Will others leave, Yun Hua doesn’t know, she only knows that her own feet are like taking root, and she can’t move at all!

What happened to Bossian?

Yun Hua thought of a well-known movie “Resident Evil”, which infected a person with a virus, became a zombie, lost all humanity, and became a walking dead.

Bo Siqing, is that so?

Yun Hua is not stupid. She can interpret Bo Siqing’s body language with a little calmness.

His body seemed uncontrolled in general.

It can be seen that he is trying to control his body, very hard to control, but his body is not controlled at all. One small glass window that has been constantly hitting the door before, and the other is that he is lying on the wall. On the wall, his hands fiercely scratched ten bloodstains on the wall.

and also……

And his eyes.

At first he stared at her with red eyes, all of which were icy beasts, not like normal humans at all. All she saw from his eyes was strange, extremely strange.

He didn’t recognize her at all!

Until he gave himself a punch and hit the wall, then he turned around and looked at her with all his strength. At this moment, he looked towards her eyes, which had been completely covered by scarlet red, so that she couldn’t even see him clearly. True emotions!

However, he opened his mouth and spoke.

He said: draw, go, hurry up.

He let her go …

He recognized her!

Yun Hua pursed his lips so hard that the excitement in his heart was beyond words. He recognized her, and he did not forget her!

But with it comes worries, more serious worries.

What’s wrong with him?

Why should she leave?

He must be in trouble, he cannot control his body, and even worse, he cannot control his consciousness!

Yun Hua was startled.

Yes, he is about to lose his consciousness, he is about to be occupied by that kind of animal, and he is about to become a walking dead …

No, no, no, no!

Yun Hua was lying on the door, she didn’t believe it.

Absolutely impossible.

He will be fine, absolutely not.

Senior Brother Yuan said that only she can save him, she can definitely save him!

The first time was that Star Stone helped him to resist the death robbery. Senior Brother said that there would be a second time. She thought that the second time meant that when she first arrived, she found it along with the Han Fang, who was also known as Arthur In the reaction room where he was, she deliberately pressed the restart device of the control room and gave him time to escape from the reaction room, but now it seems that it is obviously not!

If he hadn’t escaped from the reaction room before, he was found to be at least not dead, so that was not his second death.

Senior Brother Yuan said that his second death robbery should be now!

Yun Hua had an extremely strong hunch in her mind that now, only she can save him!

Besides, how could she leave in such a place and under such circumstances?

How could she leave him here who has lost his mind and consciousness?

“I do not go.”

She said word by word, looking directly at him.

The next second, the crimson color in his eyes was already in full bloom, permeating his entire eyes, red and enchanting, strangely red.

He stared at her desperately.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Yun Hua’s heart is like a drum.

His red eyes stared at her for ten seconds. The muscles in his Bo’zi were almost broken. The blood stains on the wall by his hands were long and deep. The red in his eyes had turned That little bit of clarity is completely covered.

Eight seconds, nine seconds, ten seconds.


His eyes started to bleed.

Yun Hua turn pale with fright.

However, this does not count. When his two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corner of his eyes to the nose, his nose, ears and mouth all began to bleed!

Yun Hua lose one’s head out of fear, covering his mouth, not letting himself scream.

What’s up with him!

What happened to him!

Seven bleeds.

Yun Hua is not afraid of him losing his humanity, nor is he afraid of losing his consciousness, she is not even afraid that he does not remember her …

But she was afraid he would leave like this and die like this.

“A Qing!”

“Aqing! Aqing!”

After she reflected back, she slaps the isolation door madly, slaps, beats, and smashes. The smooth skin on her fist is even completely smashed, and blood flows along her fist to her arm, and drops to the ground … …

“A Qing!”

She couldn’t care less about being injured or injured. She wanted to wake him up, and wanted to save him, but if the door couldn’t be opened, how to save it!

Yun Hua suddenly punched fiercely on the glass window in the middle of the door, just like he hit the window with his head just now, this time she changed with her fist!

Just once, twice!

Her fist is already drenched with blood, so change her hand.

One, two, three!

At this moment, Fiercely, who was still lying on the wall, turned her head to look at her Bo Siqing, and suddenly rushed forward.

Kung Fu in half a second?

Even shorter.

The wall he was on was at least three meters away from the door, but he seemed to step over in one step.

Yun Hua only saw him move, and then saw his face appear behind the glass window, and those scarlet eyes seemed to eat people!

too fast!

It’s too fast.

He seemed to … seem to change … not like human.

Is there really some weird virus in this room that infected him? What made him like this?

But at this moment, Yun Hua has no time to take care of those.

She is the only one in her eyes, she has lost her nature, and only the beastly one is left!

And he was staring at her without blinking.

She bit her lip and said again: “A Qing, it’s me.”

He didn’t move, just stared at her.

The moment Yun Hua opened his mouth again, he suddenly moved.


He fiercely hit a glass window.


Yun Hua was taken aback by his sudden Stunt Team.

However, the fright didn’t stop there. His impact on the window this time was significantly greater than before.

If there was a little control before, then at this moment, he is completely out of control!


“Hey! Hey!”

After only three uses, this high-strength glass has already cracked.


After this kind of high-strength glass cracks, it can no longer withstand high-pressure impact.

“oh la la !”

The glass shattered completely.

Yun Hua was taken a step back in fright.

And his hand suddenly reached out from the broken glass window!

He stretched his hands out, trying to catch Yun Hua, but it was only a little behind.

He was very impatient and behaved more madly than before.

He couldn’t catch Yun Hua through the glass window, and no one could get out of it. At this time, he even started to hit the door!

This kind of isolation door is made of some kind of metal. Although it is not like a steel door of ten or twenty centimeters thick like a vault, it is also much stronger than the ordinary anti-bandit Sect.

And he even hit the door forcibly.

No, one not only hit the door, he even tried to pull out the door from the middle of the broken window position with both hands!

Yun Hua watched this scene completely unbelievably.

His power seems to be growing.

The muscles of his arms were skyrocketing, Bo’zi’s muscles were violent and his eyes were red with blood.

Yun Hua found that at this moment he was bleeding faster than before!

“You stop, stop!”

Yun Hua shouted anxiously.

Originally, he bleed blood, but only bleed slowly, but now it’s okay, the blood is the same as the water, how much blood can he bleed!

Yun Hua is really going crazy.

After she yelled, his Stunt Team stopped suddenly.

A joy in Yun Hua, is it useful? Has he regained his mind?

She quickly said: “A Qing, can you understand me? Is it me? It’s me. Stop now, you can’t do this …”


She didn’t stop talking, but he was crazy again!

His eyes were redder than before, and even his black pupils could not be seen. The speed at which Qiqiao bleeds was almost like a twisted faucet.

And his Stunt Team, his strength, suddenly increased tenfold again!

It is clear that his muscles have not expanded too much. Why … why is his strength soaring?

“A Qing …”

She murmured.

But he, with her voice, he seemed to be stimulated again, and his strength soared again!

Yun Hua is going crazy.

Could it be that her voice would irritate him?

But now, there was no time for her to think.

She watched with open eyes, and he moved this special door with bare hands from both sides of the broken window towards the sides …

Metal is originally flexible. If it is supported by special tools, it can also open the door from the middle. It is like a child’s head is stuck in the center of the railing. The tool stretched the railings to both sides.

At this moment, Bo Siqing’s hands, like the tools, forcibly moved the door from the middle towards the two sides, tearing …

Yun Hua clutched his mouth so tightly that he completely choked.


This power, this … Is this the power that human beings can reach?

When Yun Hua came up with this idea in her mind, she didn’t feel scared. Instead, she felt familiar for a moment. This is familiar: She swims fast. Is this really a speed that humans can reach?

No wonder, at the Short World Championships, when she broke the record, did the audience, media and netizens say that?

Is this the speed humans can achieve?

And now, it is her turn to tell Bo Siqing, is this the power that human beings can achieve?

Thought of this, Yun Hua was not afraid.

She’s not a normal human, nor is he, just right, a natural pair, isn’t she?

The torn button on the door was getting bigger and bigger, and she was not afraid or backed up, and stood there waiting for him.

She did not know what would happen next, but she knew that she would not retreat.


The door was torn in half.

Qiqiao bleeding, he stepped out from the door and reached her.

“A Qing …”


She had just said a word. His hands that had just torn a door, one grabbed her by the shoulder, and one clasped her waist, holding her firmly in place.

And he lowered his head and bit her Bo’zi …

Rest assured, there are no vampires and no zombies … Brother Hu just wanted to write this plot for a long time …

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