Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1338: They're awesome ass

Chapter 1338 They are so awesome

Du Fei returned to his work unit from the tractor factory. As soon as he entered the gate, Zhang Wenzhong greeted him: "Boss, two people are here to look for you."

"Who is it?" Du Fei knew that Zhang Wenzhong acted in a measured manner, and most people would not wait for him at the door.

 Zhang Wenzhong said: "It is said that they are from Youtai. One of them came back last time, named Labaron, and he also brought another one. It seems to be of a higher level."

Du Fei raised his eyebrows, knowing that these two people came with bad intentions, and asked: "Where are the people?"

 Zhang Wenzhong said: “In the reception room.”

Du Fei turned around and said, "Let's go over and have a look."

When he came to the reception room, there were indeed two people sitting inside. One of them was the Youtai businessman who approached Du Fei last time when he was displaying the No. 1 Fire Tank. He hoped not to sell the equipment to Sa Damu.

With him was a middle-aged man with light brown hair, medium build, sharp eyes, and an unusual temperament.

 Zhang Wenzhong introduced: "You two, this is our manager."

The middle-aged man stood up, shook hands with Du Fei, and said in English: "Mr. Du, I am Baden, Baden Rosseldo, I have taken the liberty to come here today to ask you to express my gratitude."

Du Fei was smiling. Although he didn't have a good impression of the Youtai people, he was a guest when he came, so there was no need to embarrass him. Moreover, it was the first time he met everyone without any grudges.

"Mr. Rosseldo, you're welcome, please sit down." Du Fei showed his attitude and politely asked the two of them to sit down.

 He turned to look at Labaron: "I remember this gentleman."

Rabalon nodded and remained silent. Their last meeting was not pleasant, and there was no need to talk about it.

Du Fei knew it well and could probably guess the purpose of these two people's visit. Calculating the time, the cargo ship should arrive. Those tanks and rocket launchers, with Yutai's intelligence capabilities, it is impossible not to know.

 It wouldn’t be surprising to find Du Fei if he follows the clues again.

 Besides, last time Sa Damu bought some equipment, Labalon came over once, hoping that Du Fei would cancel the deal with the Kingdom of Babylon.

 That time he was directly rejected by Du Fei, probably because the Kingdom of Babylon was not directly bordering them and there were various internal factional conflicts, which posed little threat to them.

 So he was rejected, and Labalon had no further reaction.

 But this time Du Fei sold those things to him, which obviously touched the other party's sensitive nerves, so he directly sent more important people.

Du Fei put on a hypocritical smile and laughed: "Mr. Rosseldo, I personally have a very good impression of Youtai. He is a very special existence in the world. He is smart, hard-working, and also very special. Suffering, we have a lot in common in that way.”

 Baden immediately nodded in agreement: "There is no doubt that Huaguo is as great a nation as Youtai..."

The two exchanged business reports and seemed to be having a good time talking to each other. Those who didn’t know this scene would never have thought that this was the first time these two met.

While talking about the topic, Du Fei directed him to business, and said with a smile: "Mr. Rosseldo, I heard that you are a place of the Fourth War. The current security environment is not very good. I have the latest gunboat here. It’s a plane that can carry out air patrols for a long time, and its firepower is quite powerful... How about it? Are you interested in taking a look?"

Baden and Labalon were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect Du Fei to have such thoughts, and couldn't help but look at each other quickly.

Baden said: "Can you sell the weapons to us? Aren't you afraid that I will hand them over to America?"

Du Fei smiled and said: "Why are you afraid? If America wants it, just come to me directly. As long as the price is right, you can still sell her. We open the door to do business and exchange money for goods. It is only natural. Isn't this your capitalism? standards?"

 Baden did not expect Du Fei to have such an attitude, which was a bit unbelievable.

This is completely different from the Huaguo people he has come into contact with before, but it is difficult to judge whether Du Fei's words are true or if they are just words.

He didn't know that Du Fei was telling the truth, and he really sold America sixty gunships not long ago.

Of course, it is impossible for Youtai to really come to Du Fei to buy an airplane. After some chattering, Baden finally made his point and expressed his attitude: "Mr. Du, from my standpoint, I hope you You and your family can carefully consider exporting weapons and equipment to the Middle East."

Upon hearing this, Du Fei put away his smile, leaned against the back of the sofa, and at the same time raised his legs and crossed his legs.

After hearing what Baden said, he half-smiled and said, "Mr. Rosseldo, are you kidding?"

As he spoke, he looked at Labaron next to him: "Last time this gentleman came to see me, he made a similar request, but to be honest, this joke is not funny at all. We open our doors for business, and people buy with money. We rely on What are you not selling? Just based on your frivolous words? This is... haha~"

Although Du Fei didn't finish what he said, his two "haha" sounds already made his attitude clear.

 The implication is that you think who you are is really loud, and you are not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue.

Baden was not surprised by Du Fei's reaction. Du Fei's 'mercenary' attitude just showed everything, not to mention that Labalon had come before and was repelled.

So he came ready to pay some price this time, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Du, you may have misunderstood. I think there are many areas where we can further cooperate, which will allow us to gain greater benefits, not only It’s money.”

Du Fei raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "What about?"

 Baden leaned forward slightly: "I heard that you are currently cooperating with America on a fighter jet project..."

Du Fei's heart was agitated and he didn't understand what this Youtai man wanted to do when he suddenly mentioned this matter.

  Could it be that you want to use this as a bargaining chip to threaten? But then I thought about it, it shouldn't be right. This is the first time the two parties have met, so there is no need to break up.

 Yutai people are good at negotiating, and they value strategy and detours. They are not so straightforward.

 Unless they deal with people who, in their eyes, have no threat or value and can be manipulated at will.

 Obviously neither Du Fei nor Huaguo fall into that category.

Sure enough, Baden said in a deep voice: "Mr. Du, as far as I know, America has provided you with some advanced technologies, but the operating system of the onboard computer, which is the core of the combat, has not yet been authorized. I am right, right?" ?”

Du Fei frowned. It seemed that Baden had done enough homework before coming. He nodded: "You mean... you can provide technology in this area?"

Baden immediately said: "Yes, I don't mean to offend, but these technologies are not that important where we are." Even though he was deliberately suppressing it, Du Fey could still hear a complete sense of superiority in his tone.

Du Fei sneered in his heart, but remained calm on the surface and asked, "America is unwilling to give us these things. If you give them to us, aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

Baden smiled easily: "Don't worry, this is our business, we still have many ways in America, you know~"

  Although what the other party said was very good and sounded quite good, Du Fei was not overjoyed when faced with this situation.

 He became extra cautious because there seemed to be similar plots in his memory.

 In the world before his time travel, why did the J-82 fail to start and end at the end? There have always been many uncertainties in the relationship between Huaguo and America. After the cooperation on the J-82 project ceased, Huaguo looked for other external collaborators, and finally Utai people took over the project.

 It’s just that these people are not good people. On the surface, they provide good technology and enable the J-8 II project to be implemented, but in fact they are just cutting leeks.

 Their operating systems are temporarily licensed and must be continuously renewed before they can be used.

And it can lock our aircraft when necessary, turning the fighter jets we spent a lot of money into into scrap metal that cannot take off.

 This is also the reason why the J-82 was not mass-produced and was retired early.

Thinking of this, Du Fei realized more and more that the two people in front of him were weasels who had no good intentions in paying New Year greetings to the chickens.

Of course Du Fei can't go along with them. Besides, even if the other party doesn't have the intention yet, the risk of cooperating with them is quite high.

 Because they do not have their own position and autonomy at all, many things are affected by external factors and may change at any time.

  In the world before Du Fei traveled through time, he suffered a lot from being dumb when cooperating with them. Fighters, early warning aircraft, radars... there are too many examples.

Du Fei thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm very sorry, but I still can't promise you."

Baden frowned and asked: "Why? Isn't this enough? Mr. Du, this is technology that you can't buy with any money at the moment."

Facing the other party's particularly emphatic tone in the second half of the sentence, Du Fei smiled lightly: "You're right, this is technology that no amount of money can buy, so I don't trust you. Will you give us such an important technology? I’m afraid that as soon as I stopped trading with the Middle East, you will come up with all kinds of excuses to refuse the payment. I have seen too many of your faces.”

 Both Baden and Labaron looked unhappy.

Du Fei's words did not save them any face at all, and clearly stated his attitude towards them, without any softening or ambiguity.

Baden frowned, pursed his thin lips tightly, and then stood up and said: "Sorry, Mr. Du, I took the liberty to come here today. It seems that there may be some misunderstandings between us. I hope we can deepen our understanding through more exchanges in the future. We are here today." Come here~"

Du Fei smiled, stood up and said, "Of course, I hope we can cooperate again next time, so I won't send you away." Du Fei shook hands with Baden again. Although they didn't reach an agreement, at least they had to reach an agreement. Etiquette still has to be there.

 But that was all, Du Fei did not deliver any more food, and only stopped at the door of the reception room.

Baden seemed to hope that he could give him another ride, and when he saw Du Fei stop, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Du Fei sneered in his heart and had long been on guard against their various dirty tricks.

Given the poor nature of their media, if they really want to send it to the door, they must shake hands and have people take photos, but they may not be able to compile any news~

 So, just in case, Du Fei didn't give them this chance at all.

At the same time, a thought came to my mind, causing the crow nearby to take a look.

As expected, outside the gate of the fire equipment company, on the opposite side of the two alleys, there were people with cameras hanging on each side, obviously ready to press the shutter.

Du Fei stood there, watching Baden and Labalon walk out, and sneered in his heart.

 This means that you must be on guard against others, and immediately go to the nearby security office to call for people.

Having said all the unpleasant things, there is no need to look forward or backward.

 “Old Wang~” Du Fei called out.

 After the fire equipment company was upgraded, Wang Bin, the original military representative, directly transferred the establishment and became the head of the security department.

"Manager!" Wang Bin heard Du Fei's serious tone and stood up immediately.

Du Fei said: "There are two mice at the door who are looking for money or their lives. You and your people should capture them and send them to Luo Chu."

Wang Bin responded and immediately rushed out with a swarm of people.

These two people are definitely not Youtai's own people. At best, they are cannon fodder who are paid to do things. They are most likely found through other channels to take photos.

 But they are not worthy of sympathy.

Those who can take pictures at this time are not ordinary people.

These people are very smart, and they know many things well. It is definitely not a good thing to get so much money. ,

  But you still dare to make this kind of money, it’s really like people and birds die for food.

In this case, Du Fei will help them. After living a good life, he will send them to the place where they should go to reform.

This action did not even avoid Baden and Labalon who had just got into the car.

As soon as the two got into the car, several people from the security office rushed out of the door and quickly divided into two groups, like hungry tigers pounced on food.

  neatly pinned the two tamperers with cameras to the ground and controlled them.

Baden looked through the car window with a sinister look, and then coldly ordered the driver to drive away.

He didn't even look at those two people again. To him, they were not even considered abandoned sons.

Rabalon also looked away and asked: "Mr. Rosseldo, what should we do next? This fruity man is really inexperienced, or..."

 At this point, his seriousness suddenly flashed with a cold light.

Baden glanced at him and said coldly: "Put away your tricks, this is not the Middle East, and we are not facing Bastan. This is the East, an ancient country with thousands of years of civilization. Their heritage Yuan is far more profound than we think. Maybe they are not good at high technology, but in other aspects... In short, don't break the rules, we have many other ways."

Rabalon responded immediately. In fact, he thought he knew more about flowers and fruits than Baden.

 The reason why he brought this up first was actually because he was afraid that Baden would be impulsive. Instead, letting him say it first would help Baden think calmly.

Baden continued: "It's not the worst situation yet. Du Fei didn't say anything today. He wanted us to give us equal chips and not to fool him with irrelevant things."

Rabalon said in surprise: "It doesn't matter? That is the most advanced fighter operating system!"

Baden said meaningfully: "So what, he is right about one thing, and he has seen it very thoroughly. No matter how good the operating system is, it is useless if you can't get it. There is no way we can give them the operating system." At this point, he couldn't help but paused and said with emotion: "It's really difficult!"

Rabalon frowned and said, "Then what should we do? Should we just go back like this? I'm afraid the domestic side won't be able to explain it to us."

Speaking of the country, Baden seemed to have thought of some unpleasant things. He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "The things haven't been done. Why are you rushing back? All roads lead to Rome. Since this road doesn't work, let's go find it." Other ways. I don’t believe that flowers and fruits are as insular as Du Fei.”


On the other side, Du Fei didn't look at the security department who caught the two people and turned around directly into the inner courtyard and returned to the office.

Although he sent the two Youtai people away, Du Fei was sure that Baden was not a good person and could not be like Labaron. He just left and there was no movement. They would definitely not give up.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Hei No. 2 took a few crows to watch them to see where they would go next, and he was generally mentally prepared.

At this time, Zhang Wenzhong came from the front yard and entered the room with a smile: "Boss, I won't disturb you, right?"

Du Fei asked: "Is something wrong?"

Zhang Wenzhong took a bag and put it on the coffee table next to him: "It's okay. This is not the case a few days ago. Our second daughter-in-law went back to her hometown in the Northeast and brought some dried hazel mushrooms. I'll bring you some. , not worth the money, give it a try.”

Du Fei smiled and said: "The hazel mushrooms in the Northeast are good things, and the stewed chicken and meat are amazing! Thank you very much."

 Speaking, he went over to open it and took a look. There was a bag full of mushrooms inside.

Zhang Wenzhong smiled happily. It was not a question of whether these mushrooms were valuable or not. There was simply no place to buy them.

 Furthermore, Du Fei accepted the things without saying a word, indicating that their relationship was unusual.

If someone else brought a bag of mushrooms, Du Fei would definitely not accept it. He had never eaten anything, so he would just take a bite.

 After Zhang Wenzhong delivered the things, he caught up with Du Fei, who had nothing to do and was not in a hurry to leave.

He is well versed in the principles of how the organization behaves. He will do his job well when something goes wrong, and hang out in front of the leader when nothing happens.

He said casually: "Leader, you said that Youtai is very powerful. In such a small place, he can withstand the siege of so many countries around him."

Du Fei sneered: "How awesome they are! If they are so awesome, they have been working hard for two or three thousand years, and they don't even have a nest?"

Zhang Wenzhong blinked his eyes for the same reason.

Du Fei took out a cigarette and threw one to him: "They were able to withstand the siege because they had America, their biological father, supporting them. Otherwise, with their small number of people, they would have been bulldozed long ago."

 In this era, there is little information, unlike before Du Fei traveled through time. Even elites like Zhang Wenzhong still have very limited understanding of the outside world.

After Du Fei finished speaking, he took a puff of cigarette and suddenly changed the topic: "Old Zhang, please pay attention to Luo Yun recently."

Zhang Wenzhong felt a tremor in his heart. It was just a small talk, but he was quite relaxed, and he suddenly became energetic: "Leader, what's going on?"

 Zhang Wenzhong has always had a good impression of his few girls.

Yu Jiajia has good working ability, is diligent, is kind to others, and is very popular.

Zhou Xiaobai and Luo Yunlai were together, and both had backgrounds.

Zhou Xiaobai didn’t mention it, Luo Yun’s father was also a cadre with a high rank.

Moreover, the two girls behaved according to the rules and did not do anything special.

Zhang Wenzhong didn't know what Du Fei had discovered. He racked his brains to recall, and suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

  (I'm sick and have a fever, that's all I have today)

 (End of this chapter)

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