Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 316: Start broadcasting (below)

"It's almost seven o'clock. After a week of waiting, "Ultraman Tiga" will finally be broadcast."

"Yes, I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know if this special drama is as exciting as the trailer."

"I think it's affirmative. Have you heard of the saying that Chen Ze produced it must be a boutique? Although this drama is not produced by Chen Ze. But it was also his investment in filming and screenwriting. The quality must be no problem."

In the post bar of the special drama "The Masked Warrior", on the Friday of the upcoming "Masked Warrior", there have been many posts about "Tiga Ultraman".

These posts are made by fans of special dramas and "Masked Warriors". Since watching the trailer of "Ultra Tiga", fans of these special dramas are full of expectations for this show. .

Now that the evening is finally about to start broadcasting, they are naturally very excited, and they can't wait to see the show sooner.

At this moment, a person is quite depressed after seeing the full screen of posts about "Ultraman Tiga" in this post.

He is a big fan of "The Masked Warrior", Cao Yuhu.

After hearing that "Ultra Tiga" replaced "Masked Warrior" and became the main special drama of CCTV this year, Cao Yuhu was quite disappointed, and he was prepared to take absolutely no attention to this "Ultra Tiga". No way to increase ratings.

For this reason, he has also discussed with several of his partners who also like the special drama "The Masked Warrior", and everyone will do it together.

Who knows, as soon as the promotional film of "Ultraman Tiga" was released, he had a friend who defected and was going to watch this "Ultraman Tiga".

After the trailer that lasted several minutes was released, all of Cao Yuhu's friends rebelled, and they all agreed not to watch this "Ultraman Tiga". But now, they all change their minds to watch this show.

After Cao Yuhu despised his group of rebellious friends for a long time, he also fell into distress. Because after watching the trailer, he actually wanted to see what kind of special drama this "Ultra Man" was.

But Cao Yuhu is also a person who makes a decision and will not change easily. Since he has already decided not to watch. It is very difficult to change.

And the key is that he has already put aside his words in front of his friends, and will definitely not go with them and watch this "Ultraman Tiga".

He had already talked about it for that purpose, and he was a little embarrassed to change his mind.

Therefore, Cao Yuhu came to the post of "The Masked Warrior", hoping to find like-minded people here. Who ever thought. The base camp on his side had already fallen into an enemy-occupied area early.

All the discussions in the post bar are about the broadcast of "Ultraman Tiga", and none of them are like Cao Yuhu, saying that they do not watch this show.

Seeing this situation naturally made Cao Yuhu even more depressed.

how so! Then I can't see it!

Just as Cao Yuhu was even more depressed, the time slowly reached seven o'clock in the evening. Finally, "Ultraman Tiga" is in the limelight, and it is about to start broadcasting.

"It's finally broadcast. I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what kind of special drama the Giant of Light will be."

"It's started, it's finally about to begin."

"Applause, applause, it's finally about to begin."

At this time, there were a large number of "Tiga Ultraman" posts in the post bar. Look at the tone of the post. Everyone is quite looking forward to and excited at this time.

"It doesn't matter, I took a critical eye to see how far the show "Ultraman Tiga" is from "The Masked Warrior". Well, yes, I was watching "Ultraman Tigao". What is the difference between Terman and Masked Warrior."

Cao Yuhu thought so, he quickly turned on the TV and tuned to the children's channel. He adjusted it at the right time. At this time, the opening song of "Ultraman Tiga" was starting to play.

"It's like sunlight, piercing through the night.

Dawn slipped across the horizon quietly, who's figure shuttled through the reincarnation.

The road to the future is at your feet, don't be sad, don't be afraid, look forward to tomorrow with confidence.

A new storm has appeared, how can it stop. Travel through time and space, do my best, I will come to you.

Smile in the face of danger, and dreams will not be far away. If you muster the courage and move forward firmly, a miracle will surely occur. "

On TV, accompanied by this opening theme, are a few people in handsome uniforms. The one standing in the middle, Cao Yuhu, also knew him. It was the person who turned into the light and resurrected Ultraman Tiga in the trailer.

"This piece is really good."

Cao Yuhu thought in his heart that he originally wanted to be provocative. It turned out that with this title alone, he couldn't pick a thorn at all. Both the songs and the pictures are very delicate.

Especially the songs are catchy and very nice. Even he himself had to admit that it was better than all the titles he had heard about "The Masked Warrior".

"It's okay, the title does not mean anything else. I believe that there must be mistakes in the formal content." Cao Yuhu thought to himself.

At this time, the opening of the TV show ends and the feature film officially begins.

"At the beginning of the twenty-second century, hatred and fighting have gradually diminished, and nature is slowly returning to its original beautiful appearance. This week, the desire of all living things, peace, seems to have finally come. As everyone knows, at this time, great changes are happening. it has started."

At the beginning of the feature film, it was such a narration. At the same time as this narration, a meteorite fell on the earth for a moment on TV.

"Dagu, what is that?"

When the camera turned on the TV, a fierce-looking monster crawled out of the ground. Two men in handsome uniforms who were patrolling the plane discovered the monster.

"This, it seems to be the monster Golzan."

Seeing this, Cao Yuhu immediately reacted. Although he kept saying that he was not interested in "Ultraman Tiga", but the monsters in the trailer, Golzan and Melba, and Ultraman Tiga, he was quite impressed.

As soon as Golzan appeared on TV, he immediately recognized it.

"International United Peace Organization is an international organization whose mission is to protect mankind from unexplained phenomena and natural disasters. The organization has branches and research centers around the world. It also has a lunar surface base. And the space exploration station."

"And the leader of these branches is the Far East Headquarters Base in China."

On the TV, the monster Gorzan just showed up for a short while and immediately went back underground, and then the camera turned around again, and in conjunction with it, a base appeared on the TV.

The things in this base are very high-tech and intelligent, and people will know at a glance that this is indeed the headquarters of the Supreme Commander Human Peace Organization.

In this time and space of China, speaking of special effects, it is much better than Chen Ze’s previous island country filming "Ultra Tiga". In addition, Chen Ze also invested a lot of money for the effects of "Ultra Tiga". .

This has led to this time-space "Ultraman Tiga". In terms of special effects, although I can't say that it can be compared with those science fiction blockbusters in the United States, it is a fake model that can be seen at a glance compared to the previous life~www but much better.

Therefore, Cao Yuhu had a stunning feeling when he saw it. Back then, the "Masked Warrior" talked about special effects, but it is not at the same level as the current "Ultraman Tiga".

"What's so strange about this? Isn't it just relying on the technological advancement of the times? If "The Masked Warrior" is placed in this era, the effect will certainly not be worse than this."

Cao Yuhu thought so in his heart, but there is no denying that until he saw this, he still hadn't found any flaws in Ultraman Tiga.

"This is the meteorite? There seems to be something in it?" The plot continued to develop on the TV, and the meteorite that appeared in the opening of the movie appeared on the TV at this moment.

And next to this meteorite are the seven men in handsome uniforms. Listening to the introduction on TV, Cao Yuhu knew that these seven people were an organization of a winning team.

"This meteorite is very difficult. According to my measurements, it is a 30 million-year-old stone on the earth." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. , Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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