Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1043: : Invincible Wuxin

Guan Xiaodou was holding a wine glass and looking at Bai Chen carefully. After a dignified silence on his face, he asked, "Are you going to inquire about my hero guild?"

"No?" Bai Chen didn't explain anything, but asked directly.

"Haha!" Ba Ba laughed on the spot: "Bai Chen, Bai Chen, in fact, I know that you have always been brooding about Wuxin's failure to play in the finals. To win such a championship, but this is not unintentional, not letting you play in the finals. This is the president’s order before we set off. We still don’t understand what it is for, but the president’s order cannot be violated. I hope you Don't hold your hate."

"An order from the president..."

Bai Chen was silent for a while, and the mysterious person appeared in his mind again.

Just when Qing Luoluo left, he casually smashed the head of a mysterious person in the Star Realm. That mysterious person seemed to be unkind.

Could it be that this is the reason why the leader of the Heroes Guild did not let Wuxin play in the finals?

"Actually, I don't bear any grudges, but I hope you can help me bring the words to him. One day, I will defeat him personally!" Bai Chen said lightly.

"Beat Wuxin?" Guan Xiaodou was shocked: "Are you dreaming?"

"Hey~ Xiaodou, don't be rude." Ba Ba pulled Laguan Xiaodou, and immediately said helplessly: "But Xiaodou is not unreasonable, Bai Chen, since I knew Wuxin, I have never seen anyone If he can defeat him, maybe in this Cloud Cultivation Empire, apart from the guild leader and the elders of the sanctuary, there is really no one who can be stronger than the unintentional. Otherwise, the blood will not be afraid of us, it will always be like a Fleeing around like a rat."

"Is the blood domain very strong?" Lin Mengyao asked curiously.

"Blood Domain, how should I put it? The domain owner is Yaotian. No one has seen him. But judging from the fact that he has not dared to confront my hero guild, it is enough to show that he may not be able to beat Wuxin. Very jealous. Under Yao Tian, ​​what we know is a guy called Bone God. No one has encountered that guy yet. Of course, even if he does, I don’t think he can be so strong anyway. Ah, the blood domain is far inferior to our hero guild!"

Hearing the confident words of Ba Ba, Bai Chen's eyes flashed with a flash of light, which was fleeting.

The domain master of the blood domain has always been Bai Chen's most suspicious person. Perhaps, Yao Tian is the **** master of the Wanchao Pavilion in the Western Regions of this continent. Of course, he needs to see it with his own eyes to know.

"How can you be sure that the blood realm is afraid of you? Maybe they are doing a shameful plan, so they disdain to fight with you?" Tang Qin asked suddenly.

Ba Ba: "Hey~ you little girl!"

Tang Qin: "Which little girl do you mean!"

"Okay, don't quarrel." Guan Xiaodou patted his forehead annoyedly, and said: "Miss Tang, you don't know anything. Among the thirteen eagles of my Hero Guild, the four eagles of heaven, earth, fire and wind are the strongest. As long as the four of them appear at random, the powerhouses of the blood realm will flee in a hurry. From this it can be decided that they are very afraid of us.

"The four eagles of heaven, earth, fire and wind? Are there blind youths?" Lin Mengyao asked, thinking of the blind man who had suppressed Bai Chen in the semi-finals of the competition.

"How could there be a blind eagle? The blind eagle is the blind eagle among the thirteen eagles, ranking seventh among the thirteen eagles!"

"Blind Youth is seventh?!"

Lin Mengyao was completely stunned by Guan Xiaodou's words, and Bai Chen couldn't help staring at him.

Blind Qing, who stepped into the heavenly realm with half his foot, and Bai Chen's Blind Qing, who was defeated by a sneak attack on the Jade Lake watching the sea, was actually ranked seventh. This...!

Seeing them all in astonishment, Tyrant drank a glass of wine and said generously: "Tianying Wuxin, Diying Youshu, Huoying Luxi, Fengying Ye Suo, these four people are far more powerful than yours. Imagine."


Bai Chen was expressionless, and faintly responded.

His calm performance made Guan Xiaodou and Ba Ba stunned.

"Let's drink here today, and we will participate in the competition tomorrow. Don't drink too much." Bai Chen got up, waved his hand at will, and walked to his room.

Upon seeing this, Ba Ba scratched his head awkwardly: "What's the matter, did I just say something wrong?"

"No, he's just like that, just get used to it." Tang Qin and Lin Mengyao looked at each other, and went back to rest.

The reason why Bai Chen left, they both knew very well, they knew nothing about it because they knew him.

Back to the room, closing the door, Bai Chen helplessly rubbed his temples: "This tyrant is really too capable. If you don't leave, it's really endless."

With a bitter smile, before he came to the closet, he raised his eyes and glanced at the thin window, his hands formed phantom fingerprints in front of him.

"Splitting Array."

When the words fell, a golden light flickered, and Bai Chen's figure instantly became the size of a mosquito.

In the silent night, Lijing Villa is full of peach blossoms.

It has become a very common thing for bees to collect nectar and fly around in the yard.

However, suddenly there was an uninvited guest, like a cold wind, quickly passing by the bee colony, scared that the bees all plunged into the flower stamens and did not dare to come out again.

Bai Chen flew all the way, and after turning on the Chaos Ghost Eyes, he quickly found the place where Mu Feng lived.

Mu Feng had sent someone to find Chenyao Jianzong's trouble twice. With Bai Chen's temperament, how could this loss be kept in mind.

Happily gratitude, do what you want, while remembering gratitude, naturally you must bear grudges.

In this Starland Continent, you treat your enemies with kindness. Most of the time, you can't make your enemies change their past. You can only make them feel that you are a soft persimmon, and you will step on you to death.

Therefore, a man must treat his enemy a little harder, and a woman must treat himself a little better, one reason.

Soon, Bai Chen fell on the high wall of a Bieyuan Garden, and the scene in front of him made his face sink slightly.

Mu Feng is sleeping soundly in the house now, and beside him is guarded by a man with short hair and white clothes with his eyes closed and knees in the air. On the eaves outside the house, there is also a big monk sleeping with his eyes closed.

These two people made Bai Chen feel a sense of anxiety, especially the white-clothed man in the room, breathing in and out, all so calm.

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