Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 835: Ghost, time murder

"I am the watcher of time..."

"Foolish women who dare to blaspheme the passage of time, as punishment, at this moment when you were born in the world, stop your time with an invisible sword. Sincerely, the Watcher of Time..."

At the Maori Detective Agency, just during school hours, the uncle, who had been idle for several days, took a big case for the first time.

"Is this a threatening letter for the homicide warning?"


Sitting across from the uncle is a young and honest middle-aged man who works as a housekeeper in a wealthy house. He has a high hairline in his 40s and a cumbersome orangutan face. He introduced himself as Yuedao Qingmei.

"Since two years ago, it will be sent every year when the lady's birthday is approaching. This kind of anonymous letter without a sender..."

"But, since two years ago..."

"Yes, the previous birthday parties were all fine, but because the wife and the guests mentioned the relationship between this letter, fewer and fewer guests come to the birthday party every year..."

"It turned out to be like this," the uncle adjusted his tie, sitting upright and coughing slightly, "Do you want my Maori Kogoro to find the sender?"

"It's best if you can find it," the Qingmei butler smiled. "But if I can, I would also like to invite you to my wife's 50th birthday party and be a bodyguard to protect her..."

"Bodyguard? This..." The uncle smiled stiffly.

It's not appropriate to think about it as a bodyguard for a 50-year-old woman.

"The commission fee is about this number," the butler understood, took out a check, and held it in front of the uncle with both hands.

"I accepted!"

The uncle stood up enthusiastically and said enthusiastically: "Then Mrs.'s birthday is..."

"The party is at 6 o'clock this evening, so now it's almost over," the butler wiped his sweat, "should be okay?"

"Yes, you can," the uncle looked at the time and wondered, "How come you don't advance such an important matter a few days in advance?"

In such a short time, the gods can't find out anything, right?

Even if you just want to find him as a detective as a bodyguard, you have to give him some preparation time...

"This," the butler said embarrassedly, "Actually, we did it in advance, but it seems that no one has been around at the City Detective Agency."



In the evening, the sky suddenly became gloomy and rain soon began. After Gao Cheng called Xiao Ai, it was difficult to get a record from the police station.

"It's still that amazing, old man Shiroto," Mumu laughed and patted Gao Cheng. "You can catch two kidnappers at will. How did you do it?"


Gao Cheng is not easy to explain.

In fact, he didn't know what was going on, he just went to Dr. A Li's house to help find things, and then went out to pick up Xiao Ai from school, but two gangsters disguised as maintenance workers suddenly wanted to run.

"In short, this is the case. After putting them down, I found that there were sack and rope tied to people in the toolbox, so I called the police."

Mumu was a little confused when he heard it. He was stunned for a while and didn't think about it anymore, "By the way, you came just right. There is a meeting in the evening. I was going to let Takagi inform you."


"In fact, it's not a very important meeting, but most of the consultants will attend, so you can get to know more people."


Gao Cheng was not interested in the meeting, but wanted to meet other consultants.

Most consultants of the Metropolitan Police Department are experts in various fields. They usually provide technical support to the Metropolitan Police Department. In fact, there are not many special consultants like him who are always active on the front line, and many of these consultants are well-known university professors, not just older, The social status is much higher than him, and there is no competition.

In any case, it doesn't hurt to deal with professionals in multiple fields, at least his legal knowledge has always been weak.



Shrouded in rain, the luxurious Baoke family mansion, the second floor lobby is brightly lit at night, and a grand birthday party is being held.

Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan, and Conan stood sullenly on the edge of the venue, frowning even more as they watched the lively party.

"Although she said she wanted me to find out the sender by the way, she didn't say anything. She would never entertain people who have a grudge against herself..."

"Yes," Conan nodded, "As for the murder in this villa, it's only an accident..."

"It's impossible to find anything like this."

Kogoro Mouri looked closely at the Baoke family owner, Baokeru Huazi, in the middle of the crowd. Although she is old, she still looks like an elegant lady, but her personality is not very good, strong and stern, she is quite time-conscious. People are even accurate to 0.5 seconds. There are clocks everywhere in the villa, as if they are a **** who controls time.

There are so many weird rich people now...

"But who is it that sent that letter? Watchers of time or something, isn't it a prank by someone?" Mouri Kogoro wondered.

"Speaking of the watcher of time," Xiaolan looked at Mrs. Baoke, who often checks the time of her pocket watch, and said, "The lady who is strict with time is like a watcher of time..."

"Huh? How can anyone intimidate themselves?"

Kogoro Mouri snorted, and glanced over the guests close to Mrs. Baoke, trying to take care of his bodyguard work.

But Baoke himself didn't seem to pay much attention to it. It was like a jewelry exhibition, constantly showing his decorations to the guests.

What a chore, if it weren’t for a lot of commission...

"The silver pocket watch used to be very beautiful, but this gold pocket watch seems to be more suitable for the lady!" a female guest exclaimed.

"Haha," Mrs. Paco smiled at the flattering female guests, "This is a unique one specially made by Swiss watchmakers..."


An old man with a white beard and bald head with a cane passed by and said: "After the owner was replaced on a whim, the watch before it was gradually rusting in the drawer is really pitiful..."

"You don't need to worry about Baoke glanced at the old man, "That watch is no longer with me, of course the broken watch must be thrown away..."

At this time, the lights in the banquet hall suddenly went out, and Kogoro Moori, who had been paying attention to Mrs. Poko's face, changed drastically, but before he moved, the housekeeper pushed the candle-lit birthday cake into the venue.

Just approaching 6 o'clock, along with the happy birthday song, Mrs. Baoke walked to the front of the cake to the applause of the crowd, opened the pocket watch to check the time, and blew out the candles in one breath like a young girl.

But the most important villa bell did not ring at the same time, and Mrs. Baoke's expression instantly changed.

"What's going on?! The bell sounds..."


In the darkness, the woman's pupils dilated in horror.

who is it……

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