What? Didn't you expect that? A mocking smile rose from the corner of Yun Mengshi's mouth.

I really didn't expect that you are the one who hides the most. You are the real overlord of City S, right? Qiao Jingran is just a cover on the surface. Qin Hanyin guessed.

Yun Mengshi laughed loudly: You are wrong, Qiao Jingran is the leader of City S.

Qin Hanyin said: Don't think that you are a supernatural being, so you can eat me. Don't forget, there are only three of you.

Hearing what he said, Yun Mengshi laughed even more, How do you know I only brought three people with me?

Qin Hanyin looked around in shock, and then said, Don't delay, you are destined to be my prisoner.

Meng Shi, I'm here. A voice came from outside the door, causing everyone in the fight to draw their attention and glance at the door.

Qin Hanyin looked at the door without exception, Pan Jingming, what are you doing here?

Haha, Qin Hanyin, you are here, why can't I come? Hearing Pan Jingming's tone, Qin Hanyin's heart turned cold. Pan Jingming is an enemy, not a friend.

At this time, Dong Ningxiang had already arrived at Yun Mengshi's side and stood there, while the men brought by Pan Jingming joined the battle, and Qin Hanyin's men who had the upper hand were being chased and beaten.

The battle situation was completely turned upside down. The people brought by Pan Jingming were all powerful subordinates. Mo Hongyuan and the others were not at a disadvantage. With the help of these people, they became more comfortable and at ease.

Qin Hanyin's tone was trembling, Pan Jingming, you actually didn't abide by the agreement and tore up the agreement without permission?

There was light in Pan Jingming's eyes, So what? He moved closer to Qin Hanyin's ear, and said in a voice that could only be heard by Qin Hanyin: You dare to think about my sister, how many times can you die? to appease the anger in my heart.

Sister? When did you have a younger sister? Qin Hanyin couldn't believe her ears. When did Pan Jingming have a younger sister? Could it be that Yun Mengshi is his sister?

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding. The people who bought Dong Ningxiang were Qin Hanyin's subordinates. They wanted to dedicate Dong Ningxiang to Qin Hanyin, but he himself didn't know.

Who made Pan Jingming misunderstand Yun Mengshi's words? But what difference does it make?

Pan Jingming didn't answer, and launched his most powerful move, preparing to kill him with one blow.

Qin Hanyin was already injured, and his mood fluctuated greatly, so he couldn't avoid Pan Jingming's fatal blow at all.

There was a loud bang, and then everyone heard Qin Hanyin's heart-piercing screams. Pan Jingming's move hit Qin Hanyin's chest, almost breaking all the ribs, and the entire chest cavity was sunken.

After a scream, Qin Hanyin gasped violently, struggling on the ground, Yun Mengshi walked to him, squatted down, and said, Qin Hanyin, let me tell you a secret, you know that the other four in the base Who is the super power user?

Qin Hanyin exhausted her last bit of strength, Yes, you. Then she closed her eyes unwillingly.

Mo Hongyuan felt that Qin Hanyin's aura had completely disappeared, and shouted loudly: Qin Hanyin is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed!

No one was willing to work hard for Qin Hanyin, especially in such an apocalyptic world, the rest of his subordinates raised their hands one after another, expressing their willingness to surrender.

Yun Mengshi's voice was very soft, but it could reach everyone's ears, Very well, listen, Qin Hanyin betrayed the base, betrayed all the survivors, he wants to introduce zombies into the base, he is a lunatic , this crazy plan was thwarted by Qiao Jingran and Pan Jingming, and there will be no such person as Qin Hanyin in the future. There was a hypnotic implication in this sentence.

Except for Mo Hongyuan, Zhao Yu and Pan Jingming, everyone was hypnotized, thinking that Qin Hanyin was a traitor to the base.

Very good, we have to go back to the base now and tell the news to the other survivors. They just escaped death, and Qin Hanyin deserves to die. Yun Mengshi continued.

Anger appeared on the faces of the others. Who knew that their only home in the last days was almost destroyed by someone, and their lives were almost lost. No one would be happy.

Bringing everyone who was about to burst into anger, Yun Mengshi and the others returned to the base in City S. At this time, Qiao Jingran had already led people to surround Qin Hanyin's residence.

Qin Hanyin's most capable subordinate is also his butler - Butler Zhang shouted angrily: Qiao Jingran, don't think that you can bully you into the house because you are a fourth-level supernatural being, let me tell you, our leader Qin is not a vegetarian either. .”

Qiao Jingran snorted coldly, It seems that you still don't know what Qin Hanyin did.

As soon as the words fell, Yun Mengshi and the others returned to the base, and the car stopped right behind Qiao Jingran's men.

Yun Mengshi got out of the car with a group of people and walked in front of them.

Steward Zhang saw the team leader standing with Yun Mengshi, and said angrily, Boy Minglang, our boss values ​​you so much, yet you actually betrayed him?

The captain shouted loudly: Although Qin Hanyin values ​​me, I cannot follow his orders and do things that damage the base.

Except for the supernatural being in charge of security work, all other supernatural beings gathered here. Hearing the captain's voice, they immediately started discussing that this base was cleared out by themselves, and they did not allow anyone to do anything that would damage the base.

You're talking nonsense, when did the boss do anything to damage the base? Steward Zhang's head was about to smoke. Such a hat cannot be put on the head of the boss.

Qin Hanyin plotted to lure a large number of zombies into the base, trying to destroy the entire base, and occupy all the supplies by himself. Yun Mengshi's majestic voice came to everyone's ears.

Now everything exploded, some people were filled with righteous indignation, and some didn't believe this fact.

The subordinates that Qin Hanyin took away stood up with grief and indignation on their faces, She is right, Qin Hanyin did let us destroy the defense of the base and lure a large number of zombies into the base. They were discovered by Chief Pan and Chief Qiao , join forces to destroy his plan.

The team leader came out and said: Before he was the person I admired the most and my benefactor, but he asked me to do such a thing, and I couldn't do it. The base is our last place of survival, and anyone who destroys it deserves to die.

His words caused everyone to respond, Damn, damn, damn.

Seeing that it was almost time, Yun Mengshi gave Qiao Jingran a wink, and Qiao Jingran stood up, Qin Hanyin violated the interests of the base and attempted to kill all the survivors, but was executed on the spot by Chief Pan and me. Does it make sense for anyone to display it in the central square for three days?

After hearing this, everyone was silent, and no one dared to say a word.

In order to prevent Qin Hanyin's subordinates from destroying the base, the following regulations are made: Join the leader Qiao's forces and sign an agreement. Otherwise, drive out of the base. Yun Mengshi uttered another bombshell.

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