Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 933: : The Sadness of Cat Emperor

The huge fire was gradually extinguished under the control of Old Xuan.

In the messy inner courtyard, people were startled and their eyes were full of fear.

"Just... Am I dazzled? Why did that Lin Tianhao make Bai Chen's drunk Eight Immortals?!" Chen Mengyi's eyes widened, dumbfounded.

In this regard, Qin Lang was equally confused, just like everyone else, looking at the black robe boy with curiosity.

Bai Chen came to Lin Mengyao, looked at the redness and swelling on her face and a very obvious footprint, his eyes suddenly reddened.

After a while, Bai Chen flew out of the sky.

"Big Brother Bai——"

Upon seeing this, Lin Mengyao was shocked, and quickly retracted full of grief and anger, and chased in Bai Chen's direction.


A white light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Looking at the wounds of the old man in front of him, Bai Chen's eyelids twitched: "Don't stop me, I'm going to find him."

Being able to wound Lin Mengyao and Old Xuan in this way, Lin Tianhao has completely angered Bai Chen.

"I want to go over and defeat me." Old Xuan took a deep breath and said lightly.

Although he was injured, he was still able to stop Bai Chen.

Bai Chen is also very clear about this.

"I really can't forgive him, please... get away." With his head down, Bai Chen's voice was already clearly hoarse.

Lin Mengyao also rushed over at this time and took his arm. "Big Brother Bai, it is not the time yet. As long as we go to the mainland, we will see him again one day. I will accompany you with this account. Let him settle the matter together!"


The breeze blew, Bai Chen gradually raised his eyes. At this moment, his pupils instantly turned into a strange dark red.

It's just that this time, there is obviously a long green light flashing in his eyes.

"Huh?!" Old Xuan frowned slightly and was startled when he saw the sudden change of Bai Chen's pupils.

In fact, this is not a sudden change, but an awakening.

It is part of the awakening power of Chaos Ghost Eye.

"Chaos ghost pupil!!"

Bai Chen whispered softly, and the old Xuan figure suddenly became empty, his vision became wider and wider as far as he could reach, and he stretched forward infinitely.


In the extremely distant sky, the two figures flickered fast, galloping faster than thunder.

"Sister Cat Emperor, you seem to be in a bad mood." Haotian looked at Cat Emperor sideways and said.

"Hmm." The cat emperor flying with his hand held a wave in his eyes: "It has been many years, I still can't find that **** Luoxi!"

"It seems that the black dragon is very important to you..."

"Not very important." Cat Emperor smiled faintly in the wind: "It is the most important."

"..." Haotian stared at the sad look of the Emperor Cat, and was silent for a while before exhaling: "Sister Cat Emperor, your friend’s revenge, I will definitely avenge you, Luo Xi, the leader also Looking for him, he can't escape!"

"The leader... 嘁!"

"Sister Cat Emperor, you can no longer show such disrespect, the leader will always be the leader."

"What a **** leader, I think the leader is a whim. On the surface, he wants to wipe out the Wanchao Pavilion, but in fact he didn't make any real actions at all. The leader is actually very idle, you know, very idle!"

"Whether it is on a whim or idle, at least the leader has ordered Wanchao Pavilion to be strangled. This is also a good thing for you, and that Luoxi is so deep that even the leader cannot dig him so easily. Come out?"

"Okay, I won't tell you. Every one of you respects the leader. In fact, the leader only wants to find an opponent and stand in an invincible state. Only then will he think of the black dragon back then, but the little black dragon is no longer there..."

"Puff! When the black dragon fell, the leader hadn't been born yet. Well, since I don’t know him, the leader showed indifference to the affairs of the black dragon, which is right, after all, the black dragon is your most important companion. You are the only one who cares about it."

"Yes, so this is where I am upset!" Cat Emperor scratched in the air, and the cat's claws tore a space.

Seeing the cat Emperor's face full of reluctance, Haotian sighed helplessly: "Oh, don't be angry, you also know the leader's temperament, so how can a foolish person really take something to his heart? Maybe No one or anything in this world can interest the leader."

"Puff, you actually said that the leader is stuck, haha, don't you all admire the leader?"

"Stupid sister, there is only one person I admire from the beginning to the end of Haotian. That is-you! My sister Cat Emperor!" Haotian looked directly at the Cat Emperor and vowed.

"Ang..." Suddenly, when Haotian stared so earnestly, Cat Emperor blushed instantly, his expression was obviously unnatural: "Cut, I can't beat the leader again, what do you worship me for."

"What I admire is your determination to avenge your friends. For thirty thousand years, this will never die."

Hearing Haotian's words, Cat Emperor was slightly moved and gradually fell silent.

"Sister, the current attitude of the leader obviously has lost interest in Wanchao Pavilion, and has also begun to send other teams to perform tasks that have nothing to do with Wanchao Pavilion, but I will also chase Wanchao Pavilion with you! I Haotian Swear, I will avenge your friend!"

Hearing this, Cat Emperor was stunned, and immediately smiled sillyly: "Well, then your sister will remember it. My sister has taught you all the tricks of the little black dragon back then. With your talent, you must surpass it in the future. Mine, I hope you will be so good to me by then, not like Luoxi..."

"Don't compare me with the kind of **** like Luoxi, I have intentions."

"Hahaha! The world says that my cat is stupid and easy to be deceived. Xiao Heilong used to say that to me, but I still chose someone and recognized you as a good brother!"

"That's...naturally, my sister Cat Emperor, how could it be easily deceived..." The corner of Haotian's mouth inadvertently evoked a curve.


Bai Chen stared at him for a long time, his sight had spread dozens of miles away, but he still didn't see any suspicious figure.

Searching to no avail, a tingling pain suddenly came from his eyes, causing Bai Chen to quickly withdraw his pupil power.

Seeing Bai Chen's loss, Old Xuan sighed helplessly: "Little guy, can I ask, are you from a force before?"

"I have no power." Bai Chen lowered his eyes and said lightly.

"Then why did Lin Tianhao use the Drunken Eight Immortals you are used to?"


Bai Chen's eyes widened, his voice depressed: "What did you say he used? Drunk Eight Immortals?!"

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