In desperation, this group of fans had to post screenshots of all the comments related to An Ruixin to their Weibo, showing off a wave of their idols in a low-key and implicit manner, as they were pre-publication for the movie.

  Of course, it also includes director Norman’s very rich long film review and the whole row of replies praised An Ruixin below the film review.

  Of course, there are still some dissatisfied voices from Alice fans.

  They think that the reason why Alice did not perform well in this film is entirely a problem between the director and the screenwriter.

  Alice’s role setting is like this, this pot can’t be thrown on her, besides, if she doesn’t perform well, won’t the director leave it alone?

  Now the movie comes out and blames all the sins on Alice, which is not fair at all.

  Faced with this sudden accusation, Sophie, who served as screenwriter, quickly shook off the script used by Alice at the time.

  The script clearly states that the role played by Alice is the next saint carefully cultivated by the elves. The elves represent light, purity, peace, and ignorance of world affairs.

  How does Alice look like an elven girl in the movie!

  As for the director’s pot, it is not necessary for Director Jacob to come forward in person, and there will be some rational audiences who will answer instead for him.

  Although the director has a certain guiding role, but the master led the door and practiced personally, a good and pure role, and she was forced to be acted as a passionate, lusty and female. What can the director do? The director is also desperate!

  As for if the acting skills are not good, you can change the role. Everyone knows that it’s fine. I really have to say it. It’s not the director’s face.

  Alice’s fans were so speechless that they realized the seriousness of the matter.

  It’s not that there are no female stars who like to show their flesh and body in the film, so as to attract people’s attention.

  But some people do this and are hailed as devotion to art, while others are said to be kitsch regardless of occasion.

  The impact of these two statements on female stars is very different. This is the same as the director Norman said, it is the difference between the female partner and the female lead.

  If this is not properly corrected, Alice can only stay with an excellent female partner in her life, and cannot become an excellent heroine.

  And what Alice’s fans are doing is realizing the image of the idol “kitsch” bit by bit, and once this image becomes real, Alice’s future stardom can be said to have ruined most of it.

  The fans with a little bit of brains all died down and didn't dare to talk nonsense, only those who could only see the surface are still jumping.

The comments on Rotten were captured in the country and naturally triggered a group of netizens. Many people are more curious about An Ruixin’s performance in the film instead of being disappointed by the film. I got up, I can’t wait to get into the movie theater right now.

  This is the first time that a country Z actor caused most people in country M to ignore nationality, region, and even gender, simply because of her looks and her acting skills.

  Until now, they finally recovered from the profound meaning brought by this award and felt proud.

  This person who has conquered the country on the other side of the earth with his strength is a person from their country, and is the purest national Z!

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