Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1027: : What a talented woman

"Tsk tsk, Dongfang girl deserves to be a hero of the female middle school. This mouth is meant to kill more than 10,000 people. May I ask, how do you kill?"

"Why do you despise me?"

Dongfang Keer's small face was bulging, and his face was reluctant to admit defeat, making Bai Chen tremble again.

In this sentence, he seemed to have...


"Why, you despise me?"

An empty and beautiful voice blasted deep in Bai Chen's mind, and a severe headache came again.


Feeling the sharp pain, Bai Chen immediately retracted his mind and turned around.

Without noticing his deep breathing and adjusting his breath, Dongfang Kerr still said to himself: "Look at it, this stupid blood realm does not even realize that the heroine is lurking in, dealing with these villains, There is a way for this heroine!"


The man on the stake screamed again, making Dongfang Ke'er tremble with fright.

With sad eyes, Dongfang Kerr came to the man.

Facing his fierce roar, Dongfang Kerr looked serious and said: "I, Dongfang Kerr, swear, I will save you all!"

At this time, Bai Chen finally calmed down, and secretly wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Go, come with me!"

Dongfang Kerr's pretty face condensed, and he walked out.

Seeing this Nizi upright Ling Ran, Bai Chen couldn't help but smile, and followed out.

A girl in the Yuan Dynasty who dared to save people from the **** forces of this tens of thousands of people had to say that her courage was commendable.

Bai Chen also wanted to know what method she wanted to use to defeat so many people when she couldn't be the enemy.

Following Dongfang Keer all the way through the dozing guards, Bai Chen seemed to understand something.

They are walking down the river, I'm afraid this girl's target is the upper reaches of the Ten Thousand Bats Valley.

Sure enough, when they came to the upper reaches of the river, Dongfang Kerr stopped.

"Hey, there are so many of them here, and they usually drink this stream water. Today, the heroine will let them taste the taste of Qibusan~"

She touched her waist with a smirk, took out a paper bag, and then spread the paper. The silver-white powder inside looked like sugar.

"This is the death of Qibusan?" Bai Chen moved the tip of his nose, and found that this thing really didn't have any smell.

"Well, this is the necessary trump card for me to walk the rivers and lakes. It is colorless and tasteless. It melts in water and kills people. It only takes seven steps!"

Dongfang Kerr raised his hand proudly, looking triumphant.

At this moment, a fresh breeze suddenly blew, and the powder in her hand immediately disappeared.

"Ah! My life-threatening seven steps--"

Dongfang Kerr quickly grasped the palm of her hand, and when she opened her hand again, there was nothing left in the paper bag.

"You really are... a talented girl!"

Bai Chen patted his forehead speechlessly.

The terrain is high here, and the wind is strong, doesn't she know?

show off?

Hear again!

"It's over, what should I do." Dongfang Kerr squatted on the ground, crying without tears.

No matter how regretful she is now, it will not help. Without this poison, it is impossible for her to defeat so many people with her strength.

"It's convenient for me to go, you will review it slowly here." Bai Chen took a deep breath and walked away.

Hearing this, Dongfang Keer quickly turned his back and ranted: "You, you, you, go a little further."

"Ah, it may be a little longer."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly, and disappeared into a low-lying grass.

"Really, I still have a stomachache at this time, but what should I do to save those people? I'm so stupid! Ah!"

Dongfang Kerr jumped on the spot, but Bai Chen took off his cloth and hung it on the grass.

A faint glance at the girl who jumped on the spot, Bai Chen sighed: "He has a very good heart and is very smart, but it's a bit frizzy."

Big step!

With a secret thought in his heart, his figure disappeared instantly.


"Hey, we've been in this place where birds don't **** for half a year. When are we tall?" A man in a forest, wearing a **** shirt, said uncomfortably.

Next to him, the man wearing the same costume was also quite unhappy: "The ghost knows that if this devil pill is not practiced in a day, we need to continue to stay here."

"By the way, I heard Lao Wu say that this Lord Bone God sent the Demon God's water to the Zixia Empire before, but I don't know what happened later."

"Hey, I have also heard about that. It seems to be a family called Ye Family in the Zixia Empire, but it doesn't seem to be successful either. On the contrary, it allows the trainer to capture beasts that are one level higher than himself as a battle pet."

"Beast trainer? Heh~ is there still someone doing such a boring profession?"

"So the Zixia Empire is just rubbish."

The two were chatting hot, and a thin figure suddenly passed by the cold wind and fell in front of them.

"who are you!"

The two people were shocked, and before they started, Bai Chen pinched one of them by the throat with one hand and picked them up.


Being pinched by their throats, the two of them were obviously speechless, but their eyes were desperate and full of fear, as if they were telling: the hero is forgiving, the villain is wrong, the hero is forgiving...

Calm eyes stared at one of them, Bai Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, and smiled lightly: "The Demon God's water you mentioned earlier was given to Ye Xingyu of the Zixia Empire, right?

The man was terrified and he couldn't hear what he was saying.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen smiled coldly: "I can let go, but if you two dared to resist or shout, I will kill you."

Upon hearing this, the two nodded desperately.


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