was hiding, but Yun Mengshi still wanted to hide this secret, especially not to let Qiao Jingran know.

My lord, my lord, that mutant beast is here again. Bouvier ran to Yun Mengshi and Qiao Jingran in a panic.

It's finally here. Qiao Jingran had been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally he could relax his muscles and bones.

Yun Mengshi breathed a sigh of relief, she neither wanted to tell the secret that she was the Zombie King, nor did she want to find a reason to deceive Qiao Jingran. Fortunately, Bouvier's arrival broke the deadlock.

Let's go and have a look. Qiao Jingran pulled Yun Mengshi and followed Bouvier.

Mo Hongyuan and the others also heard the news and ran to the top of the city wall.

The fortifications of these bases in the Arctic are all carved out of the same mold, and they are exactly the same.

Several people walked up to the high wall and felt the ground tremble. They were all worried about a problem. If the shaking continued, would the wall collapse?

There! Mo Hongyuan said in surprise, pointing at the huge running black shadow.

The black shadow was still a few thousand meters away from Yun Mengshi and the others, but it could already be seen that it was extremely huge, and it trembled when it ran, causing the nearby ground to tremble.

It's coming soon. Everyone, get ready. Qiao Jingran said in a deep voice, this guy seemed to be more powerful than he imagined.

Yun Mengshi's eyesight is very strong, more than ten times that of ordinary supernatural beings. She can see things one thousand meters away clearly, which is basically as good as a high-level telescope, so she can clearly see mutant beasts in the distance.

That guy is on all fours, and he is about four meters tall when he runs. If he lands on two hind legs, he is estimated to be ten meters tall. Yun Mengshi told everyone about the mutant beast she saw.

Hiss... Everyone gasped. If the mutant beast is really that big, then the high wall of the base is not enough for that huge guy to slap.

The city wall can't be defended, so lead everyone to evacuate to the back of the base. Yun Mengshi quickly thought of a plan in her head, and ordered, Bouvier, lead the base's supernatural beings, prepare to evacuate, the battle of the guards may affect Go to the base. Kyungran and I are the main force, the others are mainly harassment, the weak point of the mutant beast is the eyes and the chrysanthemum behind. If you can attack, it is best to give a fatal blow to these two places.

Yes. Everyone said. Qiao Jingran's eyes lit up, I don't know how long, he and Xiaoshi haven't fought side by side, this time he finally has a chance, even if the opponent is extraordinarily strong, as long as he and Xiaoshi work together, they will be fearless.

Ready to fight! Yun Mengshi's calm and confident voice came from Cherry's mouth. For some reason, everyone felt encouraged.

Let's go! Glancing at each other with Qiao Jingran, the two jumped off the six-meter-high city wall together.

Yun Mengshi fell to the ground like a feather, without a loud sound. Qiao Jingran was different, he hit the ground like a meteorite, with two craters made by his feet.

After falling to the ground, the black ancient knife in Qiao Jingran's hand appeared again, with a sound of 'teng', white flames circled the blade.

Yun Mengshi also used the ice ability to get a knife, just like a few days ago, it was a huge knife, taking up half of Yun Mengshi's body. The huge blade can kill a powerful zombie, which shows its power.

It was not what Yun Mengshi wanted to just make a big knife. With a move of her mental strength, the crystal clear blade was instantly covered with a layer of dark light. That's a dark ability, which Yun Mengshi has almost never used.

The black light looks inconspicuous, but it gives people a deadly danger. It can swallow everything, like a black hole, even light.

However, the main function of the black light on the knife is to break the mutant beast's defense.

According to Yunmengshi's judgment, the mutant beast's defense is astonishing, and it cannot be broken by ordinary abilities. That's why she ordered Mo Hongyuan and others to attack the two weak points of the mutant beast.

No matter what kind of animal, the eyes and the back door are the weakest defenses, and they can give the opponent a fatal blow when injured.

Less than a minute after the two of them landed, the mutant beast was less than a hundred meters away from them. Seen from a close distance, this mutated beast is surprisingly imposing. Its huge body gives people a sense of oppression. The two figures are reflected in the eyes that glow red like light bulbs. The huge teeth are shining coldly, as if they can be crushed. Everything in the world is the same, standing up all white, like thorns.

Qiao Jingran and Yun Mengshi nodded to each other, indicating that they started to attack.

Qiao Jingran held an ancient black knife in his hand, and tentatively slashed at the mutant beast's leg.

Bang, the knife cut off a few hairs of the mutated beast as if it had been cut on a metal object, leaving a thin bloodstain on the mutated beast's leg.

Very good. Qiao Jingran praised, if he can break the defense of the mutant beast, there is hope of defeating it.

At the same time, Yun Mengshi took a huge knife and slashed at the other leg of the mutant beast. Without making any sound, half of the knife sank into the mutant beast's leg.

The dark ability is really easy to use, Yunmengshi thought that there were very few people with dark ability in her previous life, even the laboratory she stayed in was very interested in the dark, but she couldn't find a suitable experimental subject—dark zombie I can't catch them. As for the dark-type superpowers, the leader of the Beijing base doesn't want to take them to the laboratory. It can be said that having dark-type superpowers is equivalent to holding a nuclear bomb, and the waist is straight.

Yun Mengshi still vaguely remembered that the doctor sighed that there was no dark system experimental body to use.

Putting away the troubled memories, Yun Mengshi finally realized that the mutated beast was chopped off, furious, raised both front legs at the same time, and stomped fiercely on the two 'ants' in front.

When Yun Mengshi was stunned, she saw a black shadow appearing above her head, at the same time there was a strong wind above her head, and Qiao Jingran shouted: Xiaoshi.

The hairs on Yun Mengshi's body stood on end, and a strong sense of crisis rushed into her heart, she immediately rolled on the spot, avoiding the fatal step.

Yun Mengshi was taken aback, her stupidity just now almost caused huge trouble, if she was stepped on by that big foot, wouldn't she be dead or disabled?

The mutant beast didn't seem to let go of Yun Mengshi's thoughts, it didn't even care about Qiao Jingran over there, it just stared at Yun Mengshi, and before Yun Mengshi got up, it stomped hard on Yun Mengshi again.

Those huge feet could cover Yunmengshi's whole body in it, Yunmengshi could only roll again, narrowly dodging the second foot, and the strong wind blew along Yunmengshi's body. The giant foot of the mutated beast stepped on less than one meter to Yunmengshi's left, sending Yunmengshi flying up.

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