Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 978: : Is this woman sick?

"Magic core? I'm not a pharmacist. What's the use of giving me a magic core."

Ji Xu Kun answered very simply, which embarrassed Bai Chen.

If it is delayed, even the seven-tier pill will not completely remove the scar on Lin Mengyao's back. Bai Chen thought for a while and said, "In this way, you will give me a seven-tier pill, and I will ask you to take it again. A barbecue."

Since he doesn't care about his belongings, then simply ask him to have a drink, which is also in line with Ji Xuku's free and easy personality.

However, Ji Xukun still shook his head: "Forget it, I am looking for my companion, and then we will leave Zhongyu. We will talk about drinking when we have a chance."


Seeing Bai Chen's anxious appearance, Ji Xukun sighed helplessly: "Since you are willing to invite me to drink, then it proves that we are brothers. Since we are brothers, do we have to exchange something for help?"

"You mean, are you willing to help me free of charge?" Bai Chen was stunned.

Seven-pin pill, that is the world's most treasure, they are just friendships that meet each other...

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I never carry a pill, but I have a friend who is an alchemist. If she is willing to help you, it will definitely be fine."

"Friend? Good! Where? Let's go now!"

"Well, come with me."

Sacrificing Xu Kun's straightforward temperament completely exceeded Bai Chen's expectations.

It seems that this so-called Night of the Gods is not all as bad as Haotian.

Flying all the way with Ji Xukun, when they approached a rice field, the two of them saw from the air. In the stream beside the rice field, there was a girl with bare feet, wading in the water, playing alone.

Seeing that the girl's clothes were exactly the same as those of Xukun, Bai Chen's face sank: Is it another member of Night of the Gods? !

The two of them fell to the girl not far away like a light and shadow. The moment the girl turned to look around, her clear big eyes had a purity that was not inferior to Zhou Qing'er.

"Wow, Kun Kun, you can actually come with others!" The girl was very lively, wading the stream and ran ashore.

Hearing this, Ji Xu Kun's expression was instantly embarrassed: "Hey? Tian Qi, what do you mean, I worship Xu Kun, who is handsome and good, and wherever I go, I don't want a bunch of brothers to follow."

"Puff! Forget it, besides me and Xiao Hei, do you have any other friends?"

"Yes, isn't this? His name is Bai Chen, my good brother!" Ji Xukun raised his face, as if proudly introducing to the side: "Come on, this crazy girl is called Lu Tianqi, that's the one I said. Someone who can help you."

The simple conversation between Xu Kun and Lu Tianqi made Bai Chen clear at a glance.

It seems that this sacrifice to Xu Kun is also a very lonely person.

"Hello, Miss Lu, I have something to ask for--"

"Wait!" Lu Tianqi pushed her hand: "Let me think about it, are you asking me to save the girl you are holding?"

Bai Chen was a little surprised when his eyes swept across the girl named Lu Tianqi.

Although this girl seems to have an unfathomable and mysterious aura like Ji Xukun, is she really an alchemist?

If so, why didn't she wear the Medal of Medicine Alchemist, and what was hanging around her neck was a strange pendant with six golden leaves?

Lu Tianqi walked over with her little hand on her back, and looked at the face of the girl in Bai Chen's arms at random, but her footsteps stopped abruptly: "Hey~ this girl is so beautiful!"

Lin Mengyao's beauty, but looking at the mainland, it is difficult to find the second since ancient times. This kind of beauty has surpassed all the definitions of "beauty" in the world.

So when Lu Tianqi was shocked, Ji Xu Kun also expressed his approval.

Staring at Lu Tianqi's curious and pure face, Bai Chen's heart moved, and a bright smile suddenly appeared: "Hey, she is beautiful, but she is just a beauty in the world, and you, a nine-day fairy, will face the earth. It's far worse than that."

Hearing Bai Chen's sweet words, Lu Tianqi did not feel as moved as he thought, but showed a calmness as light as water.

This kind of peace is like the peace that has been experienced through the vicissitudes of life, as if she is like an old predecessor, who has long been used to these cats who boast and slap horses.

However, Ji Xukun couldn't help but slap her legs and laughed: "Haha! You said she was a fairy? Hahahaha-oh my **** laughed at me!"

"I make you laugh!"

When Lu Tianqi heard this, her jade foot violently stepped on the foot of the sacrifice to Xukun.

The action is so fast!

Bai Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene, but the figure sacrificing Xukun flashed aside like a shift in shape.


Lu Tianqi's figure also flashed with him, disappeared together, and then appeared on the other side together. In the end, Ji Xu Kun still failed to avoid her foot.


The seemingly slap-sized little feet stepped on the feet of Ji Xukun, and the whole earth shook violently, and there was a horrible cry of Ji Xukun that broke through the soul.


Seeing Ji Xukun's distorted face, Bai Chen couldn't help but his eyes widened and he took a sharp breath.

From just looking, he could deeply feel how painful it was to sacrifice Xukun at this time.

What a scary woman!

With a horror in his heart, Bai Chen couldn't help looking at Lu Tianqi again, his eyes full of jealousy.

Seeing Ji Xukun jumping into the sky like fireworks with his feet clutched, Lu Tianqi curled his mouth in disdain, and swept towards Bai Chen with a sharp eye.

It stands to reason that when you see her tough side, no matter who it is, you will be frightened.

However, when Bai Chen faced Lu Tianqi's gaze, he showed an extraordinary calm and indifferent expression.

"Miss Lu, my friend has now taken a six-pin pill. It stands to reason that the injury will not be fatal, but I don’t want her to have scars, so I implore you to save her! As long as you are willing to help, this I will repay this kindness in the coming day!"

Bai Chen looked extremely serious and said sincerely.

Lu Tianqi frowned, her clear eyes full of curiosity: "Do you like her?"

"...Yes!" Bai Chen nodded seriously.

"Oh." Lu Tianqi pointed at his chin, tilted his head thoughtfully.

After thinking about it for a moment, she suddenly raised her face and showed a green smile like the first bloom of a spring flower: "Isn't it just removing scars? It's nothing! As long as you promise me one condition, I will help you save her."

"I promise you any conditions!" Upon seeing this, Bai Chen couldn't help but be overjoyed.

With his hands behind his back, Lu Tianqi stared at Bai Chen's eyes, and finally smiled: "I want you to marry me."

"Wh, what is—?!"

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