Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 184: nothing (please subscribe)

"Mr. Feng, why do you do this? Haotian Venture Capital shouldn't need so much capital, right?"

As the general manager, Peng Qian still needs to understand the purpose of the funds, so she asked Feng Hao.

"Mr. Peng, Haotian Research Institute, the next step is mobile intelligence. We have shared this information before, and this time we are laying out the relevant industrial chain."

"When I joined the company, you were talking about the era of mobile intelligence?"

"Yes, that's it, the future direction of development!"

Feng Hao nodded and said in a very sure tone.

"Okay, then I will arrange the finance to transfer money."

Seeing this, Peng Qian reluctantly agreed that this boss is really dictatorial.

However, this tone, this expression, is very manly!

"By the way, how about other R&D centers?"

"Compared to the artificial intelligence R&D center, several other R&D centers are much inferior. The first is the computer R&D center, which has established Genesis brand models and is also developing notebook computers, but the notebook has not yet achieved breakthrough progress. The second is the smartphone R&D center, which is still working hard and has achieved certain results. As for the remaining chip R&D centers and communication R&D centers, relevant talents are currently being recruited.”

"Hey, development is still slow, especially smartphones, chips and communications. These are the most critical development directions in the future."

Feng Hao said helplessly after listening to Peng Qian's words.

The company still has insufficient accumulation, and the pace of startup is quite slow.

It seems that the recruitment of talents needs to be stepped up. If not, then first acquire a company that was good in the past life, at least the foundation is good, Feng Hao thought to himself.

"Mr. Feng, there is no way. The foundation of our Haotian Research Institute is too poor. Many things are started from scratch."

Peng Qian is also very helpless. The direction of developing mobile intelligence is an unknown field, and many things are constantly trying and accumulating.

Feng Hao naturally knew about this situation, but time was waiting for no one.

It is now the middle of 2006. If we don't step up, how can we surpass the world powers.

The urgency of time made Feng Hao dare not relax in the slightest.

"Mr. Peng, let's do this today. You've worked hard for this time."

Now that he knows the general situation, Feng Hao is going to go to the mobile phone section below to check the situation.


After a while, Feng Hao came to the smartphone R&D center.

"Hello Mr. Feng, you are here."

"Mr. Feng, good morning."

As soon as Feng Hao walked into the smartphone R&D center, some employees greeted Feng Hao.

Feng Hao also nodded and responded with a smile.

For these greeting employees, he still has a certain impression, part of the original artificial intelligence team.

For example, this guy wearing black glasses and a plaid shirt seems to be named Rong Xiuxian. He is a software talent he specially introduced, and he likes to follow Nong Jiade very much.

Unexpectedly, this young man came to the smartphone team.

There are two other young men, Feng Hao also has an impression.

"Mr. Ling, hello, how is your mobile phone research?"

Feng Hao quickly found Ling Mingzhi who was in the research room.

"President Feng, why are you here?"

"I have time recently, so come and see the progress. Is this a product we designed?"

Feng Hao frowned as he looked at the hard-shell plastic, ordinary black mobile phone in Ling Ming's hand.

Is this a smartphone? !

Bullshit, nothing!

Bah, this is an insult to his IQ.

Compared with the current Nokia mobile phone, it is even far worse!

"Yes, this is the appearance of the mobile phone we developed. As for the system, it is still under research..."

Ling Mingzhi pointed at the mobile phone and introduced, talking endlessly.

Seemingly feeling a little strange, he raised his head and looked at Feng Hao with a dignified face.

Is this not the case?

Why does Mr. Feng seem to be very dissatisfied? !

"President Feng, am I right?"

So he looked at Feng Hao nervously and asked hesitantly.

"Hey, it looks like I think highly of you, as well as your technology and R&D capabilities."

Feng Hao didn't hold back at all, mercilessly, and scolded directly.

Afterwards, he took out his Nokia mobile phone, pointed at it, and said angrily, "Do you think your mobile phone is better than this?"

After speaking, Ling Mingzhi and the other five or six people suddenly became silent.

They, who had a trace of achievement, were like deflated balls, eggplants beaten by frost, and they became extremely ashamed in their hearts.

Ling Mingming looked at the appearance of the phone in his hand, and then looked at the Nokia in Feng Hao's hand.

There is really not much difference, the quality is probably not comparable.

So he explained nervously: "Mr. Feng, I'm sorry, it's our lack of ability."

"Hey, I don't blame you. After all, you haven't been exposed to much mobile phone development, and you don't even understand smart phones."

He waved his hand, indicating that Ling Mingming didn't need to say any more.

Feng Hao didn't blame Ling Mingzhi and others very much. Before smartphones came out, people couldn't imagine how mobile phones could still be used in this way.

A small mobile phone can specifically view pictures, play songs, play videos, inquire about things, and even remotely face-to-face video.

Smartphones are epoch-making products!

"Mr. Ling, talk to me in the office."

Feng Hao pondered for a while, and decided to recruit another professional team, and decided to discuss with Ling Mingzhi.

The two quickly left, but the staff seemed very depressed.

After more than a month of hard work, they were directly denied by Feng Hao, and they felt very uncomfortable.

As the boss, Feng Hao would not spend money on idlers. He just told the truth. If he couldn't stand the blow, then he should leave Haotian Research Institute as soon as possible.

The salary of Haotian Research Institute is the highest in Greentown, but at least it is one of the best.

The salary is much higher than the salary of ordinary employees of Greentown, and he is not willing to work hard. Will Feng Hao pay such a price in vain? !

"President Feng, what are your orders?"

Entering the office, Ling Mingzhi asked nervously.

He has been working hard recently, but the results are obviously unsatisfactory.

The workplace is very realistic, just look at the results!

Facing this young boss at this moment, he doesn't have much confidence in his heart, not to mention that he still owes Feng Hao a lot of debt.

"Mr. Ling, sit down, I don't have any orders, just discuss something with you."

After thinking about it, Feng Hao looked at Ling Mingzhi with a smile.

As the company's technical general, Ling Mingming still has technical background. After he is familiar with smartphones, he will definitely be able to control the smartphone center.

"President Feng, please speak."

"Mr. Ling, you know the current situation. Our current technology is obviously insufficient, and the team is not strong enough? So how do you think we should develop it?"

"This can only be strengthened continuously, or the team can be re-hired."

Ling Mingming hesitated for a while, but said it anyway.

Re-recruiting the team is certainly not a small price to pay.

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