Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 971: : The knockout round begins!

At this time, two figures have appeared on the venue. One of them is Tianyi, a monk holding a rosary, and the other is Blind Qing, who is also one of the favorites in this competition.


Tianyi closed his eyes and whispered softly, and the rosary in his hand suddenly turned into small rays of light, like a rain curtain, slamming on the blind green.

His ears moved slightly, and Blind Qing suddenly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of Tian Yi, swept away with one foot, and stopped an inch from Tian Yi's face.

The violent wind blew away the cap on Tianyi's head, revealing a bright scalp.

"Old Na... lost."

It was not a level of competition at all, and the blind youth did not cruel the sky, until they clicked, and lived up to the name of a "hero", causing the audience to stand up and applaud.

"In the second match, the red player Yang Qiuyu and the blue player Ye Beixuan."

Xiao An'an's voice fell, and after a while, the two players also appeared on the ring.

"Autumn Rain..." The scholar stared at the Divine Eye Orb nervously, without turning his eyes away.

Ye Beixuan stood opposite Yang Qiuyu with arms around his chest, his eyes full of disdain, and coldly snorted: "Did you walk down the ring by yourself, or should I throw you down?"

In a word, it was full of banter, which made the audience enthusiastic.

They just like Ye Beixuan's domineering, this kind of domineering, just worthy of the title of Valkyrie.

At the intersection of his eyes, Yang Qiuyu ignored him at all. Instead, she turned around silently and said to Xiao An'an, "This time, I give up."


Yang Qiuyu's performance immediately caused the audience to sigh, but Ye Beixuan's expression suddenly became gloomy.

Because, her kind of admitting defeat is not lowly.

Yang Qiuyu was also satisfied to be able to fight here. She knew how powerful Ye Beixuan was. She couldn't have any hope in fighting against it.

Therefore, it is a wise choice to admit defeat simply and neatly.

At least, she has grown up.

Ignoring Ye Beixuan's glare and the boos from the audience, Yang Qiuyu walked back to the teleportation formation, neither humble nor overbearing.

Staring at the shadow, Ye Beixuan's clenched fist quietly released.



When Yang Qiuyu returned to the Southern Territory Lounge, all his companions came forward and gave her a thumbs up.

For her companions, her surrender was not ashamed.

This kind of companionship fell into the eyes of everyone in the Phoenix Temple, and it could only make them envy and jealous.

"Qiu Yu, good job." Bai Chen smiled calmly.

In the face of the competition and the doubts of tens of thousands of people, it takes courage to be able to give up personally, and to face such a situation calmly, it also requires a far beyond ordinary consciousness.

Yang Qiuyu had obviously done it.

"The next game..." Xiao An'an first glanced at the light curtain, and then his eyes showed enthusiasm: "This will definitely not disappoint everyone. The red side is a player from the Southern Region Bai Chen, and the blue side is a Western Region player Yang Qian. Xing——"

After the words were over, the audience once again presented a turmoil.

Bai Chen's performance in this competition was also extremely terrifying. Although he was a little anxious in the final battle facing Yiyi, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Bai Chen didn't use his true skills.

On the other hand, Yang Qianxun, at a young age, with great energy and Yangmen spear in one hand, danced very well.

The collision of the two of them will naturally make countless people full of expectations.

Soon, Bai Chen, a super-cool boy in a black robe, appeared on the ring. In front of him, Yang Qianxun was also pounding a spear, with a small face that can be broken by a blow, showing the perseverance of reluctance.

Looking directly at Yang Qianxun's silver gun, Bai Chen rolled up his sleeves calmly, without raising his eyes, and smiled casually: "Do it, you are welcome."


Yang Qianxun lightly kicked the tail of the gun with his toes, and the spear suddenly volleyed.

As soon as she grasped the spear tightly, when her figure violently charged, the overwhelming shadow of the spear had already rushed towards Bai Chen.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

Facing the infinite spear shadows waving like rain, Bai Chen's figure flashed in place, and it was actually easy to avoid all those spear shadows.

On the scene, the two are not at the same level at all.

"The gun is out of the cage!"

Suddenly, Yang Qianxun's feet slammed on the ground, and the spear in his hand pierced Bai Chen's eyebrows with a sonic boom.

Feeling this powerful force, Bai Chen looked up lightly and lifted his palm.


Two fingers clamped the tip of the gun.


The sudden appearance made Yang Qianxun shocked, but Bai Chen was a little helpless.

Under the same realm, it is very difficult for him to meet an opponent, let alone Yang Qianxun who is only the pinnacle of the reincarnation realm.

"Let's give up." Bai Chen kindly persuades him with a kind smile.


Yang Qianxun was furious, squeezing the spear and spinning rapidly.

The rotating gun head rubbed sparks between Bai Chen's two fingers, but Yang Qianxun still couldn't draw the gun body.

"Why are you so strong!"

Yang Qianxun glared at him angrily, and suddenly had an idea, and kicked and kicked directly to Bai Chen's face.

Facing the kicked jade foot, Bai Chen sighed helplessly, and when he peeped his palm, he held it in his hand.


The gun was clamped by the opponent's fingers, and now the foot was also gripped by the opponent.

"Little girl, giving up is sometimes precious, after all, you are still young." Bai Chen smiled lightly again.

Although Yang Qianxun is sixteen years old, she is a little younger than her peers. If only by visual inspection, she is fourteen this year, no one doubts.

"You are small!"

Bai Chen's condescending position made Yang Qianxun furious in an instant. She stood there with one foot, and suddenly stepped on the sole of her foot, and hit her face facing Bai Chen.

Seeing this scene, Yiyi in the Western Regions Lounge couldn't help but blush. In the previous game, she was stunned by Bai Chen's head.

Unexpectedly, Yang Qianxun also started to learn and sell now.

Looking at Yang Qianxun who was bumping from the front, Bai Chen couldn't laugh or cry, holding her fist, turning around and flicking, Yang Qianxun flew out towards the distance.

Bai Chen's arm swing was very powerful, even though Yang Qianxun tried to stay in the air, he still fell miserably outside the ring.

"The winner is-Bai Chen!"

With a whisper, Xiao An'an was also very helpless. What and what were the first three games, it didn't seem to be a ring.

And if you continue at this rate, I'm afraid that the game will be over without it being noon today, right?

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