Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1272: Framing things out of thin air

Chapter 1272: Framing things out of thin air

 The conference room was filled with smoke. Everyone here was smoking a variety of cigarettes.

 Speaking of the situation in South Asia, someone looked at Li’s father at the end of the conference table and laughed and said, “Lao Li, your third son is in trouble now.”

Li's father laughed dryly. He was indeed a figure outside, but he really had no status in this room. Regardless of his seniority or position, anyone who jumped out would be a step above him.

 Fortunately, this kind of thing is not really important in this conference room. Someone soon came out to change the topic: "Okay~ These are small things, let them young people deal with them on their own..."

Upon hearing this, everyone present became serious, knowing that the next step would be to discuss the issue of wealth distribution.

This preliminary estimate is that it can bring back at least a huge wealth of more than 15 billion US dollars.

 How will this money be used? How are the various departments divided?

 One percentage point equals $150 million…

As for Bengal, Rahman’s sudden assassination was of little importance in the overall situation.


 Meanwhile, at the Victoria Palace in Xindeli.

Xindila asked calmly: "Is he dead already?"

 A young man in military uniform bowed slightly: "Your Excellency, the death has been confirmed, and our people are acting as planned..."

Xindila said "hmm", this matter must be framed to Li Yuanchao.

 In her eyes, Rahman was originally a dog she raised, but after he succeeded, he turned back on his owner. He must be punished severely and let some people see it.

But even if this person is killed, even if he is framed for Li Yuanchao, at most it will only cause some trouble for the other party and cannot solve the fundamental problem of Xindila.

 The most difficult thing for her now is that someone must stand up and take the blame for the failure on the battlefield.

Just like the failure ten years ago, her father took the blame and now it's her turn.

Xindila is not reconciled. She is still very young and does not want to end up lonely like this.

 However, the old guys who originally supported her thought she was an outcast.

  Xindila does not want to give up her rights, she must save herself.

This time, sending someone to assassinate Rahman and framing it to Li Yuanchao was her first step.

She needs to muddy the waters first and draw some people's attention to the Eastern Front before she can have a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Sindila was silent for a moment and said: "Where is Imranhan? What is he doing?"

The young officer said: "I left Xindeli yesterday and returned to Kashmir."

Xindila chuckled lightly: "Are you going home to win the support of those old fools?"

The Nihelu family originated in Kashmir, and even now the family's roots are still there.

The young man did not respond. He was just an intelligence officer and did not need to bring in other personal tendencies.

Sindila said again: “Where are the Sikhs?”

The young man said: "I have not found any noteworthy contact between Imran Khan and the Sikhs yet..."

Xindila curled her lips and said: "Idiot, I still haven't seen clearly which key can solve the problem."


At this time, outside the military camp on the outskirts of Dhaka.

 More and more people are gathering here.

Le Yuanchao still has no practical solution and can only let the incident ferment little by little.

 Based on current trends, if no measures are taken, the critical point will be reached in two or three days at most.

Once it reaches that point, as long as someone creates a spark, the opportunity will explode in an instant and burst into flames.

Li Yuanchao is certainly not afraid. He holds the barrel of the gun in his hand, and the worst he can do is break it.

 But that would definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future, and he wouldn't even think of taking that step unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Lao Du, you should give me an idea. I'm really at my wits' end." Li Yuanchao heard that the number of people outside was still increasing, and he couldn't help scratching his head: "If you can't do anything, I can only use iron fist. I can't let anyone do anything." If people gather again, something big will happen if this continues."

Du Fei pursed his lips. After Lahman's accident, he had been thinking about how to deal with it.

Should it be said, Xindila's methods were indeed clever this time, and Rahman died at the right time.

In addition, it is also true that Lebanese troops aiding Korea are in Bangladesh.

However, it may not be said that it is completely impossible to crack.

Du Fei muttered: "Lao Li, I have an idea, let's try it."

Li Yuanchao hurriedly said: "Hurry up and say it!"

Du Fei said: "Since they are using Heman to frame him, we will give him something out of nothing."

 “Why do you create something out of nothing?” Li Yuanchao blinked quickly.

Du Fei said: "The reason why these people are so excited about Rahman's death is that he has the aura of an independent hero. Now that people cannot be resurrected, the only way to eliminate the impact is to strip away the aura from him. Then pour a basin of stinking dirty water on him."

Li Yuanchao swallowed his saliva and waited for Du Fei to continue.

Du Fei had some time to rest and said: "You know Yuan Xiangcheng's twenty-one points..."

Li Yuanchao's reaction was not slow: "You mean...put those 'twenty articles' on La Heman?"

Du Fei nodded: "No matter what the terms are, he must have signed a 'secret agreement' with Xin De Li."

"Just do it!" Li Yuanchao slapped his thigh. As a heroic figure, he had no psychological discomfort with being framed. He patted Du Fei on the shoulder and said, "Fuck you! Old Du, you are the bad guy!"

Du Fei was speechless: "Thank you so much for complimenting me."

 Early the next morning, explosive news appeared in Dhaka’s newspapers.

 Lahman was actually a fruit thief. He signed a secret agreement with Xinde Li and sold out a large amount of Bangladeshi interests. There were 21 items in total, and the content was extremely harsh.

 Suddenly the direction of the wind changed.

There is also a rumor that the reason why Rahman was assassinated this time was because the secret agreement was only a temporary measure.

 It was to get Xin Deli to help him fight for East Pakistan's independence. Now that he succeeded, he didn't want to admit it, so he was assassinated.

This statement immediately gained support from many people.

 At the beginning, everyone with a discerning eye knew that the biggest helper for Dongba’s independence was Xin Deli.

 It makes sense logically.

Secondly, people are more willing to believe this statement emotionally.

 Lahman is a hero. The so-called secret agreement was just a temporary measure, a compromise made when necessary. In the end, Lahman did not betray his motherland.

The key to Du Fei's success in "making something out of nothing" is here.

  It's easy to throw dirty water on others, but it's difficult to make people believe it's true.

If you simply say that Heman is a spy and a scum who has taken refuge in Xin Deli, not many people will believe it.

 But the half-truth and half-lie put Rahman in a forced position, and in the end he paid the price with his life.

This kind of lie will be readily accepted by both those who support him and those who oppose him.


 Hindeli, in the office of Victoria Palace.

 With a "bang", a beautiful porcelain vase was slammed to the ground.

Even with the cushioning of a thick wool carpet, it was still impossible to prevent the vase from being smashed.

Xindila's face was extremely ugly.

 She just received the news that the direction of public opinion in Bangladesh has changed!

"Damn it, what do these idiots from the Military Clearing Bureau do for a living!" Xindila couldn't control her anger. She originally thought that this time it would be stable. At least Li Yuanchao would suffer a big loss in the east, and at the same time completely cut off the relationship between Shan and Bangladesh. relation.

Who would have thought that a good situation would suddenly turn around.

According to Xindila's idea, after Rahman's assassination, people were emotionally aroused and immediately went to shoot black guns, completely making the matter worse.

However, the great wisdom of the Military Qing Bureau felt that this was a good opportunity and should be taken advantage of to maximize the effect and let things ferment for a period of time.

 As a result, just one day later, the opponent's response arrived, and the opportunity was missed in vain.

 At the same time, at the military camp of Li Yuanchao.

 Because of Rahman's death, the faction that originally belonged to him was leaderless and panicked.

Just when the Jean faction came out of Chittagong, there was supposed to be a big battle between the two sides.

 At this time, the people of the Rahman faction were thinking about preserving their strength, and no one was willing to go head-to-head with the troops of the Jean faction.

This allowed the more than 3,000 armed forces of the Zeon faction to reach Dhaka smoothly.

 This is what none of them expected.

 Fortunately, they were not dazzled by the victory. The more than 3,000 of them were nothing in front of the tens of thousands of troops from Li aiding the DPRK. They were still more than ten kilometers away from Dhaka, so they hurriedly came to pay their respects.

 The person who came was Madura, the number two figure in the entire Zeon faction.

This time Madura was obviously more excited, but he tried his best to suppress his emotions in front of Li Yuanchao and appeared very respectful.

Li Yuanchao had no expression on his face.

Du Fei was also present, with a somewhat playful smile.

Li Yuanchao said straight to the point: "It's good that you're here..."

Madura quickly wanted to explain why their leader did not come in person, but Li Yuanchao raised his hand to stop him: "You don't need to explain, it's the same for anyone who comes. I'm not interested in your country, and I'm not interested in your contact with the Meguo people."

Madura’s expression changed. They had just come into contact with a Meguo man named Macni a few hours ago.

The other party also promised them a loan of one to twenty million US dollars.

 As soon as the front foot was finished, Li Yuanchao on the back foot knew it.

 Madura was in a state of confusion.

Li Yuanchao, on the other hand, gained wisdom after learning every hardship. After Lahman's death, he realized that he could not stay in the land of right and wrong for long.

If he had a plot against Bengal, having a large army stationed at this time would certainly give him an advantage.

 But the problem is that he has no demands for this place. He comes here just to ensure the safety of the convoy transporting the treasure.

Now the four groups responsible for "cutting down the mountains and destroying the temples" have all returned.

 With Bush arriving, it was time to call it a day.

The last convoy has passed, and it makes no sense for Li Yuanchao to stay here any longer.

But before leaving, Du Fei and Li Yuanchao had to collect some interest before leaving.

After hearing Li Yuanchao’s request, Madura looked stunned and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

Even though he is tall and powerful, he can stand out among the tens of thousands of Zeon sect and become an official in external liaison. He is not a rough guy.

Li Yuanchao just said bluntly that the strength of their Jean faction is too weak and they cannot suppress other factions with their current strength.

Although the original Lahman faction was also weak in strength, its hard power was definitely stronger than that of the Jean faction. Coupled with Lahman's own reputation, he could become the temporary commander.

Now that Rahman is dead, and it is replaced by Jean's faction, there is no one whose reputation can match Rahman's.

 In this case, only force can be used.

Du Fei and Li Yuanchao came up with a list of equipment worth 50 million US dollars.

Madura looked at the list, and the flesh on his cheeks twitched.

 He is considered a semi-expert and has purchased arms and equipment on behalf of the Zeon faction on more than one occasion.

 But it’s incomparable to this list.

There are not only small weapons such as automatic rifles, grenades, and rocket launchers, but also armored vehicles and even Big Goose's T-62 tanks!

 What is this concept!

 Up to now, the entire Zeon faction does not have a single tank.

Most of the equipment obtained from the surrendered Pakistani army went into the hands of the Rahman faction. Later, Li Yuanchao came and demanded the return of the equipment.

Although Rahman tried his best to deal with it, he still returned more than half of the heavy equipment such as tanks.

Although the Rahman faction is divided and each is wise in protecting itself, it is still very powerful.

  If the Zeonists want to ascend to power, they must have means to suppress them.

Now that Du Fei and Li Yuanchao have just presented this method to them, should they accept it or not?

 Taken it, this is fifty million US dollars! Selling the whole Jean Pie wouldn't be worth the money.

If he didn't accept it, he could even imagine that the two people in front of him would sell these things to other factions.

 At that time... Thinking of that possibility, Madura couldn't help but feel numb.

 He did not dare to make the decision on such a big matter and asked to go back to discuss it first.

 After he left, Li Yuanchao snorted and said to Du Fei: "Old Du, do you really think they can come up with 50 million US dollars?"

Du Fei gathered up the equipment list just displayed and said calmly: "Of course they can't take it out, but they can borrow it from the Meguo people~"

"That's true~" Li Yuanchao chuckled: "As agreed, I will give you 10% of the money if the deal is made, so you can't go back on your word!"

Du Fei laughed and scolded: "You are really Grandet, holding billions in your hands, and you have the nerve to stare at me, a melon and two dates~"

Li Yuanchao said disapprovingly: "That's different. Those billions are pie in the sky. It's just once in a lifetime. This is just a business. In the future, I will use the money to build a railway directly in Yun Province. In the future, this kind of business will still be possible." Do."

"You have a good idea." Du Fei said with a smile: "This business is not easy to do. Who else can you sell to besides Meng Jia?"

Li Yuanchao said: "You don't have to worry about it. If you could sell the tank to Airul, I can still sell it to others."

At this point, Li Yuanchao stopped his smile and said seriously: "Hey, are you interested in bringing your fire equipment company's factory to my place? We two brothers are a joint venture. You provide people and technology, and you don't have to pay a penny. Our family owns half of the shares."

Du Fei understood immediately after hearing this. Li Yuanchao was now wealthy and wanted to build a factory, especially weapons and equipment.

 After all, having a father and a mother is not as good as having one yourself.

If anything changes in the future, he is not afraid of being blinded.

As for Du Fei, it’s not impossible to not take money, but he can’t make the decision without permission. He must first report to his family and get permission.

Li Yuanchao also understood that today he took the opportunity to talk about Du Fei's tone.

After saying this, Du Fei looked serious: "Lao Li, that's it for now. I also have something to tell you."

Li Yuanchao was shocked. He couldn't guess what Du Fei was going to say?

Du Fei walked to the table covered with a large map and pointed: "Look here..."

 (End of this chapter)

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