Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 667: : Hades VS Nangong Liucheng

Under the infinitely bright starry sky, the cold wind is freezing, the grass is folded, and a golden leaf rushes over the green sea, like a surf, with a lush green mark along the way.

Standing on the golden leaf formation, everyone turned their heads to look at the alternate red and blue sky, and their eyes trembled.

"I didn't expect that Nangong Liucheng was so horrible, it would be able to mess with the Hades... Oh no, it is the Demon King of the World... It is like this!"

Yang Qiuyu was meant to say "that bastard", but then he thought that Tang Qin was still here, so he had an idea and changed his name.

Hearing this, Tang Qin's beautiful eyes paused slightly, looking at the constantly changing color of the sky, and said in a daze, "Daddy... will there be nothing wrong with him, right?"

Hearing Tang Qin's words, a complex feeling like an enemy and a friend entangled everyone's heart.

After a while, Fatty Guo rolled his eyes and laughed: "Hey, you think too much, and you don’t look at how powerful your father is. Apart from Old Xuan and King Feng, who else can be his opponent in this world. ?"

"Yeah, don't think too much, if Nangong Liucheng can recover a life, it will be a miracle." Yang Qiuyu also smiled and persuaded.

However, the three of Miao Lao, Shu Kexin and Bai Chen stared at each other, all with some inexplicable meaning.

Pluto is indeed very strong. In this battle between good and evil, he faced the siege of the three peak powers of Baidi, Lin Yu, and Ling Can without defeat, which is enough to show that his strength is against the sky.

However, Nangong Liucheng is definitely not a small character, there are too many mysteries in his body, it is difficult to see through.

Of course, Miao Lao, who had fought against Nangong Liucheng, knew that the realm of this kid was not as good as Pluto, but he still felt uneasy.

As the three of them stared one after another, the others also became silent for some reason.

"Hey, let me go and see." After a while, Bai Chen finally sighed helplessly, with many helpless eyes.

"No way!"

Everyone shouted objections almost in unison.


Looking around at the worried eyes of the group of people, Bai Chen was slightly taken aback: "I didn't say how I would look at it. What are you nervous about?"

"How can you look at it?" Tang Qindai frowned, her face tight: "Daddy wants to kill you, you must not go back!"

"Then you don't worry about your father?" Bai Chen asked with a light smile.

"I... I'll go back by myself!"

"What can you do when you go back? What a silly girl~" Bai Chen sighed helplessly, pressed his palm on Tang Qin's head, and rubbed it in favor of everyone's eyes: "I'll go back. , If your dad is really in danger, I have the ability to help him."

"No, you are hurt now, don't try to behave, let me go!" Shu Ke's pointy eyebrows were raised, his eyelashes flickered like a knife, cutting and breaking hair: "You two are my pride. Disciple, in terms of emotion and reason, it should be me as a master."

"No, I'll go."

"I am coming too!"

"And I!"

All of a sudden, the enthusiastic fearless spirit spread over the golden leaf formation in an instant.

Seeing that these people who did not hesitate to die for their companions, all of them looked so determined. Old Miao smiled gratifiedly: "Oh, if I could meet a companion like you back then, it would be great~ It's a pity that in that era, all Anxious and unpredictable guy. Don't fight anymore. Let me, the old man, go through it. If anyone can control the outcome, then the old man will do my part."

"What the predecessor said is that everyone present is the strongest of you, but after all, you have been in the world for many years, and you have long been unsuitable for fighting in the rivers and lakes. The most important thing is that when I go this time, I have ten levels of assurance that I can be Retreat, why bother with me?" Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Ten levels?"

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Old Miao looked at Bai Chen in surprise, without concealing the appreciation in his eyes: "What are you going to do?"

"I have a set of small spiritual formations called Star-shifting and Moon-changing. This spiritual formation first sets up the main formation in one place, then slightly changes the power of the space in the formation, and then places the opportunity of the change on me. In this way, when I activate the opportunity, the dislocation space will be restored, and no matter where I am, I can instantly return to this main formation!"

Bai Chen's words made everyone look dumbfounded.

The power of changing space, is he kidding? Moreover, this is also called a small spiritual formation? !

Facing everyone's surprise, Old Miao asked with a serious look: "Are you sure, this spiritual formation is feasible? Have you ever used it?"


Bai Chen smiled faintly, very confident.

When he was a fledgling young man, after going to the Drunken Phoenix Tower to steal wine, he was spotted by the powerful Chu Junran.

At that time, it was with this formation that he escaped strangely from Tianfeng's hands.

It's just that, although "moving the stars and changing the moon" is not very expensive, the preparation time required is extremely long.

Fortunately, there was Elder Miao who was a magician here, and Bai Chen was able to complete the arrangement of the spiritual formation in a short time.

In the mountains and forests, everyone was amazed at the small golden formation exuding a faint glow, and they were all a little suspicious.

"Go, this main battle, we will take care of you, remember, don't be impulsive in everything, if you encounter danger, evacuate as soon as possible." Miao Lao warned repeatedly, obviously, he likes Bai Chen very much.


Smiling calmly at Miao Lao and the group, a silver light flashed under Bai Chen's feet, which cut through the long night, turned into a starlight, and galloped away towards the horizon.

The old Miao, standing with his hand in his hand, looked at the flying figure indifferently, and was overwhelmed with joy: Little guy, although Nangong Liucheng is very mysterious, the feeling you give me is even more mysterious. I really want to know what it is. Such a force can cultivate a genius as terrifying as you...


In the wind, the Hades stood proudly, with cold eyes, looking directly at the blood-stained Nangong Liucheng at the corner of his mouth, and slowly smiled: "Boy, I advise you to give up resisting, if you surrender to me and join Pluto Sect, I will not only give you the position of Deputy Sovereign, but in the future, I will also let you Nangong Palace look over the world and look out of the crowd!"

"Dreaming?" Nangong Liucheng smiled darkly, as arrogant as him, how could he accept such a gift that was almost alms.

"Since you insist on doing this, the old man can only wipe you out of this world..." Pluto is not angry, his tone is still flat, but what he says is cruel and chilling.

At this time, a black shadow fell from the sky like a nighthawk, and quietly landed on the treetops in the distance by the night.

Because of the high concentration of energy, the king of Hades and Nangong Liucheng, and even the ghost king who watched the battle from a distance, could not find Bai Chen's return.

However, when he saw Nangong Liucheng's injury, Bai Chen's brows still wrinkled deeply.

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