Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 493: hagrid and glop

"Ah, Hagrid..." Astoria exclaimed.

But she found that she didn't need to worry about Hagrid, because Hagrid who was blown away quickly stood up, patted the dirt and dead leaves on his body and hair, and strode back.

With anger on his face.

It's too slap in the face, I just said that Glop is not dangerous, and in a blink of an eye, my old brother was unceremoniously blown away.


His brother Grop gave a growl, and his voice echoed in the silence of the Forbidden Forest.

The birds in the treetops overhead twittered and flew up from their perches and disappeared.

At this moment, Harry and Astoria had to look up at the shadow—the huge Glop was standing up from the ground.

The ground trembled as he propped himself up on one huge hand and tried to kneel.

He had obviously just woken up, his other big fan-like hand was scratching and scratching at the back where Hagrid had just stabbed him with the tree trunk, and he turned his head again, with a confused look on his face, trying to see who was arguing for what wake him up.

It seems that he didn't know that it was his dear brother who was flying in his dream, that's why he used so much strength. If he knew that it was his brother who was waking him up, I'm afraid - he would use 120% of his strength! Harry guessed.

Because Gropp's performance is illustrating this point.

He shook his head, wondering if the little man walking towards him was his brother who had tied him up with a rope.

Gropp lifted his dirty knuckles, each the size of a cricket ball, and rubbed them vigorously toward his eyes, until he was sure who it was.

Yes, it was really his dear brother. He growled even more angrily at Hagrid.

Then, without any warning, the body quickly rolled over at an astonishing speed.

Then he quickly turned his head back and forth, groping for something on the ground beside him with his big hands.

"Are you all right, little Gramp?" Hagrid didn't notice anything.

He tried to sound lighter as he walked slowly forward, holding up the big branch, ready to poke Glop again.

"Did you sleep soundly?"

Harry took Astoria's hand and started to back away.

As far as they could see, Gropp stood in the middle of a circular area, next to the only tree he hadn't uprooted.

The surrounding trees were all destroyed.

Only this tree remains.

The trunk was so thick that not even Grapp could push it down or pull it out of the dirt.

It must have been carefully selected by Hagrid.

The two of them raised their heads and saw him in full view, his astonishingly large face, like a gray full moon floating in a dark clearing.

His facial features were like those roughly carved out of a large stone ball by an apprentice who had just learned to carve for two days, and the eyes were closed.

The stubby nose is almost shapeless, the mouth is crooked, covered with strangely shaped yellow teeth half the size of a brick, the eyes are cloudy brown-green, really small by giant standards, and because they just woke up, they are almost It hasn't opened yet.

"Hey, is this what giants look like? Don't tell me that Hagrid is the ceiling of beauty among giants." Astoria said.

"If you put it this way..." Harry recalled the looks of the giants he had seen in the giant camp, and he was scrambling to see who was the tallest.

"It seems to be true."

The other end of the rope tied around Gropp's wrists and ankles was tied to a big tree, which creaked ominously due to Gropp's struggle.

Hagrid was right, he was at least sixteen feet tall.

Glop touched something, but it shouldn't be a good thing, because he gave a smirk.

"Hagrid, I think you need to be careful." Harry reminded kindly.

"Don't worry, I can handle it."

Grapp's hand, the size of a parasol, suddenly dug a large hard rock out of the dirt, estimated to weigh several hundred pounds.

Such a heavy stone, in his hands, is just like an adult weighing a brick.

Full of anger at his unscrupulous old brother, he swung his arms round and threw it at Hagrid with all his strength.

Stones whizzed and galloped through the air.

Childish behavior is a lot like a child throwing a pebble to show his anger, but the damage caused by the two is not the same.

The impact caused by the stone thrown by Gropp, if it hits a person, is no different from being fired in the face by a Muggle bazooka.

Anyway, they are all dead bodies, turned into a puddle of flesh.

Fortunately, Hagrid really got it right.

When he was shot flying by Glop for the first time, he said he was fine, but secretly added a "protection spell" to himself.

So when the stone fell in front of Hagrid, it was blocked by a golden screen that emerged.

But then, boom.

Golden light into crumbs.

Hagrid's protective spell was directly broken by this simple and crude physical attack, which exceeded the attack strength it could protect.

"Sun and Moon"

Fortunately, however, the big rock lost its strength and fell from the air, landing at Hagrid's feet.

Hagrid hissed quietly.

Gropp saw that the attack was ineffective, his nostrils were dilated, and he was panting heavily.


Gropp yelled angrily.

The palm continued to grab a lot of things on the ground.

But there are no more stones.

Just handfuls of dirt.

Even so, he vented his dissatisfaction and threw it at Hagrid.

So the sky began to rain mud.

"Hi, little Grapp, I'm your brother, are you still awake?"

Hagrid put a fluffy arm over his head to keep the dirt from getting in his bird's-nest hair.

Lifted the big branch again and poked Gropp in the knee to make him notice that he was his brother and no one else.

Gropp really wanted to kick his annoying little brother away, but he couldn't reach Hagrid, so he turned and pulled up the big pine tree that towered into the sky behind him.

This is definitely not the first time he has tried, but his IQ is worrying and he always forgets to fail.

Is this an advantage or a disadvantage?

Who knows.

The big tree was pulled back and forth by Gropp and swayed.

The ground around the exposed tree roots began to crack slowly. If Grapp shook like this for a long time, it was really possible to pull out the big tree in the end.

"Okay, little Gramp, don't do that! Do you know you're responsible for global warming?" Hagrid yelled angrily, "That's how you tore down other trees."

As soon as Gropp heard this, he shook even more vigorously.

The pine trees swayed menacingly, huge shadows dangled across the ground, and pine needles rained down on Hagrid.

A layer of emerald green appeared on Hagrid's head, and even his face was a little green.

"Stop it quickly!" Seeing that Gropp hadn't listened to him, Hagrid showed a real scowl on UU Reading's rare face.

He took out a small pink umbrella and pointed to the earth.

The cracked land seemed to be closed by a pair of invisible hands, and it regained its calm, and the soil became more compact.

"How did you forget everything I told you last night?!" Hagrid snapped.

He stood in front of Glop like a little friend.

But Gropp froze in the face of the serious Hagrid.

He stomped on the tree root hard, knowing that the goal of knocking it down was impossible, so he punched the pine tree to vent his dissatisfaction.


The pine tree shook violently.

He muttered a few inaudible words, squatted down under the big tree, and didn't even look at Hagrid.


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