Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1054: : Why talk to her?

Zhong Luocheng's words made it clear that they were selling to Bai Chen's face. Regarding this, most of the people present also had guesses about the result of tomorrow's final match in their hearts.

"Thank you."

Bai Chen arched his hand at Zhong Luocheng, and grabbed Dongfang Kerr with one hand. No matter how she struggled, she walked out of everyone's sight like a dead dog.

Back to the room, Bai Chen closed the door, without letting Lin Mengyao and the others come in, and threw Dongfang Kerr to the bed.

"You, you, what are you doing!" Dongfang Kerr looked around, unbearable images, and instantly appeared in the depths of her mind. She was so scared that she turned pale and quickly took out the dagger from her waist and hit her. On the neck: "Even if I die, I will never let you succeed!"

"Are you sick?" Bai Chen was stunned.

"Do you have medicine?" Dongfang Kerr asked back.

Bai Chen "..."

The two were silent for a long time, and Bai Chen said indifferently: "Are you here for the blue flame sky jadeite?"

Hearing this, Dongfang Kerr rolled his eyes: "No, I just came to steal things."

"Don't pretend to be stupid. I know, this blue flame sky jadeite is the nemesis of the **** devil pill."

Bai Chen's words caused Dongfang Kerr's discoloration to change instantly, and then he looked wary.

Ignoring her precautions, Bai Chen came to the table, poured a cup of herbal tea, and took a sip: "I know you want to save more people who have been mutilated by the blood domain, but this is not a cure for the symptoms, and it's just you. Whether you can get the Blue Flame Sky Jadeite with this ability, just to fight against the blood domain, you must have the power to match them."

"I know! So I am going to steal the blue flame sky jadeite and give it to the hero guild! The bottom line of the hero guild's income is the universe, I can't reach it, but I have the blue flame sky jadeite, I believe the president must It's going to be open."

"You want to join the Hero Guild?" Bai Chen was taken aback.

"Yeah! The Heroes Guild, everyone in it is a hero who is admired by others, especially the Thirteen Eagles, they are really handsomer than the other one!" Speaking of the Heroes Guild, Dongfang Kerr held a small hand with a face. The longing way.

Seeing her look like this, Bai Chen couldn't help but chuckle: "Then I'm sorry, I'm afraid you will never be able to join the Heroes Guild."


"Because of you, from today onwards, I will belong to Chenyao Jianzong!"

Bai Chen's words made Dongfang Kerr struck by lightning.

After a while, she stood up suddenly, clenched her fist and shouted, "I don't want--!"

Her roar came clearly outside the courtyard, making Guan Xiaodou and the others bewildered.

"What are these two people doing in the house, she yelled no more?" Ba Ba asked winking.

Hearing this, Tang Qin rolled his eyes: "Don't guess, our suzerain is not what you think."


Bai Chen looked directly at Dongfang Ke'er, whose chest was tumbling and furious. After a long silence, he sighed faintly, "Dongfang Ke'er, I just said that you belonged to my Chenyao Sword Sect just to save you. After you go out, you can't take the name of the traitorous sect and go to the hero guild, right? Besides, I can't let the disciple in the sect betray the sect!"

"I don't care, anyway, I'm going to the Heroes' Guild, I want to be a hero!"

"Where can I be a hero?"

"All the Heroes' Guilds are heroes, recognized by the whole world!"

"You dead girl, do you want to be a hero to save the world, or do you just want to enjoy the respect and worship of others?"


After arguing, Dongfang Keer's face flushed red, and he was speechless.

Bickering, except that Bai Chen had never fought with Guo Fatty, he really disdains other people.

Seeing Dongfang Ke'er fell silent, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly and stood up slowly.

"Dongfang Keer, do you know my Chenyao Sword Sect? Back then, in the southern region of the mainland, the Phoenix Temple dominated the world, and the Hades Sect killed innocent people. It was only when we confronted such forces all the way that we have come to this point. There are both decent and evil people here, but you have to be clear that decent people may not be innocent, and evil people may not be wrong! The important thing is that when you become a strong person, you will use this What to do with strength!"

After Bai Chen said this, he couldn't help frowning.

The other party is obviously a person who meets in peace, and the strength is not too strong, he doesn't know why he has to explain so much to this girl patiently.

Dongfang Kerr tilted her head and frowned, "Then what do you want to do?"

"I want the strongest in the world, and then...revenge!"

"Vengeance?" Dongfang Kerr's eyes widened: "It's just for revenge for what you said just now, but it's just for revenge. Are you embarrassed to teach me?"

"Heh..." The corner of his mouth twitched, and Bai Chen gradually raised his cold eyes: "Those whom I want to revenge, they are all villains in this world who are more shameless than the blood realm. With them, the innocent people who died tragically, don't count. For the most part, the righteous ways of the Xinglan Temple do not want to fight hard with them. Since the righteous way does not dare to fight to the death, then I disdain the right way and control evil with evil! At least, when I become the strongest, I Will not bully the weak, will not hurt the innocent, the dead will die, the innocent will live freely!"

Bai Chen's words, every word, he heard Dongfang Ke'er lost consciousness for a moment.

"You don't have a place to sleep. Just live in my room tonight. I'll go out to sleep." Bai Chen finished drinking the cup of tea and got up and walked out.

Upon seeing this, Dongfang Keer said anxiously: "Where are you going to sleep?"

"This doesn't need you to worry about it, you just need to remember that I said you were from Chenyao Sword Sect to save you. As the Sect Master, I also want face. If you dare to betray the Sect, I will never forgive you!"

With a "boom" the door was slammed, and Dongfang Kerr was completely dumbfounded in the room.

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