Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 411 The Illusory City of Uqbar

Didn't I come to work today? Captain Yoshida said in a daze. Shoji nodded and sighed in distress.

Uncle Nagata didn't ask for leave, nor did he call to explain the situation. I think something might have happened.

Uqbar, the illusory city. Shui Maki turned to look at Captain Yoshida in the driver's seat. Then let's go take a look. Maybe we can see the so-called Uqbar?

Captain Yoshida was stunned for a moment and said: Do you also think that Uqbar exists?

Maki Shuo looked at the sky with only a few thin clouds floating in it, and replied softly: Just because we have never seen it, we can't assume it doesn't exist, right? Before Gaia appeared, who would have believed that there were Ultras in the world? Man?

Captain Yoshida didn't speak. After Shoji got into the back seat, he started the car and drove towards Uncle Nagata's current residence.

The communicator that Shuki Maki had just equipped suddenly rang. He signaled Yoshida to slow down the car, and then turned on the communicator. My dream figure appeared on the screen and said with a strange expression.

Senior, the magnetic field above where the old man currently lives is slightly distorted. Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe... it's Uqbal.

Zhen Mu Shuo nodded and said: Understood, we will rush to the scene immediately.

After turning off the communicator, he turned to look at Yoshida and said, Let's go and see if the hometown he has remembered for decades really exists.

Yoshida nodded and stepped on the accelerator. The car that had just slowed down suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Nagata's residential address on the record.

The time spent on the road passed quickly. With a harsh friction sound, the car stopped in front of a house. Yoshida quickly opened the door and rushed upstairs. Maki Shuo took a step slowly to catch up.

He did detect some special energy fluctuations, similar to telekinesis, but somewhat different. It's just that this energy fluctuation is so weak that it's even difficult to detect.

Uncle Nagata!

Shoji exchanged several words, but no one in the room answered. Yoshida pulled the door handle, and the door was unlocked and opened. The two looked at each other and rushed in at the same time.

In the room, an old man lay flat on the ground with his limbs spread out, his eyes closed and silent.

The food in Shoji's hand fell to the ground, he raised his hand and put it on old man Nagata's chest, shook it, and said in a panic: Old man, wake up.

It was really hard for him not to be afraid of such a scene. It was normal for an elderly person to suddenly have an illness. Yoshida bent down and put his ear to Nagata's chest and listened for a while, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

She must be asleep. Her breathing is steady and her heart is beating normally.

Shoji also breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground to calm his breathing. Maki Shuo pushed the door open a step too late and frowned slightly.

Old Man Nagata didn't seem to have simply fallen asleep. His consciousness seemed to be connected to an extremely distant and illusory space along the weak energy fluctuations.

Shuki Maki glanced at the dropped microphone and picked it up. Before falling asleep, Mr. Nagata seemed to have made a phone call to someone.

Uncle Nagata's house still has an old-fashioned wired telephone. If you look along the telephone line, you will find that the end has been broken by something. Maki Shuo raised the receiver to his ear, and the clear sound of wind sounded in his ears.

Nagata, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes at some point and sat up, still looking at Shoji with a relaxed smile on his face.

I had a dream that Ruk came to take me back, and I was about to go back to Uqbar.

Shoji put his hands on old man Nagata's shoulders, and said as if he hated iron, Wake up, old man, it's just a dream. We still have to live in reality after all. There is no such thing as Uqbal.

That's not necessarily the case. Maki Shuo's voice suddenly sounded, causing Captain Yoshida and Shoji to be stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned their heads to look over.

Zhen Mu Shuo handed over the receiver in his hand and sighed: This is the Uqbal he has been looking for.

Yoshida and Shoji looked at each other and hesitated for a moment. Yoshida was the first to reach out and take the receiver. An extremely clear wind sound came from the receiver, and the sound of the windmill turning could even be captured.

At the same time, a bunch of disconnected telephone lines were also raised in front of him by Maki Shuo. An old-fashioned phone that didn't connect at all actually connected to a place that Nagata called Uqbal.

No way... Shoji murmured in disbelief. Although his colleagues had heard about Uqbal for several years, no one thought it really existed.

The iron basin that fell outside the window rose and fell on the glass, making a constant clang, dang, dang, collision sound. It seemed that the strong wind that Uqbal could hear was also blowing here.

Only old man Nagata's face was filled with unconcealable excitement, and he excitedly said to himself: It's Luke, Luke is here to take me back.

Maki Shuo closed her eyes and spread her mind power to the surroundings. A small town with a semicircular bottom and a layer of water appeared in mid-air. Countless clouds surrounded it, giving it a bit of a dreamy feel.

Three fusiform stone towers are connected to the town by ropes. The windmill at the top rotates slowly. The whole town has a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, making people feel relaxed unconsciously.

But even though it is possible to see with the power of mind, the entire Uqbar has a sense of illusion, like an untouchable mirage.

While he was thinking, Nagata couldn't wait to run out, and Captain Yoshida and Shoji followed closely.

The streets outside were full of fleeing pedestrians. Not only the power of telepathy, but also Uqbar floating in the sky and Rook falling from the sky were real things visible to the naked eye.

The turbulent flow of people quickly swamped the figure of old man Nagata. After leaving the house only a few seconds late, Captain Yoshida and Shoji could no longer find the figure of the old man who was as excited as a child. They were driven back by the crowded flow of people. .

The huge monster slowly landed on the ground. It neither attacked humans nor destroyed the city. It just moved slowly and faced Nagata who kept running towards him.

But for Nagata, who was desperately approaching Luke against the flow of people, the direction he was in was the direction where a large number of innocent people were fleeing.

Captain Yoshida, who tried to squeeze out of the crowd but couldn't see Nagata anyway, could only stay close to the roadside to maintain stability. He turned on the communicator and connected to the headquarters, and reported seriously: Monster Rook is approaching the crowd.

Commander Shishi turned to look at the captain beside him without hesitation, and said quickly: Notify and let the Lightning team dispatch.

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