Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 855: The murderer is the son

Wakamatsu's house.

"So, who is cutting the Baumkuchen?" Mugure asked.

"Yes, it's me," the lovely young maid replied anxiously, "but it was Miss Satake who helped me put the cake on a plate, and she said that she cut the cake into 8 equal parts..."

"Eight equal parts?"

"Five guests, his wife, Mr. Ikurou, and Director Shiina who likes desserts the most, for a total of eight people."

Ms. Satake is Yoshimitsu Satake who serves as the secretary to the president. She has short and short hair, clerk glasses, and professional attire. She looks like a capable professional elite.

Facing the police's questioning, Satake explained: "The Baumkuchen was bought by the director. If you divide it into more portions, it will be cut too small."

In Satake's mouth is a middle-aged man with a big nose and a square face, with squinted eyes, thick eyebrows, and very imposing. Tonight, together with the chief designer of Wakamatsu, Fujihami Juno, came to visit the murdered president's house.

"The deceased president and I both like the Baumkuchen at that store, so I buy it every time I come," Director Shiina explained. "When I came with Fujinami today, I stopped by that store... …"

At the side, Hattori and Conan stared at the group of people on the scene, frowning.

Obviously the prisoner killed someone under his nose, but he couldn't catch the horse's feet...

Almost everyone has the opportunity to be poisoned. The important thing is how to get the poisonous piece of the murdered president’s son, Mr. Yulang.

In the end, there were two pieces left, and Mr. Yulang specially picked the farther piece, which was impossible to determine in advance.

What I know now is that Wakamatsu's house just ran out of soy sauce, and the maid went out to buy it and failed to cook in time, making Mr. Yulang very hungry. Knowing that this idiot young master with a strong appetite is hungry, only his wife, secretary Satake and the maid are hungry.

In addition, everyone in the family knows that the foolish master likes to grab cakes with his hands...

Isn't it the cake that was poisoned?

Hattori touched his chin and thought.

Indeed, the temporarily dissolved capsule may only be used to confuse the investigation...

"So what?" Conan asked suddenly, "what did the town house say?"

"It is said that the tiles at the scene used the weird oblique effect. In fact, the color of each tile is the same. Therefore, the prisoner should have exchanged the positions of the tiles. After the forensic personnel check it, they should be able to know the death message of the president. The problem is... …"

Hattori frowned, not understanding, "The guy in Joto said that the case may not be over, what does it mean? That guy is obviously not here."

"I want to talk about the murderer's conspiracy."

Conan is still thinking about this case. If it is really just an exchange of tiles, it should be no problem to find the death message, and then he will know who the murderer is.

However, the method of poisoning by the prisoners is still a problem, and it is still uncertain whether the prisoners of the two incidents are the same.

"The cup of black tea in the capsule precipitated after the poison reaction, and the content was very small. It should be thrown into the black tea after the poison was used up in order to eliminate the evidence..."

"But if only the cake that Mr. Yulang eats is poisonous, how can the criminal make Mr. Yulang choose that piece? There is only a half probability..."

"There is another possibility," Conan raised his head and said, "The capsules in the black tea are just a cover, and Mr. Yulang had poisoned his hands before."

Hattori twisted his hat, with bright gazes eager for the truth in his eyes: "I think so too. Investigate it again!"

In any case, they are definitely more advantageous than Gao Cheng at the scene of the case, and this opportunity should not be wasted...

President Wakamatsu’s study has been the place where the wife of the temporary president has worked since the death of the president. During the police investigation, the wife always waited in the study with everyone. Even if other people went out to cooperate with the investigation, the wife still stayed in the room. Busy with his own work.

As the vice president of the company, the wife doesn't seem to be upset by the murder of her stepson, stupid master.

"As of the end of this month, the design commissions have been lined up all the time, and there is such a thing as Yulang..."

Mrs. Wakamatsu looked at the documents on one table and said to the female secretary: "Waiting is no way, Miss Satake, can you show me the text design sent to this computer?"

"Ah, good!" Secretary Satake hurriedly helped to operate the office computer.

"Is that all right?" Director Shiina followed and checked the design documents in front of the computer.

"Already met the client's request."

On the computer, the words "Ruoren's Wine" arranged in descending order of fonts, Madam Ruosong looked a little bit sad, and hurriedly rubbed the corners of her eyes.

"Vice president, does it matter?" the secretary asked worriedly.

"If it is eye fatigue," designer Fujihami took out a box of eye drops and said, "Do you want to use my eye drops? I just bought it and haven't used it yet."

Mrs. Ruosong gladly took the eye drops: "Let me use it then."

"Madam must be too tired, so many things happened today..."


At this time, the police came and called everyone to gather in the living room of the crime scene. Mrs. Ruosong asked, "Can I stay here? I want to stay alone for a while."

"This one……"

"The vice president was very tired, and she had been sitting at that time, and had never been close to the Baumkuchen that Mr. Yulang ate. If you go to the living room to reproduce the scene, you won't need her, right?"

Mumu was rather helpless. It was originally an on-site investigation conducted voluntarily, and indeed there was no reason to force Mrs. Ruosong to cooperate.



Gao Cheng looked at the photos of the scene sent by Hattori. One-eighth of the ring-shaped Baumkuchen left in the tray, paused, and asked Uehara Yui for a case report for a closer look.

Indeed, it was the maid who first found the president's body. After calling Mrs. Wakamatsu to the scene, he called for an ambulance and the police according to his wife's instructions.

But the maid didn't seem to have been in the bathroom at all, and the only person who was near the corpse was Mrs. Wakamatsu.

"Go to the study and use the fixed phone. Sometimes there is no signal on the mobile phone here... Oh, yes, I will tell Yulang that he should still be sleeping in the room... I don't want others to see my husband like this, Qian Don't let others know..."

According to the maid’s testimony, Mrs. Wakamatsu said so at the time.

When the maid returned to the bathroom after the phone call, I saw Yulang hugging the president's father and crying. It was also at that time that the blood on the ground disappeared.

In other words, only Mrs. Wakamatsu and the president's son can do things, and Mrs. Wakamatsu is the most likely.

At that time, President Wakamatsu had only done the final replacement of the bathroom tiles, and it was very convenient to exchange positions on the spot. Tools might not even be used, and it was difficult for the police to detect the problem.

At that time, director Shiina, including Mrs. Wakamatsu, played cards in the living room, because the president left everyone to say that there were important things to say afterwards. After waiting for about two hours, there was a perfect alibi.

The only possibility that the maid would commit the crime was the president’s son, but because the president’s wallet was missing, the murder weapon was not found, and traces of external intrusion were found, the police could continue the investigation based on the clues of the crime committed by outsiders. .

It is worth noting that it is not only the bathroom in the old Osaka home that needs to be renovated, but also the Karuizawa villa is also planned to be rebuilt. It is only because of on-site protection that the construction has not started temporarily, and this time will not be too long.

Gao Cheng put down the case report.

According to his personal speculation,, the murderer who killed the president is probably the young master, and Mrs. Wakamatsu chose to protect her.

In this case, the first case he came to Conan World to deal with was that Mrs. Wakamatsu and the president were not related by blood.

And now, when the Hattori and them came to the door, the president's son was poisoned...

"Kyoto!" Yamato dared to shout in a deep voice in the villa, "The president's death message was found. It is the three English letters "Son". The murderer is the son!"


Gao Cheng read the case data again.

In this case, there are two possibilities for the Tokyo case, one is vendetta, the other is accomplice killing, or both exist at the same time.

Although there are still many details missing, he has roughly seen the truth.

"I know the prisoner's real plan." Gao Chengchao said while still pondering Yamato dare to help a few people.

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