The press conference is scheduled after the preliminaries.

Yun Hua participated in the preliminary round of the 400 meter freestyle today.

In the evening, she will participate in the final of the women’s freestyle swimming, the final of the women’s freestyle swimming, and the final of the women’s individual medley.

It can be said that the task of today’s game is very heavy, but Yun Hua still insisted that a press conference should be held after the preliminaries today and before the finals.

It is said that the z national team held a press conference. In fact, the leading role was only Yun Hua. Others, the National Team was worried that it would interfere with their game status, so they did not allow other athletes to attend.

The press conference does not have questions.

It is not that Yun Hua is afraid to face the media’s questions, but is afraid that too many media will ask questions and the scene will get out of control.

Furthermore, after the preliminaries, she also needs to rest. After all, she has three finals today. The interval between 100 meter freestyle and 100 meter medley is relatively long, but a 400 meter freestyle is inserted in the middle, which is quite expensive. Physical strength.

The original short-pool world championships had an average international influence. In non-contest years, only the short-pool world championships were more influential.

Usually there will not be that many media at all, but this time the Yun Hua bug was released, and the results were so blinding, so all the well-known media in the world came together.

In addition, the attendance rate of the Short World Championships was not high. Now, all the remaining tickets are sold out, and tourists from around the world are rushing.

With Yun Hua’s participation, the final ticket price has been tens of thousands of dollars, more than ten times the original ticket price! Even so, it is still very popular, but anyone who has a ticket is unwilling to transfer it. After all, Yun Hua’s performance not only represents the World Record, she also represents the limit of the human body!

Many people have already known through scientific surveys that stimulants cannot improve the physical function of a person, and it is impossible for people to swim out of such achievements.

Therefore, even if country Z really found a new stimulant, it was only possible to scold Yun Hua, an athlete who violated the spirit of sports, but people were still excited and curious about the newly discovered mysterious stimulant. After all, That represents a new medical miracle, and a miracle that humans transcend their own limits!

Yun Hua retained his strength in the preliminary round.

But even if she could suppress it, she still broke the World record and won the first place in the preliminary round to enter the final.

Then a press conference was held.

Yun Hua’s long hair was released, and she wore a peaked cap with a long brim and low pressure, coupled with the hair on both sides of the cheek, and a mask. Who would know what she was like? Look!

Journalist protested.

The press officer started the press conference directly.

“First of all, the doping issue that everyone is concerned about. We promise that absolutely no one of the z team will use doping. Second, the performance of the team member Yun Hua is indeed very good, but we can still affirm and confirm She did not use any stimulant medicine. In the end, everything is determined by the test results. Our country ’s own test report, the test report of the short pool world championships organizing committee, are all here, all test results indicate that Yun Hua is not using doping, and all members of the z team are not using doping. “

“In addition, I know that many Journalist will doubt these test results. It doesn’t matter. Our national team z also invited the three testing agencies of country smk testing agency, country euc testing agency and Swiss usm testing agency together. All members of the z team will be tested, and the test results will be directly disclosed. If there is a violation of the doping regulations, we are willing to take all responsibility! “

“As for some Journalist friends who are worried, what advanced stimulant medicines may be developed in our country Z, and I can only say that if there is such a magic medicine, it is probably the gospel of human beings. Unfortunately, no. Unfortunately, although the pharmaceutical industry in our country Z is developing at a high speed, not at all can reach such a height that people can exceed human limits. “

In fact, many Westerners also agree that the history of the pharmaceutical industry in country Z is very short. Many medicines are imitations of western medicines, and many medicines can only be imported. The prices are very expensive. To put it more seriously, country Z does not even have a pharmaceutical industry company with a research and development function that is truly independent in its own sense. Even all kinds of equipment are imported.

Therefore, to say that country Z has discovered a new type of medicine that is far more efficient than existing stimulants and can allow athletes to exceed the physiological limits of the human body … This is simply an insult to the most proud of western medicine research and development!

The press conference is very short. The journalists below and each hold recording equipment, lest you miss any word or word.

In order to prevent the translation from appearing unclear, these statements are elaborated in Chinese and then in English to ensure that every word is the true meaning of what the official wants to say.

Because there is no question section, then after the speech, representatives from the three major inspection agencies from countries m and Europe attended the press conference.

“We promise that the collection and testing of samples are all in compliance with the regulations, and we are responsible for the test results!”

These three major inspection agencies, from countries m, e, and Switzerland, are very well-known companies. It is simply impossible to buy through these three companies to counterfeit.

“This is the initial sample test, which is completely normal. No prohibited medicines have been found. In addition, we will continue to follow up the test. Before Ms. Yun Hua starts and after the game, we will take another sample for testing. The test results are slightly Announced! “

Some Journalist couldn’t hold back, “So do you find any special changes in Yun Hua’s physical function during the test?”

“We don’t set up a questioning session.” Host immediately said, “The initial sample test results have been made public, and you can download them directly. Each of the above data tests for Yun Hua is available. If you have any questions, you can check the test results. turn up.”

The press conference is over.

The content of this press conference has spread to the entire World.

Not to mention, first of all, dare to hold a press conference in such a positive manner, and let the three major agencies issue test results. In the eyes of most people, they already have a high degree of credibility.

There are also some doubts, which may be too incredible to accept, and some are intentionally hacking.

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