Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 922: : Extraordinary

The people in the Phoenix Temple all bowed their heads in front of the old man, crying.

To them, the Phoenix King is the leader of the Phoenix Temple, but similarly, seniors like Qing Lao are the support of the Phoenix Temple.

Bai Chen faintly looked at Qing Lao's dying, he was silent for a long time, and finally chuckled, "Heh, your so-called ancestor is Chu Yu, right?"

"You know the first king?!" Old Qing was stunned, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "That's right, you are a disciple of the old Xuan, and it is not strange that you know the existence of the first king."

When Old Xuan was still a fledgling, he was secretly accepted by Chu Yu as an apprentice. This matter was seen by the then Great Elder Chu Qing.

And that Chu Qing is now the old man.

So in terms of seniority, Qing Lao is actually regarded as Xuan Lao's predecessor. After all, Xuan Lao has lived for a thousand years, but Qing Lao has lived for a whole 1,500 years.

Hearing what Qing Lao said, Bai Chen sighed helplessly: "Oh, it's a pity that you guessed wrong. I did see Chu Yu with my own eyes. It was in the Tomb of Tianhai."

"You...Have you seen the king?" At the mention of this name, Qing Lao was very excited, and there was a loyalty as heavy as Taishan in his voice: "Then he..."

"When I met him, he was already a soul body, and after he gave me the power of inheritance, he returned to the stars."

Hearing this, all the disciples of the Phoenix Temple lowered their heads in silence.

The silent mourning lasted for a while, and Bai Chen sighed leisurely: "You should know that your ancestor Chuyu was the teacher of Old Xuan, and even my ancestor. Because of this, Mr. Xuan and I always treat you. Your Highness the Phoenix God will not kill you, or else you will be able to forgive you so easily based on the damage the Phoenix God Temple has caused to the Academy?"

"Hey, Shien dare not forget, but your Phoenix Temple is really doing too much." Old Xuan also sighed helplessly.

So many people died in the academy, and the sin of the Phoenix Temple was not unimportant.

Just as Bai Chen said, Elder Xuan was also grateful for his teacher's grace back then, and only then forbeared that, and did not avenge the Phoenix Temple.

Their words made the people in the Phoenix Temple feel ashamed to look up. The Holy Heaven Academy has a strong man who can reach the sky and the earth, and has never suppressed the Phoenix Temple. The Phoenix Temple did not seek to strengthen itself, but instead pointed his own weakness and pointed the finger at the Academy. In fact, most people in the Phoenix Temple had their own judgment in their hearts.

However, no one dared to violate King Feng's order.

For a while, the atmosphere became depressed.

Miao Lao, Ling Can, Guo Fatzi and others hated the Phoenix Temple deeply, especially Ling Can, gritted their teeth with hatred.

But they know that Bai Chen and Old Xuan also have blood and deep feuds with the Phoenix Temple. They can say these words with pride and ambition. As a member of Chenyao Sword Sect, they will naturally not be too aggressive to say anything. .

Now, they are all looking at Bai Chen's head, and Bai Chen alone will decide all the results!

With all eyes gathered, Bai Chen frowned deeply, with a complicated expression, looking directly at Qing Lao.

After a long silence, he finally let out a sigh of relief, stiffened, and said, "Old man, if I let you promise me three conditions, I will let you and everyone in the Phoenix Temple go, are you willing? "

"Release and let go of everyone in my Phoenix Temple? Are you sure?!" Qing Lao obviously didn't expect that the young Bai Chen would have an attitude that he didn't even have, and he couldn't help but stare at him.

Bai Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and his delicate face showed seriousness: "The first condition is that I want you to remove the position of the current Phoenix King and establish Chu Junran as the new Phoenix King. I think, as the Supreme Elder , You should have this right?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Phoenix Temple looked at each other, and no one opposed it.

They were loyal to the Phoenix King, and they were also loyal to Chu Junran, and Chu Junran's succession to the Feng King's post was already a certainty.

Seeing that everyone did not object, the old man nodded slowly: "Yes, that girl is qualified to lead the Phoenix Temple."

Chu Junran's delicate body trembled suddenly, and the look in Bai Chen's eyes was particularly complicated.

"Very good!" Bai Chen smiled faintly: "The second one, I want you to promise. From now on, there will be no conflicts between the Phoenix Temple and the Shengtian Academy and Chenyao Sword Sect. The domain brings a new peak!"

Qing Lao couldn't help but lifted his old face, staring blankly at Bai Chen who was smiling, and finally sighed with his eyes down: "Okay..."

In his heart, he had completely convinced Bai Chen, not on Bai Chen's strength, but on his chest.

"Then, the next one is the last one..." Bai Chen's gaze turned and fell on Chu Junran's body: "Junran, I know that at this time, I shouldn't let your Phoenix Temple hurt your face. , But I am the master of Chenyao Sword Sect after all. In this battle with your Phoenix Temple, you have suffered heavy casualties, and we are also not light. If it ends in such an unclear way, I must be Chenyao Sword Sect. There will be emotions up and down."

"What do you think, just say it." Chu Junran knew that he was the loser, and the loser had never qualified to talk about fairness.

Looking directly at Chu Junran, the corner of Bai Chen's mouth curled up, and he smiled faintly: "I, Chenyao Jianzong Vice Sect Master Miao and Elder Jianchu, were taken care of before. I can't count this account, and Brother Ling Can has been deceived by your Phoenix God Temple for many years, so his anger, I must be out for him!"

When these words came out, Miao Lao and Ling Can both opened their eyes. It turned out that in his heart, he was still thinking about their feelings...

Ling Can looked at Bai Chen incredulously. Now, he finally knows why Chu Junran likes him.

This man is really different!

"Would you like to exhale for your companion... I understand."

Chu Junran took a deep breath and bowed in the direction of Ling Can and Miao Lao.

This time, everyone in the Phoenix Temple clenched their teeth. They would rather die than see Chu Junran let go of their pride.

But it's more than that.

Chu Jun actually knelt down in the direction of Ling Can and Miao Lao.


Ling Can's figure quickly appeared in front of Chu Junran.

He grabbed Chu Junran, who wanted to kneel down, with blood-red eyes filled with endless anger: "Jun Ran, your knees, you can't kneel to anyone!"

Being dragged by him, Chu Junran's eyes were moist, and he sighed: "Grandpa deceived you for five hundred years, five hundred years! This is an unbearable experience. I will kneel on you once instead of grandpa. As it should be."

"Fool..." Ling Can trembled, with ruddy eyes: "You are my Ling Can's sister. I will protect you whenever and wherever you are! What happened before..." Ling Can glanced at the sleepy Feng. Wang, clenched his fist, then loosened it again: "Just let it... be written off!"

Looking at the sturdy Zhengzheng Tiehan with tears in his eyes, Chu Junran bit his lip and finally threw his head into his arms.

"Big Brother——"

Chu Junran now no longer has the heavy burden he had before, just like a little girl in an ordinary family, crying in his brother's arms.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen also took a deep breath, his sad eyes flashed with fleeting relief.

[PS: The first two rounds of voting have been successfully completed after half a month. The 15 shortlisted candidates (in order of the number of votes) are: Lin Mengyao, Bai Chen, Tang Qin, Bai Zhixue, Mao Di, Lin Tianhao, Chu Junran, Xuan Lao, Yang Qiuyu, Sacrifice Xu Kun, Xia Daotian, Scholar, Xiao Hei, Yang Chaoyue, Zi Liuli, the third round of voting is about to begin, and the final popular king will write a separate memoir according to the event schedule, pickup Autumn will witness the birth of the King of Popularity with you! 】

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