Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 974: : Fight Hua Dounan! !

"Why does Brother Bai Chen use so many hole cards to play Hua Dounan?" Tang Qin stared at the scene in the venue, and couldn't help squeezing out a cold sweat.

"I'm afraid, Hua Dounan is no longer what it used to be!"

Lin Mengyao's words made everyone in Chenyao Jianzong tremble.

Not what it used to be?

When opening the tomb of Tianhai, Bai Chen, who was in the realm of the universe, had already crushed Hua Dounan.

Later, after accepting the inheritance of the Tomb of Tianhai, the inheritance of the Demon Heart and Blood Cave, and then rushing all the way to the Western Regions of the mainland, Bai Chen's strength was rapidly improving like Fei.

But what does Lin Mengyao's sentence mean now? Does it mean that Hua Dounan is growing faster than Bai Chen?

How is it possible, how can he have that talent!

Regarding this, Tang Qin and Luluo, who were in the Hades Sect with Hua Dounan, couldn't believe it.

But even if they didn't believe it, how should Bai Chen explain his full challenge at this moment?

It's really weird!


Inside the venue, the two figures interlaced each other, and each time they confronted each other, a series of energy ripples would burst.

As Hua Dounan said, he understands Bai Chen's Eighth Drunken Immortal Form, so the moment the opponent raised his hand, he madly attacked Bai Chen. After killing three phantom afterimages, Bai Chen's true The body also had to give up this trick.

After avoiding the two flying petals again, Bai Chen's body flickered like a phantom, and he came to high altitude.

Stepping on the void, looking down at the cloudy face, Bai Chen smiled calmly: "Hua Dounan, although your realm has reached the peak of the Star Sea realm, it is a pity that it is too empty. The true combat power may not be as good as Zi Liuli, it is really true. Sorry~"

"What are you arrogant? You are just a two-star sea realm. What right do you have to laugh at me!" Hua Dounan grabbed both hands, and the pink petals once again rolled up the pink storm.

Seeing that he refused to admit defeat, Bai Chen sighed helplessly, and the long sword in his hand was erected and pointed at the sky.

At this moment, the situation has changed dramatically!

Thick billowing clouds covered the dazzling Chenhui from high above, and in the blink of an eye, the entire venue was plunged into darkness.

The sudden appearance of the heaven and earth vision shocked the audience.

"That move... won't it?" Tang Qinsu covered his red lips with his hand, and looked at each other with Lu Luo. The horror of the second girl also made everyone in Dechenyao Jianzong look bewildered.

Suddenly, a series of sword lights shot sharply from the Wind Spiritual Sword like high-altitude thick clouds, forming a colorful halo in the sky, and countless people were stunned.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Hua Dounan had never seen Bai Chen use this trick before, and immediately stepped back two steps cautiously. At the same time, the pink storm instantly formed a pink giant door, which fell directly in front of him.

This is his strongest defense.


In the tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, thick clouds are like ink paintings, and they are getting lower and lower. Suddenly, a golden light descends from the sky, forming a huge lightsaber in the sky.

This lightsaber is as big as a hundred feet, and the glow from it tears through the clouds in an instant, illuminating the dark world, like a holy sword falling from the sky, driving away all darkness in this world.

Holding the Wind God Sword tightly, Bai Chen glanced at Hua Dounan with some sympathy. He wanted to say something to him, but he still only spit out four words.

"Broken sky and white rainbow!"

After a word fell, the giant sword in the sky instantly aimed at Hua Dounan's direction and fell fiercely towards him.

"Broken sky and white rainbow, isn't that Baidi's move?!" Standing in the lounge, Chu Junran stared at the black figure standing high in the sky, his delicate body trembled slightly: "This guy... really is ten thousand years. Unexpected genius!"

Bai Chen had only seen Duantian Baihong twice, but it was these two times that allowed him to see through the mystery.

Because this move is similar to his Wannian Guiyi. Although it is slightly inferior in power, it can be activated faster and consumes a lot less spiritual power. As a mid-level spiritual skill, Heaven-Splitting White Rainbow is already very strong. !

The lightsaber that fell from the sky, with the pressure to tear the space, slammed against Hua Dounan in countless horrified eyes.

At this moment, Hua Dounan's expression was extremely hideous, and he suddenly raised his hand, bit his finger, and flicked a drop of black blood against the giant pink door in front.


The previously gorgeous giant gate was instantly dyed black, exuding a breath of death, making everyone's complexion drastically changed.

"Bai Chen, I have lost to you twice, there will never be a third time!"

Hua Dounan raised his face ferociously, his forehead oozing with sweat.

Although he relied on swallowing others to become the pinnacle of the Star Sea Realm, his spiritual power is very empty and unstable. In terms of the spiritual power saturation in the spiritual source, he is indeed not as good as the purple colored glaze of the Seven Star Sea Realm, and the real ones like Chu Junran and Feng Wang The peak powers of the Xinghai Realm can't be compared.

Hearing Hua Dounan's confident and bold words, Bai Chen smiled calmly, shook his palm lightly, and a cyan streamer flashed deep in his eyes.


The descending huge lightsaber suddenly exudes dazzling green light, an extremely terrifying green fire storm, instantly surrounding the entire sword body, as soon as the terrifying blue flame appears, the temperature between the world and the earth rises suddenly, and the speed of the climb is extremely terrifying!

Under this rare green fire storm in the world, even the group of elders in the Xinglan Temple, all stared in shock and stood up one by one.

"Suzaku Shengyan! This little guy is a descendant of Suzaku?!"

When the temple elders were surprised, Hua Dounan's face also paled completely.

At this moment, Lin Mengyao, Tang Qin and others also looked at the people in the Phoenix Temple with weird expressions, and those people in the Phoenix Temple had obviously unnatural expressions.

"Concentrate on watching the game!"

Chu Junran let out a scream, everyone was so frightened, they all turned their eyes to the God Eye Orb again.

In order to save Bai Chen, she assigned the sub-huo of Zhuque Shengyan to him, but now she has not recovered it, but also hopes that Bai Chen will become stronger and stronger.

Beyond Bai Chen...

As long as she has this goal, she believes that she will definitely become the pinnacle powerhouse on this continent!

In this regard, Bai Chen did not live up to her expectations, and had already applied the Vermillion Bird Saint Flame to actual combat.

However, at this time, Hua Dounan's expression was extremely gloomy, because he not only measured that he could not resist this move, but he also found a strong, undisguised killing intent in Bai Chen's smiling eyes!

He wants to kill me? !

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