Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1316: epic quest

Du Fei grabbed the phone receiver, feeling a little uneasy.

At this time, Director Nie suddenly called me personally. It must be a very important situation.

 Thinking about the current situation, it must be a key issue related to whether the two H-8s can fly out to perform the mission.

But after a moment, Du Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Director Nie's call was not to stop him from taking the plane to Nanyang for a mission, but to specifically warn him that he must bring the plane back safely instead of selling it as a trick.

 Although being able to sell at a high price is good for the domestic economy, strategy and security are more important to Director Nie.

 There was really no other way if there was no equipment before, but now that it is available, it must be equipped domestically first. In his original words, one cannot be blind to money and sell to foreigners first.

 It’s not that Director Nie is unfounded, it’s actually Du Fei’s plan to sell these two H-8s in name.

 It makes people have some reveries.

Du Fei repeatedly promised: "Uncle Nie, please don't worry. I can definitely tell the difference between home and outside. Besides, it's just a cover. This mission will start from our capital city and fly back directly without landing. The whole journey is 10,000 kilometers." , is the best test for our fighter aircraft. If this mission is successfully completed, it means that our H-8 has real combat duty capabilities..."

Du Fei finally ended the call and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although I wasted a lot of words, receiving this call already meant that the matter was done.

Sure enough, just after this phone call, the aircraft manufacturer received official documents soon.

 After getting this document, Du Fei finally felt relieved and immediately asked the tower to coordinate the route.

This voyage can be said to be an epic mission. Two H-8s took off with full bombs, each carrying twenty tons of bombs, and headed south, crossing the South China Sea and arriving in Sarawak.

This journey is a total of 4,300 kilometers. According to the cruise speed of the H-8, which is about 700 kilometers per hour, it takes about six hours.

 Then we will make a 90-degree turn in Kuching and go straight to the west in the direction of Lijiapo.

 This section of the road is about 700 kilometers long.

  In other words, the one-way voyage is more than 5,000 kilometers!

 In this section, the modified gunship will fly with it throughout the entire process.

 The gunship aircraft modified from the Y-8 has a range of more than 7,000 kilometers and can reach the battlefield one way.

However, after the H-8 completes the bombing and returns to its original route, the Y-8 modified gunship will switch to independent combat, continue to clean the battlefield, and return to Kuching for landing.

H-8 took advantage of its range advantage and returned to Beijing Aircraft Factory, with a total distance of more than 10,000 kilometers.

 This will be the first time in China that the aircraft will fly 10,000 kilometers without landing, and it will be completed by two aircraft at the same time.

At the Beijing Aircraft Factory, relevant personnel were working intensively, and Du Fei also changed into pilot equipment and prepared to board the gunship.

Since it would not land on the way, Du Fei could not ride on the H-8. For fear of being unsafe, Director Wang prepared a parachute bag and asked him to carry it with him no matter what.

Du Fei had no choice but to agree.

 But I knew in my heart that there must be no problem with this gunship.

After waiting for another hour, the control tower finally confirmed the route and informed us that we could take off.

 At this moment, everyone was shocked.

 Du Fei shouted: "Comrades, the time has come for us to make history!" After saying this, he immediately advanced into the gunship.

 When the others saw this, their morale was greatly boosted, and they trotted onto the fighter plane.

 Because it is a long-distance flight, there are two crews on the H-8, each with ten people.

 The gunship has the largest number of people, including Du Fei, a total of twelve people.

 Speaking of being in a hurry, this was Du Fei's first time entering the interior of the gunship.

 The first impression that strikes the eye is that of simplicity.

 The inside is full of exposed perforated keels, and the outside is covered with an aircraft shell. There is no interior at all.

 In the cabin, the cockpit and the rear compartment were separated. After Du Fei came in, the three pilots got into the cockpit one after another.

The others were in their places, and Du Fei was sitting on the seat behind the cockpit. Several seats were placed here for temporary seating.

 At this time, the captain came out of the cockpit and handed Du Fei a headset.

Du Fei nodded and put it on. He was the commander-in-chief of this operation and could contact the other two H-8s flying in the formation through wireless. If there was a situation that the captain couldn't handle, Du Fei had to make the decision.

 At this time, the sound from the tower came from the headset, indicating that everything was ready to take off.

Du Fei raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost nine o'clock, and he immediately gave the order to take off.

Three crews responded one after another, and then the No. 1101 H-8 at the front took the lead and taxied to the take-off position of the runway. After a slight pause, when the indicator light came on, it began to accelerate and taxi.

Du Fei sat by the porthole and could clearly see the situation outside.

Even though it was not the first time I saw it, I still couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion when I saw that huge creature making a monster-like roar and finally rising into the sky.

 Followed by No. 1102, it took off smoothly without any suspense.

 Finally, the gunship that Du Fei was riding also stopped at the take-off position.

 Suddenly the fuselage vibrated, the two coaxial counter-rotating engines were turned on at full power, and the plane accelerated and taxied on the runway.

Du Fei looked out the window. The ground of the runway swept back quickly, and then with a sudden flicker, the plane left the ground.

 Up until now, the aircraft had only conducted a simple test flight a few hours ago.

 Just go on a long voyage of several thousand kilometers, and even participate in battles, just to catch the ducks.

 Except for Du Fei, no one knew what was going on.

 No matter what other people say with their mouths, they always keep it in mind.

 Fortunately, everything went smoothly after takeoff. The three planes merged into a formation in the air. According to the route arrangement, they first headed east to Tianjin, and then turned to fly south. The entire flight was almost a straight line before arriving in Kuching.

Three aircraft. Originally, the cruise speed of the H-8 was higher than that of the gunship modified by the Y-8. However, because the H-8 was fully loaded, the cruise speed and

Although the gunship is also fully loaded with ammunition, although it is fully loaded in terms of space, the actual weight is not at the full load level, which makes the cruising speeds of the three aircraft vary greatly.

Du Fei originally thought that based on the highest cruising speed of 700 kilometers per hour, it would take about six hours to arrive in Kuching.

 But in actual flight, the cruising speed of both fighters when fully loaded cannot reach 700, and can only be maintained at around 650.

 To maintain a speed of 700, the engine must be turned on afterburner, which will inevitably affect the range.

Although Du Fei was impatient, he could only be patient at this time. In any case, the takeoff of these three planes was already more than half successful.

 There were no accidents during the whole journey. After nearly seven hours and a flight of 4,300 kilometers, we finally arrived in Kuching.

At this time, Du Fei was sitting in the plane and could see the urban area of ​​Kuching from the air.

It took less than two days before and after this trip back, which can be said to be a very quick move.


 At the same time, on Danrong Island, Wei Chenggong and Ma Dongmei were in a very dangerous situation.

The local guerrillas that were originally developed are gone. They have run away and scattered. Only the backbone who came with Wei Chenggong and the mercenaries sent by Eagle for reinforcements are left.

 After withdrawing from the city the day before yesterday, the Malay army immediately launched a pursuit. After two brief exchanges of fire, the two sides lost more than a dozen people.

Wei Chenggong had less than a hundred men left despite his full strength, but he had to face a regular army with more than ten times the heavy firepower.

 Fortunately, Tanrong Island is relatively large, and there is a large tropical rain forest in the north, giving them a chance to breathe.

 But as the enemy continues to approach, the space for Flash to move is getting smaller and smaller, and it will be a matter of time before he is surrounded.

 In a dense forest, Wei Chenggong's eyes were bloodshot. He had only slept for less than ten hours in the past few days.

Handnails covered with black mud kept scratching the mosquito bites on his arms.

 Others were also in bad condition, as they retreated hastily and discarded a lot of equipment, leaving them in quite a mess.

Even so, Wei Chenggong still has an almost superstitious trust in Du Fei. He believes that Du Fei will definitely have a way to reverse the situation.

What he has to do now is to lead people to persevere and never waver in confidence.

However, the same cannot be said for the mercenaries under him. Although these people worked hard, they did not come to die. Facing the headwind occupation, some began to fight timidly.

Wei Chenggong has noticed it, but he has no better way. Without a new situation, without a clever plan, simply using words to boost morale is really a drop in the bucket.

Those mercenaries are all veterans, they are not hot-blooded teenagers who just draw a pie and rush forward.

 At least Wei Chenggong is not good at deceiving these soldiers.

 Looking at the gloomy sky, Wei Chenggong took a deep breath.

At this moment, a group of mercenaries wearing camouflage uniforms came over.

There were five people in total, and the leader was the local Nanyang mercenary who had proposed to retreat.

This man's name is Suchai, who was originally a Siamese. He fled to Africa and joined the Slater mercenary group because of murder.

 Wei Chenggong slightly noticed something was wrong and looked at the leader Su Kai: "What's going on?"

Sucai said expressionlessly: "Captain, what are your plans for the next step? If you continue to stay here, there is only a dead end."

Wei Chenggong frowned. He was also a good person. Although the other party still called him captain, his tone was obviously not as cautious as a subordinate would be towards a superior.

This made him alert, he stood up and reassured with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, the Eagle-chan army is already in action, and our reinforcements will be here soon."

 Wei Chenggong did not follow the other party's answer to what his plan was, but directly cited Eagle's authority.

As expected, these people were all hesitant upon hearing this.

 They may not be afraid of Wei's success, but they cannot ignore Eagle's deterrent power.

Only Sucai's eyes flickered, but he gritted his teeth and sneered: "Reinforcements? Captain, don't kid yourself. It's only so far from Kuching. If reinforcements had arrived a long time ago, would they still wait until now?" Besides, it’s not like everyone doesn’t know that the enemy’s warships have blocked the land and sea, so where can we get reinforcements?”

Wei Chenggong’s expression was serious: “Sucai, what do you want to do!”

Sucai looked straight back and said loudly: "What do I want to do? I want to live, is that wrong? We all want to live, right~"

 Suddenly, several people who came with him also started shouting.

 Some people nearby heard the movement, looked over and resonated.

It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death. There is no one who is not afraid of death. Especially in this situation, being completely at a disadvantage and seeing no hope of victory makes people feel even more depressed and desperate.

Wei Chenggong's heart sank, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat, but he resisted.

 He knew that he must not show cowardice at this time. Once the other party saw his weakness, it would be completely over.

Wei Chenggong immediately yelled: "What are you doing! Are you going to rebel?"

Sucai didn’t give in at all. He took a step forward and already had his hand on the gun: “We just don’t want to die with you!”

After saying that, he actually raised his hand and pointed the gun at Wei Chenggong!

Wei Chenggong was frightened, and he was already on guard and quickly drew his gun.

However, before he could take out the gun, a clear chuckle came from the side: "Hey, this is quite lively."

 Following the words, Ma Dongmei walked out from behind a big tree nearby.

  She didn’t look as embarrassed as the others. Her face was clean and her thick braids were neat. Only her shoes and calves were stained with a lot of black mud.

Sucai turned his head warily, knowing how powerful Ma Dongmei was. Compared with his calmness when facing Wei Chenggong, the moment he saw Ma Dongmei, he immediately chose to shoot.

 Turn the muzzle, aim at the target, and achieve it in one go.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly felt a trance, and his finger that pulled the trigger could no longer press down.

 At the next moment, there was a bang.

The small pistol in Ma Dongmei's hand emitted a wisp of smoke, and she fell to the ground with a thud, blood splattering between her eyebrows.

A beautiful girl, without saying any nonsense, shot her head with a gun. Even though the people present were all veterans with their swords licking blood, they couldn't help but feel numb when they saw this contrasting scene.

 After finishing the matter, Ma Dongmei glanced around, put away the small pistol slowly, and asked: "Who has any other opinions? You can raise them~"

  The few people who followed Su Cai all avoided Ma Dongmei's gaze.

They didn't expect it to develop like this. They followed Sukai just to find a way out and withdraw from here. They really don’t dare to let them rebel.

Not to mention that there are military policemen under Eagle who are dedicated to hunting down traitors. Most of their families are in Kuching, and the wealth they have accumulated over the years is also in Kuching.

Wei Chenggong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the situation was stable.

Ma Dongmei was not finished yet, and looked at a little man standing nearby watching.

This person did not come with Su Cai, and his eyes on Ma Dongmei were obviously a little evasive.

Ma Dongmei sneered and said, "Do you dare to do it or not?"

The man's face changed from fearful to fierce, and he said angrily: "Bitch, you don't have to be arrogant, we have revealed the situation here, and the large troops will be coming soon, you..."

This time, before Ma Dongmei could take action, Wei Chenggong raised his hand and shot him before he finished speaking.

The words stopped abruptly, and Wei Chenggong's face turned even more ugly. According to this person's words, it was really a big trouble.

Tanrong Island is a relatively large island in the Riau Islands, but its area is also quite limited, and there is not much room for movement.

 Once the Malays find this place, they can retreat to the seaside.

Waiting at the beach are the machine guns on the opponent's patrol boats.

So before the man finished speaking, Wei Chenggong decisively shot him. If he continued to speak, his morale would completely collapse.

However, I don’t know if it was the sound of gunshots. Just after Wei successfully shot and killed the man, in just ten seconds, there was a sudden bang and the sound of cannon!

 “Not good~”

 Wei Chenggong and Ma Dongmei were both frightened and looked in the direction of the sound of the cannon.

 They don’t have cannons on hand, so the one who fired them must be the enemy.

That person just now didn't lie. This person colluded with Sukai and betrayed their information.

 It is estimated that at this time, not only the direction of the cannon fire, but also several other directions were blocked by the enemy.

The hundred or so of them have been surrounded.

Wei Chenggong frowned, exchanged a look with Ma Dongmei, and then shouted loudly: "Get ready for battle!"

While shouting, he led the troops in the direction of the cannon fire and came to the outermost front line.

However, to Wei Chenggong's surprise, what greeted him was not an enemy attack, but a man holding a white flag.

 In an instant, I understood that this was to persuade him to surrender.

 The person who came was short, with dark skin and bright eyes. Although he was holding a white flag in his hand, his expression was confident.

He came more than ten meters away and shouted: "Who is the leader here?"

Wei Chenggong had the intention to kill the man directly, but found that everyone around him was looking at him.

Wei Chenggong's heart sank, knowing that he could not shoot at this time. Once he killed this person, it would mean that everyone's life was cut off.

Suchai's rebellion just now has already upset people's hearts. If they are forced into a desperate situation again, they are likely to have a backlash.

 Wei Chenggong hesitated for a moment, gave up his thoughts of killing, and called for him to come over.

When the visitor came closer, he saw that Wei Chenggong was the leader and expressed his intention to come without any politeness.

There is nothing else but to ask them to surrender quickly. Now they are surrounded by more than 2,000 people outside.

 When he spoke, his eyes were full of ambition and arrogance.

Wei Chenggong looked ugly. Although he concluded that the two thousand people mentioned by the other party must be watery, even if they were folded in half, it would still be more than a thousand people, ten times their current number.

 Once surrounded, according to the current situation, there is no way to break out.

Is there really nothing we can do?

Wei Chenggong racked his brains, trying to think of a way to crack it, but he was unable to do anything.

 You can’t blame him for reaching this point. It’s really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

"How is it? Do you still need to think about it?" The visitor sneered and continued to press with words: "Continue to live or die meaninglessly, do you need to think about this issue for a long time?"

"Shut up!" Wei Chenggong heard the noise and raised his hand to point the gun at the man's head.

Although the current situation is not good, as far as Wei Chenggong is concerned, if he really makes up his mind, it will not be difficult for him and Ma Dongmei to escape at the expense of others.

It's just that he was unwilling to accept it. The first time he was entrusted with an important task by Du Fei, he ended up with this result.

Although the main responsibility this time does not lie with him, failure is failure no matter what the reason.

 The man who came to persuade him to surrender was startled and immediately stopped moving.

He is not stupid. In his opinion, Wei Chenggong has lost his sight. He came here to make meritorious deeds, not to die.

Wei Chenggong did not fire, but turned to look at Ma Dongmei.

 Ma Dongmei looked calm: "You are the commander-in-chief, you can make the decision."

Wei Chenggong felt helpless. He asked Ma Dongmei to discuss it with each other. Whether he continued to persist or gave up, everyone would share the responsibility.

This girl is isolated and seems to be an outsider.

What makes him even more depressed is that Ma Dongmei has the capital to stay out of the situation. Not only is she capable, but she is also Du Fei's close friend and can call Zhu Li sister.

 Don’t talk about this this time, you can still survive no matter how big the basket is.

Wei Chenggong took a deep breath. At the critical moment, he could only rely on his determination and courage.

The person who persuaded people to surrender spoke again, but not so aggressively: "Just a reminder, the Maha Jiang army will only wait for twenty minutes..."

As he finished his words, two cannon shots were fired at the right moment.

 Wei Chenggong heard that it was still a large 120-caliber mortar. The impact point of the shells was relatively far away, and it was a demonstration shot.

However, these two cannon shots did not frighten him. Instead, they made him change his mind and make up his mind.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "We are all here. The enemy is only more than a thousand people at full strength. It is impossible to form an encirclement in such a large rain forest. Now everyone, follow me eastward and jump out of the enemy's pocket formation. As long as we Hold on for three days! In three days, our reinforcements will arrive..."

Wei successfully drew a big picture. Because they lost the radio station, they had long been cut off from the outside world. Reinforcements and so on were all fictitious.

Although you can avoid the first day of the lunar month, you cannot avoid the fifteenth day, but let’s avoid the first day of the lunar month first.

 Immediately he raised his hand and shot the man who tried to surrender to death.

Now that the hope of surrender is gone, the remaining people can only follow Wei Chenggong to the dark side even if they are half-convinced about the reinforcements.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "What's the noise?"

When everyone suddenly heard it, there was indeed a strange movement faintly coming from a distance...

 At the same time, a few kilometers away from Wei Chenggong, there was a temporary command post.

Wearing a dark green half-sleeved military uniform, the Mahachan army was waiting with a relaxed expression for the result of persuading them to surrender.

There was a half-smoked cigar in his mouth. There was freshly pumped groundwater in the bucket next to him, and there were several bottles of Coke soaked in the water.

From the perspective of the Maha Jiangjun, this dispatch was completely an armed parade, and the enemy would run away like a noodle.

 According to the message sent by the spy over there, there are only more than a hundred people left there, and he has nearly 1,500 well-trained regular troops in his hands.

 How to lose when flying dragon rides on the face~

 At this moment, a "rumbling" sound suddenly came from the sky.

Maha Jiangjun frowned, stood up and walked out from under the makeshift arbor, looking into the distance through the brown toad mirror.

 It was about five o'clock in the afternoon. It was a bit cloudy but it did not affect the view, especially looking to the east, which was particularly clear.

 He suddenly saw two planes suddenly breaking through the clouds in the distance.

 Subconsciously I thought he was from Meguo, because only Meguo’s b-52 is so big.

 Due to the Nanyang War, Meguo planes can often be seen in Malay.

 But he soon realized something was wrong.

 Because those two planes turned out to be propeller-powered, and Meguo’s B-52 was jet-powered.

 This gave Maha Jiangjun an ominous premonition in his heart.

The two planes coming up from the sky were No. 1101 and No. 1102, which flew for more than seven hours and spanned more than 5,000 kilometers.

 Arrived at the destination, the two H-8s lowered their altitude.

 From a normal cruising altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, it dropped to less than 3,000 meters.

 If it is a normal bomb release, the visual bomb release is probably below 5,000 meters. There is no need to lower the altitude for radar-assisted bomb release.

In this long-distance raid, the enemy was unprepared and had no anti-aircraft weapons, so he could naturally be more unscrupulous.

 At an altitude of three thousand meters, the huge fighter plane in the sky can be clearly seen from the ground.

 People on the ground were attracted by the sound of the engine and looked up into the air.

I saw two behemoths flying directly over. Although it was a little strange, I didn't pay much attention to them.

Little did he know that at this time, two terrorist weapons loaded with forty tons of aerial bombs had already confirmed the target and contacted Du Fei on the gunship behind them, requesting to drop the bomb.

Du Fei heard the voice coming from the headset, his face was expressionless and his tone was calm: "Permission to drop the bomb..."

 A moment later, the two bombers that had just flown over circled back and came to the sky above the northern part of Tanrong Island again.

 In order to facilitate the expansion, the people of Maha Jiangjun gathered at the edge of the rain forest, where the vegetation was relatively sparse and easy to distinguish visually.

In the cockpit of the bomber, after quick calculations, the bomb-dropping elements were adjusted, and the bombardier pressed the button to prepare the bomb.

The huge bomb bay doors under the belly of the aircraft opened to both sides, and after a moment, dozens of 200-300 kilogram aerial bombs mounted inside fell down.

Amid the roar of the aircraft engines, one could vaguely hear the sharp whistling of bombs falling rapidly.

Maha Jiangjun and many people below were still looking up, too stunned to react.

Until a few seconds, someone suddenly shouted: "Bombing! It's a plane bombing!"

This time it seemed like something was going wrong. The people who were standing there in a daze suddenly turned into headless flies.

As the first bomb hit the ground, it made a loud bang and instantly left a huge crater on the ground with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of more than three meters.

 Let alone the people at the center of the explosion, they were turned into pulp in an instant. Even those more than ten meters away were knocked down and bleeding from their orifices.

 Further away, the blasted stones and soil flew randomly, breaking bones and tendons when hitting people.

This is just a bomb.

The two bombers just dropped more than 100 bombs, weighing 40 tons!

 In an instant, the roaring movement almost became one continuous one.

  The place where the main force of the Maha Jiang Army was located suddenly turned into a **** on earth.

 Including the temporary command post, it was also submerged in the sea of ​​​​fire.

 A few minutes ago, I was dreaming of using this credit to climb up, but now there is not even a bit of dregs left.

Of the more than a thousand people brought this time, except for a small number who were sent out to outflank the two flanks, the rest were all turned upside down by the bombing.

Wei Chenggong, who was ready to make a desperate breakout just now, was also stunned.

 They were in the woods and could only hear sounds but could not see the sky.

 But the huge explosion and the tremors on the ground showed that something extremely terrifying was happening not far from them.

 With a "Gulu" sound, Wei Chenggong swallowed, looked at Ma Dongmei and then at the others.

Even Ma Dongmei, who has always been calm and calm, turned pale.

As a disciple, she is more perceptive than ordinary people, and she can better understand the terrifying power through the immortal family she worships.

 I subconsciously thought that if I deviated a little, it would end up like them...

The thought flashed through her mind, and she immediately put it to death, not daring to think about it any further.

 (Ask for monthly ticket, 8,000 words tomorrow)

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