At four o'clock, Feng Hao got Hacker Technology's report from Mo Xiaolan.

After Mo Xiaolan went out, he checked it seriously.

He doesn't care much about hacking technology. At present, everything in general is left to Liang Chao.

For Liang Chao, Feng Hao is still very relieved, able to take on heavy responsibilities, and very reassuring.

Of course, preventive and supervisory measures are still necessary, which is why Feng Hao asked Mo Xiaolan to sort out the report.

Through the report, Feng Hao can find some problems, and then communicate and confirm with the people of Hacker Technology, which can more accurately locate the problem of Hacker Technology and whether it is developing smoothly.

Opening the report, what caught my eye was the number of users of Genesis, which has now exceeded 100 million, and is now as high as 130 million.


A viral surge!

Feng Hao was very satisfied with this result.

I am even more convinced that my choice is not wrong, and it is an excellent move to make this taciturn roommate the general manager.

On November 4 last year, when the super virus broke out, Hacker Technology's 361 antivirus software was officially launched.

The 361 antivirus software, which has been online for only two months, has as many as 2.5 million users.

After half a year of hard work, the current number of users has reached 130 million.

It can indeed be regarded as terrifying!

In addition to the number of installed users, what is even more terrifying is that the average number of daily active users has reached 13 million.

No wonder 361 antivirus software has become a well-deserved overlord in the field of antivirus software.

You know, in the whole of China, the current number of computer users is probably less than 200 million.

Facing this report card, Feng Hao showed a knowing smile.

Continuing to look down, Feng Hao suddenly frowned.

This expense is really not small!

The current 361 antivirus software has been making ends meet.

It's time to rectify!

With such a terrifying number of users, Liang Chao doesn't know how to make money, which is a pity!

Looking at this huge loss, Feng Hao's mood became less beautiful.

Thinking of this, Feng Hao took out his phone and called Liang Chao.

After waiting for a while, the phone over there was connected: "Haozi, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Liang Chao, Genesis has developed very rapidly recently, and has been occupying the market of antivirus software, and has done a very good job."

Hearing Liang Chao's inquiry, Feng Hao smiled and praised his performance.

Liang Chao's efforts and the achievements of Hacker Technology are worthy of Feng Hao's praise.

"Haozi, you've really screwed me up. It's all your credit. Without your guidance and the antivirus engine you developed, hacking technology wouldn't be what it is today."

Liang Chao naturally did not dare to take credit and be proud of himself. Besides, the relationship between Hacker Technology and him was really not that great.

In the eyes of everyone in the 411 dormitory, all successes come from Feng Hao.

"Okay, let's stop bragging about each other, let's be formal, I will go to Hacker Technology to discuss with you what the 361 antivirus software should do next."

"Okay, then we'll wait for your arrival."


After hanging up the phone, Feng Hao tidied up a little and walked out of the door of the office.

Just after walking a few steps, I heard Mo Xiaolan's words: "President Feng, are you going out? Is there anything I need to do?"

"Yeah, I'm going to Hacker Technology now, and I don't need your help for the time being."

Feng Hao was suddenly blocked by Mo Xiaolan, he stopped and pondered for a while, but there was no need for Mo Xiaolan.

Oh, by the way, I didn't know she had arranged the matter of going to Kyoto.

"By the way, have you already booked your flight and hotel to Kyoto?"

"Mr. Feng, the flight ticket and hotel have been booked. The flight ticket for the afternoon of June 17th means departure the afternoon of the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, go do your own business."

Upon seeing this, Feng Hao didn't say much, and waved his hand to let Mo Xiaolan go.

After a short wait, Wu Feng drove a big Mercedes-Benz to pick him up.

Now Wu Feng is Feng Hao's full-time driver. Except for the occasional special occasion, when he drives the car himself, Wu Feng is usually responsible for driving.

The three retired special forces introduced by the instructor Feng Yuan were very useful to Feng Hao.

There are not many Wu Feng, responsible for driving and protection; Zeng Lio is entrusted with the responsibility of detecting and protecting Genesis.


Hacker Technology, Liang Chao's office.

At this time, he became a little nervous when he knew that Feng Hao was going to pass.

He already knew the following people just now, the boss will pass by today, and he needs to pay attention to the image.

Of course, he also informed Li Guoqing and asked him to come to the office later.

As the general manager of Hacker Technology, Liang Chao, at this time, has a white t-shirt, black suit pants, and slender broken hair, looking energetic.

Coupled with that pair of black frame glasses, it looks full of wisdom.

Of course, if Liang Chao wears another leader, he will be a successful person.

However, even without wearing a tie, Liang Chao is considered a successful person.

At present, Hacker Technology is one of the top high-tech enterprises in Greentown, and it is a well-known enterprise in the whole country.

He has been in the news on Greentown's TV station, and even has contact with senior officials of Greentown, and has received corresponding reception.

The current Liang Chao is a typical diamond king. I don't know how many young girls marry. In the third class of software, his limelight even overshadowed Feng Hao.

After all, he is a man who has been on Greentown News twice, and he also appears in national technology news from time to time.

In Liang Chao's old home, the matchmaker was about to break the threshold of the home through his father.

Now Liang Chao's house has changed from a poor and white house to a splendid, very tall single-family villa, and it still has its own garden.

At this moment, Liang Chao looked at the computer and lost his mind slightly.

Is he a glorious ancestor now? !

It's just been less than a year since college, and it's a lot of money.

At present, the valuation of Hacker Technology is as high as five memories!

And it's in dollars!

Am I not yet twenty years old? The general manager of such a large company!

When he came back to his senses, he remembered that he was only nineteen years old!

The family has a house and now lacks a car.

No, the car is not lacking, it is the car assigned by the company.

An ordinary Volkswagen, which was configured by the company to facilitate his travel at the beginning of the year. Although the configuration is low, he has been reluctant to replace it.

Thinking of this, he thought of Feng Hao again.

The brother who changed his life.

Life is like this, what more can I ask for!

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