Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 386: Discussion on "Dragon Ball"

"Leaving the familiar mountains and forests, Wukong and Bouma's whimsical, weird, and earth-shattering adventures began."

Looking at this narration, Zeng Ming thought that the first issue was over. When he turned to the next page and was about to watch the new issue of "Naruto", he suddenly discovered that "Dragon Ball" did not end.

Although it was only the first issue, Zeng Ming had already fallen in love with the image of Wukong in the comics. Since the comics still exist, he naturally continued to look back.

At this time, Buma rode a motorcycle and galloped on the road with Monkey King. Suddenly Bouma stopped the car and hurriedly walked off: "I'm sorry, you wait a while, I'll be back soon."

"What's wrong, where are you going?" Monkey King asked.

"You are so slow. When a lady says this, she is going to the bathroom!" As he said, Bouma hurriedly ran behind the rock, "You are not allowed to follow."

"It turned out to be urinating." Little Goku's eyes turned into crescent-shaped smiles. "Weird guy, why don't you just urinate here?"


At this moment, Bouma's scream came from behind the rock, and Monkey King ran over immediately. It turned out that a pterosaur caught Bouma.

"I am Monkey King, who are you, are you her friend?" Monkey King asked.

"Hahaha, yes, I have something to tell her, you just wait here." After that, the pterosaur actually took out a rope and tied Little Wukong to the tree.

After Xiao Wukong listened to him, he didn't resist, letting him tie himself up.

"This one!"

Seeing that the pterodactyl in the comics subdued Wukong in such a simple way, Zeng Ming was a little speechless, and he suddenly thought of the disadvantages brought about by the carefree character of Monkey King. Too simple. It's too easy to trust others. In this way, I am afraid that I will suffer in the future!

Zeng Ming was so worried about Monkey King. What he didn't know was that Wukong of "Dragon Ball" would be popular all over the country and even the world, and his charm. It comes from such a personality that is simple and easy to believe in others.

"What are you doing, hurry up and save me. You idiot, idiot, idiot!" Bouma said in the comics as she couldn't bear it.

"What, why don't you say it earlier if I want me to save her." Sun Wukong thought. He untied the rope that bound him with his tail and faced the pterosaur that was flying into the sky.

He first leaped uphill on a motorcycle and flew towards the pterodactyl. Unexpectedly, the power was not enough, and finally did not fly to the side of the pterosaur, and then once again surprised Zeng Ming's picture appeared, and Monkey King actually took out the stick on his back. Loudly roared: "Wishful stick, stretch!"

Following his words, the stick in his hand quickly grew longer, and Monkey King waved the long stick in the air, knocking down the pterosaur and rescued Bouma.

"This stick is actually the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick?" Zeng Ming was stunned. He kept thinking about the appearance of Sun Dasheng's weapon in "Journey to the West". But I didn't expect it to be in this way.

Now Zeng Ming is convinced that this "Dragon Ball" by Chen Ze is indeed adapted from "Journey to the West", but the adaptation is too much, and it can be regarded as a new story.

Here, the first issue of "Dragon Ball" is all over.

After watching this issue, Zeng Ming closed the magazine and silently recalled the plot of this new issue. At this time, he found that although he had only read it once, there was an image of Monkey King in it. But it was deeply engraved in his mind.

Simple, kind, and cute, such a character embarked on the journey of searching for "Dragon Ball." Although he just finished reading the first issue, he can't wait to see the second issue now.

In addition to Zeng Ming, there are many people who are moved by the Monkey King image in "Dragon Ball" and the whole story.

Nowadays, the character of the manga hero has become more and more complicated. Not to mention those young man cartoons, just say it is a pure hot-blooded boy manga, the protagonist's story and character are very complicated.

Take Chen Ze’s own "Naruto" for example, the protagonist Naruto and a large number of people are caught in a cycle of childhood miserables. Although this will indeed increase readers’ fanfare towards the protagonist, this technique is used. There are too many, comic fans will be very tired to watch.

This is also one aspect of "Naruto" that was complained about in Chen Ze's previous life. Everyone was very gloomy in childhood. Because of this, everyone embarked on a dark development path, and was finally taught by Naruto.

It's okay once or twice, every time, the fans naturally have aesthetic fatigue.

Last time and space comics had this image, and this time and space China is even more like this. In addition to Chen Ze's own "Naruto", there are many comics, including Wu Jiahao's "Doomsday Hunter", will choose this approach.

This kind of technique has already made the comics very tired. At this time, the appearance of a person like Monkey King who was so simple to the extreme personality naturally attracted all the fans' attention at once.

To be miserable, I am afraid that only the life experience revealed by Monkey King in the first issue can already make a cartoonist make a big fuss. I grew up with my grandfather and even lost his only relative. Living alone in the mountains, with wild beasts.

If it is replaced by the current miserable method, just this information is enough to portray the image of a super invincible and miserable childhood, to win the sympathy of the fan.

However, there is no such trend in "Dragon Ball". Although life was very lonely and hard since he was a child, there is always a smile on Monkey King's face. As if there is no word for sorrow in his world.

The style of the entire first issue is also relaxed and funny, and it is also very relaxing to make people look at it. Because of these, coupled with Chen Ze's early publicity for "Dragon Ball", "Dragon Ball" suddenly became popular on the Internet.

Countless fans have published their opinions on the Internet after reading the first issue of "Dragon Ball".

"Goku is so cute, I really like this image. He doesn't know the world and smiles so innocently. It's so likable."

"Me too, Goku is so innocent and so likable. Bouma said he asked him to go out with him, and he immediately followed her out. Although Goku seems to be very strong, I am really worried about him. After all, he But follow a "weird sister" like Bouma!"

"Shaking hands and shaking hands, I also particularly like the image of Monkey King, and the first issue of the entire "Dragon Ball", which looks really good. Although there is no deep meaning of other comics, it is this kind of relaxed and funny atmosphere. It’s been a long time since I read comics with this atmosphere, I decided to chase "Dragon Ball"."

"I want to chase "Dragon Ball" too. It is really interesting. I really want to know what funny things will happen later. The other comics I read recently seem to be too tired. I plan to watch this comic now. ."

Fan fans have published their views on "Dragon Ball" and Wukong on the Internet. The opinions are very unified. Everyone likes Goku with such a simple personality, and likes "Dragon Ball" which is light and funny.

As a result, Ball and Monkey King became popular on the Internet. As long as there is an anime discussion place, there is a discussion about this comic and this character.

And it's not only that. In places that have nothing to do with anime, such as game discussion areas, movie reviews, etc., you can see discussions about this anime.

The wave of "Dragon Ball" came out far surpassed other comics, and the limelight caught up with "Hunter of the Last Days" a few days ago.

In the thousands of degrees comic list search volume, also began to fight with "Doomsday Hunter". You blast me for a while, and I blast you back for a while, it seems difficult to tell the winner or loser.

When the media reporters and all the netizens learned about this situation, they were also very surprised. I thought there would be a one-sided situation, but who knew it would be like this.

If so, what will the sales volume be like? For a while, everyone turned their attention to the sales of "Dragon Ball". (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: The first shift, the third shift today

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