Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1052: : End of the second round

The cracked stone slab has been blown up every inch, and the two in the sky are still facing each other.

"All thoughts are ashamed, go--"

Bai Chen looked down at the man in the red robe in the blood mist, and suddenly slashed with a sword in the air.

The moment the sword fell, the blue and black ancient sword above the sky instantly turned into a beam of two-color flames entwined together, and directly tore a gap in the sky, as if a meteorite fell with unmatched horror. Power, slammed into the direction of the man in the red robe.

At this moment, the man in the red robe did not dare to be scornful because of his high realm. He saw his face turned sullen, and the red storm around him continued to spread out for an instant, forming a bright red sphere. Wrap him in it.

The red light wall suddenly struck Gao Jian's heart trembled with shock, and a flicker under his feet, his figure retreated violently, and hurriedly evacuated the direction where the ring was located.

"End here."

The figure of Zhong Lijing suddenly appeared between Bai Chen and the man in the red robe, and then he slid his palms to the sides, holding the ancient green sword with one hand and the red light wall with the other, standing still in the void.

Senior Zhong Lijing's sudden shot stunned everyone in an instant.

"Senior Zhong, what do you mean, I haven't decided the winner or the loser yet." The man in the red robe was a little unhappy.

Zhong Lijing glanced at him faintly, and immediately shook his hands. The space on both sides quickly distorted, actually tearing the spiritual skills of Bai Chen and the man in the red robe into powder, and following the distorted space, the energy dissipated.


Lin Mengyao and Tang Qin looked at the scene in horror, they were speechless.

Bai Chen has repeatedly warned them that the owner of Lijing Villa is extraordinary, now it seems that what he said is true.

"This competition intends to leave two people behind. Now you two have passed the level, so the competition is over." Zhong Lijing held his hands behind his back, looked indifferently in the horror of the crowd, and walked to the distance. , He turned his head and glanced at the unwilling red-robed man, and said, "Your name is He Zhendong, right? Remember, don't call me senior, I don't think you are a young man."

In a word, the man in the red robe seemed to be irritated to the weakness in his heart, his tense teeth rattled as he was bitten.

However, in front of Zhong Lijing, he still did not dare to be presumptuous.

"Go back and rest. The final competition and interview will be held tomorrow morning."


Lin Mengyao frowned, what is the interview? She has never heard of...

A thrilling martial arts test finally ended with the passing of Bai Chen and He Zhendong. In this battle, the strength of He Zhendong's heavenly realm and his identity as a blood domain powerhouse were shocking. Bai Chen was terrifying. His spiritual skills and actual combat level far beyond his own realm are even more breathtaking.

Such an outstanding genius has long been affirmed by Zhong Lijing.

No, this is not only affirmation, but also a certain attitude.


At night, the five Bai Chen were still sitting in the small courtyard, drinking and delicacy, drinking and drinking.

"Big Brother Bai, what realm do you think this elder Zhong Lijing is? I can only feel the heavy pressure from the aura he exploded during the day." Lin Mengyao recalled the scene where Zhong Lijing shot, still a little palpitating.

That kind of coercion, the absolute power of contempt for everything, made her like a mountain.

"He should be a four-star heavenly realm, three realms higher than that of He Zhendong!" Bai Chen said lightly.

"Four-star heaven? He is in the same realm as Old Xuan?!" Tang Qin heard Bai Chen's words, and his eyes were dull.

You know, Elder Xuan of the four-star heavenly realm is the number one powerhouse in the southern region of the mainland!

"So, you have also seen that the gap at each level of the Heavenly Dao Realm is very huge." Bai Chen explained with a smile.

Guan Xiaodou stared at the three of them curiously, and asked: "Wait, can you see the realm cultivation of Senior Zhong Lijing?"

Xinghai Realm sees through the cultivation base of the Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouse, this is simply an unheard of strange talk.

Bai Chen smiled calmly at Guan Xiaodou's surprise and did not answer.

Some things, deliberately avoided, may seem to make people feel jealous, but Bai Chen has always been indifferent, and the people around him are not surprised.

"By the way, who exactly is He Zhendong? What position does he hold in the blood domain?" Bai Chen put down his wine glass and suddenly raised his eyes to look at Ba Ba.

"I don't know this guy. I have never heard of such a person in the blood domain before..." Ba Ba turned to Guan Xiaodou: "Have you heard of He Zhendong?"

"No." Guan Xiaodou also shook his head.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Bai Chen's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, and his fingers were used to tapping the table lightly: "It seems that the blood realm is more than simple on the surface."

"Oh, Bai Chen, if you want me to say, don't have any conflicts with He Zhendong, just leave the blood domain to my hero guild. You just came to repair the cloud empire, so you should keep a low profile. "

"Worthy development, don't worry, can we win?"

"Uh...what does this mean." Ba Ba was dumbfounded by Bai Chen.

"It's okay, he's just like that, ignore him." Tang Qin squinted his chin, raised his eyes to the moonless sky, sighed faintly, then looked at Bai Chen and whispered softly: "The key question," Senior Zhong Lijing’s performance today has already shown his attitude towards He Zhendong. I think in tomorrow’s competition, maybe the winner will be you!"

"Isn't that right!" Ba Ba laughed.

"What a good thing!" Lin Mengyao and Tang Qin scolded in unison, frightening Ba Ba.

The innocent bully only felt that he was wronged, but he didn't know anything and didn't dare to ask anything.

Bai Chen ate two mouthfuls of food at random, then put down his chopsticks, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, I will find a way to let Zhong Luocheng choose He Zhendong."

"Huh? Do you think of a way to let Zhong Luocheng choose He Zhendong?!"

Ba Ba's eyes widened in disbelief, thinking that he had misheard.

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