Song Ci’s face has never been more ugly.

Anxious in his eyes, Yun Hua saw the score.

Just now, learning that Bo Siqing’s unexcited excitement and excitement gradually faded, the brilliance in Yun Hua’s eyes gradually faded away. She looked at Song Ci with a husky voice, and asked hard: “What’s wrong?”

Song moved his lips, and a strange emotion flashed in his eyes. If Yun Hua was not mistaken, the emotion flashed in Song Ci’s eyes was fear!

That’s right, it’s fear.

What is his fear?

Yun Hua complexion changed, which can make Song Ci afraid, and made him desperately stop Yun Hua from the past. I am afraid that Bo Siqing is the only one.

What happened to Bo Siqing’s body?

She had known for a long time that his bestiality had completely suppressed humanity and controlled the body. Without her blood and body to relieve him, he would only be an inhuman orc.

and so……

So Song Ci saw him as an orc, so Song Ci felt afraid?

Maybe because Song Ci saw the injury caused by the dam in his body, but he didn’t die but lived well, so he scared Song Ci?

what exactly is it?

Yun Hua is unclear.

But looking at Song Ci, Yun Hua knew that it would not be a trivial matter to make Song Ci show such an expression.

Yun Hua looked at Song Ci: “What the hell!”

Song Ci pursed his lips tightly and shook his head at Yun Hua, his eyes in pain: “Don’t go.”

Yun Hua didn’t say anything, just stared at Song Ci.

Ten seconds later, Yun Hua sighed slightly, “I can accept everything, rest assured.”

“Don’t go!” Song Ci clenched his fists.

Yun Hua is very tired, especially when she speaks, which makes her feel very uncomfortable. She shook her head. “Quit brother, I must go, do you want to stop me?”

“Draw!” Song Ci’s expression was very anxious. “Don’t go, listen to me, don’t go! Otherwise you will regret it!”

“I will never regret it.” Yun Hua’s voice was very low, almost inaudible, but her tone was extremely firm.

Song Ci’s expression was embarrassing.

Qin Mo was also very surprised and confused, and couldn’t understand what was going on.

It ’s a good thing to find Captain. It ’s a good thing if Captain is n’t dead. Why … why not let them go and watch?

Could Captain be seriously injured?

But even a serious injury is better than death!

To them, there is no major event for otherwise die alone. It is normal to be injured or disabled. They are already mentally prepared on the first day of the mission.

But now, Song Ci refused to let them see it, and Qin Mo couldn’t understand it.

Yun Hua already had a bad feeling in his mind.

But she couldn’t figure out what would happen.

For her, as long as Bo Siqing did not die, she could accept everything else. If he is really injured or disabled, or if he has no reason for a lifetime, she can accept it too, after all, it is better than death!

“Quit brother, I’m going.”

Yun Hua’s attitude is very clear.

Song Ci’s expression was twitched. He closed his eyes tightly, and then opened it again a moment later, looking at Yun Hua. “Draw, you will regret it.”

“Regret … No, as long as he didn’t die, I can accept any situation, and I won’t regret it.” Yun Hua smiled. “I’ve regretted it too much, I won’t regret it anymore.”

Song Ci’s expression was very difficult to say. He seemed to be holding back something.

After a long time, he looked up at Yun Hua again, “You can accept any situation as long as he is not dead? But painting, many times, many situations, maybe death is the best solution. Death is not dreadful, especially It is … in some cases death is really relief, not punishment. “

Yun Hua’s eyes slowly solidified. She looked at Song Ci, her hands shaking, her voice hoarse, “This way … then, I have to go.”

Song Ci slowly nodded, “Okay, you go. If you go … regret it, nothing … it’s an accident, no one can think of it, don’t … don’t get horny …”

Yun Hua reluctantly tickled her lips, and she thanked Song for his kindness.

It’s just that Song Ci won’t know how low her bottom line is, as long as he lives, that’s it!

Song Ci has confirmed that he is alive, so she can accept everything else.

“Qin Mo, go out and watch for vigilance, and immediately contact Group Z again, and let them act as planned, and release news that Tashan is dead, and the corpse is over La Bota. And … when the first members of Group Z arrived No one is allowed here. Understood? “

Qin Mo immediately nodded, “Yes.”

She looked towards Yun Hua again, a little hesitant.

Song Ci came directly, squatted down, motioned to Yun Hua to lie on his back, and he carried her in with him.

Qin Mo was a little worried.

Yun Hua glanced back at Qin Mo and nodded at her, “Go out.”

Qin Mo was nodded, turned around, and executed Song Ci’s order.

Whether it was Song Ci or Yun Hua, the two did not communicate, they had a tacit agreement at the same time, and they did not let Qin Mo enter. For this, Qin Mo was not uncomfortable, and they did not feel that they were hiding him from treating him as their own.

Qin Mo was originally organized confidentially. She knew very well that she should not have too much curiosity. Many and many things are not necessarily good things to know.

Neither Song Ci nor Yun Hua let her in, not because she did not trust her, but was protecting her.

Qin Mo left quickly.

Song Ci, carrying Yun Hua, walked step by step deep into the cave …


Fifteen Heavenly Queen.

2011 1 Month 30 Day.

Imperial Capital Third Military Medical General Hospital, special ward.

Bo Siqing, still in bed, was still asleep.

The data of all life monitoring instruments are completely normal.

Yun Hua himself scrubbed his body, massaged, and turned over …

After a complete set, for more than an hour, she was too tired to pant.

When Ye Ziyu came over, Yun Hua had just dressed Bo Siqing and covered the quilt.

“Drawing, why do you do this yourself? Just let the caregiver do it.” Ye Ziyu said distressedly, “You are also debilitated and bloody, see you are so tired with sweat.”

It has been 30 days since they returned from abroad.

This month, Ye Ziyu was obviously thinner, her cheeks collapsed, and she was already slender. At this moment, she looked even more fragile, her face was pale, and her brows were inseparable.

Now worry about Yun Hua again.

In the eyes she looked towards Yun Hua, she couldn’t hide her distress, it was so extreme.

Yun Hua slightly smiled, “Aunt, I’m okay, and the activities are okay, otherwise the whole person will live like rust, and it will be tiring to live all day long. It is too uncomfortable.”

Ye Ziyu pursed her lips and hugged Yun Hua tightly. She was holding back her emotions, but in the end, she could only suppress all her emotions again, and said with a slight choke: It’s hard for you, too hard … too hard … “

Yun Hua’s eyes were astringent, but instead of tears, he actively embraced Ye Ziyu, “Ye Aunt, A Qing is not dead, he will wake up!”

“I know, I know he will wake up. But …” Ye Ziyu’s voice shook a bit. “But I don’t know at all now, is he better to wake up or just keep sleeping? I … I … … I do n’t believe it… painting, I do n’t believe the conclusion of the investigation team! I do n’t believe it! ”

Yun Hua pursed his lips, no snoring.

Ye Ziyu let go of Yun Hua, holding her shoulders and looking at her earnestly, “Draw, you tell me, the conclusion of the investigation team is not true, right? A Qing cannot be like that … impossible … “

Yun Hua’s eyes on Ziye Shangye knew that it was the mother’s eyes of a beloved child.


Who can I deceive?

Yun Hua’s eyes were stunned: “Ye Aunt, I also hope that everything is not true. But … I know better than anyone, those are not fake … the results of the investigation team are correct.”

“Impossible!” Ye Ziyu collapsed and cried, “Impossible, painting, how is it possible … how is it possible …”

Yun Hua’s eyes were sour, she raised her head and closed her eyes.

Ye Ziyu is sad and sad …

Yun Hua suddenly remembered that time, when Song Ci refused to let her pass by, she said: Sometimes, death is not punishment, but relief, and perhaps death is the best answer.

Bo Siqing was not dead, but …

Everyone is dead because of him!

From nf’s departure to returning to China, this month was like a dream to Yun Hua.

When Song Ci stopped her at the time, she said that she would regret it.

Are you sorry now?

No, Yun Hua doesn’t regret it, just … I don’t know if I should do it.

She didn’t regret it, because her bottom line was that he was alive, and as long as he was alive, everything else she could accept.

But what about others?

The Bo family, the subordinates of Bo Siqing, the boss of Bo Siqing, and even the country …

Can they accept it?

Even Bo Siqing’s mother couldn’t accept it.

“Ye Aunt, I previously invested in a resort and health villa area in Yunnan. Three months later, if A Qing hasn’t woke up, I will take him there to recuperate.” Yun Hua said softly, “Relax, I Will take good care of him. “

“Drawing …” Ye Ziyu cried again.

Yun Hua slightly smiled and gently patted Ye Ziyu’s back to appease her.

After a while, Bo Siyao and Bo Sinian also came.

Today, Bo Sinian has officially changed its name to Chen Ennian, becoming the Patrarch of the Chen Family in the wind and rain!

Chen Old Grandpa had previously made a mistake in the matter of the pn organization. With his previous achievements, he saved his life and the Chen Family, but nothing else.

Chen Old Grandpa is now recuperating in the old cadre convalescent area, saying that the good point is recuperation, and the bad point is to change to a beautiful place to imprison.

Today Chen Family is fully taken over by Chen Ennian.

If there is no Chen Ennian, after Chen Lao’s accident, the Chen Family will be instantly ruined, when the boss falls from power, his lackeys disperse, and most of them are falling down. However, Bo Sinian became Chen Ennian, and the successor of the Bo family became the Chen Family Patriarch. With the Bo family standing behind his back, the tree of the Chen Family was revived with vitality!

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