“How do you think the place threatens Tan Shaoning?”

Zhou Shengbei Qian looked towards Yun Hua.

Yun Hua also frowns to think hard.

“As Gu Huai said, there are enough security forces around me, and it will be more difficult for me to move.” Yun Hua said, “The general threat is impossible to threaten, but this threat Let Tan Shaoning think it really threatens me … “

Yun Hua shook his head gently, “I honestly can’t think of it.”

Zhou Sheng Beiqian was silent, thinking for a while, he whispered, “Will it be like before.”

“What was before?”

“Previously, the PN organization threatened Mingli. What method was used to prevent Mingli from speaking?” Zhou Shengbei Qian said.

Yun Hua froze, then she shook her head.

“Previously, the PN organization threatened Mingli and refused to let Mingli speak. They threatened Mingli with the lives of hundreds or thousands of innocent people. As long as Mingli spoke, they would attack the innocent people … so Mingli would Without saying a word, “Yun Hua said,” Do you mean, the other party will threaten Tan Shaoning in this way? “

“Just an idea, there is such a possibility.”

Yun Hua thought for a while, but shook his head, “It is indeed possible, but I still think it is extremely low. How to say, Mingli and Tan Shaoning are not the same kind of person. Mingli is always clear. The family, Mingli’s ancestor grandfather is a hero of the War of Resistance Against Japan, which can explain that Li is a descendant of the army that is rooted in Miao Hong. He has been more orthodox and taller in his thinking. He is the kind of person who can sacrifice for the country and the nation. “

Yun Hua said, “Ming Li I know is this kind of person. He was born in such a family and received that kind of education. His heart is actually very soft. His grandfather can shed blood on the country and the people. His grandma even Death in the war … how to say, Mingli received far more patriotic education than talking about Shao Ning. Two people are different from the roots. “

Zhou Sheng Beiqian was nodded, “This is true.”

“On the side of Tan Shaoning, Tan said that before the founding of the country, it was the standard bandit and local forces. They also participated in the War of Resistance, but they did not fight for patriotism, but for survival. At the end of the war, it was only during the war of liberation that the talkers began to make choices, whether to choose one side or the other. “

Yun Hua was a little helpless. “I have to admit that the ancestors of the family were very clever. At that time, they chose the red side. In fact, I could understand this choice. At that time, they thought that the red side had no chance. Many people depended on that. Sides, especially local forces like the Talkers, are themselves the target of annihilation on the Red side. It stands to reason that they will definitely go there, but the Talkers chose the Red side. “

“In fact, this choice is very prescient. After they turned to red, they talked to red about the conditions and helped red side a lot. The existence of the talker on red side was also tacit consent. After all, red’s main task at that time was to win the liberation war and build the country as soon as possible. “

Yun Hua laughed, “red won, but when the country was founded, there was too much work to do in the whole nation. The south was not fully liberated and the west was not fully liberated. So if the northeast is almost secure, red It will not move the Northeast casually, and even use the power of the Talkers to wipe out some other gangster forces in the Northeast that are not subject to discipline. So after seeing it, the forces in various places are gradually annihilated, but the Talkers are getting bigger.

“If the talker is a little hesitant, it may be lost.”

“However, at the time, Talker Patriarch, Tan Shaoning’s grandfather, became the Talker Patriarch of Old Ghost. He made a very correct choice and proactively provoked the internal chaos that was almost impossible to suppress inside the Talker. The family began to consume internally. At that time, the power of the family was not limited to the family itself. There were also many forces attached to it. They all wanted to be in the upper ranks and wanted to occupy more resources. At that time, it was indeed an opportunity everywhere. Old Ghost is pressing. No one dares to mess around. Once Old Ghost lets go, who wants to continue to be regular? So each and everyone started to earn black income based on their ability. “

“These forces are fighting each other, Old Ghost doesn’t care about it, let the contradictions continue to accumulate. After the eventual outbreak, the power of the Talkers was completely divided. Old Ghost took advantage of the power to reduce the power of the Talkers to the limit and began to shrink and let the divided One of those forces is growing bigger and bigger, and the talkers are shrinking … “

“It turns out that Old Ghost’s decision is very wise. After red has cleared the whole nation, he will start to deal with the Northeast. However, because they are internally consuming, very serious internal consuming, red aimed at The gun also waited a little, just aimed and didn’t pull the trigger. This also gave the talker a chance to retreat. “

“The other one was blinded by greed and kept growing up. Now even the head of the grave doesn’t know where to go. But talking to the family, he has passed through this disaster.”

“Finally, it came to Tan Shaoning’s father, Tan Tiger, who step by step cut off part of the gray business that was still reserved by the talker and completely washed it, so that we can have today’s situation.”

Yun Hua said, “With such an ancestor, how much patriotic education can Tan Shaoning receive? To put it bluntly, Tan Shaoning is the offspring of the bandits. In the bones of the bandits, survival is the most important, and their own talent is the most important. , They can’t control the life and death of others. Sacrifice for others? Does not exist. So he is fundamentally different from Mingli. “

Zhou Shengbei Qiang shook his head helplessly, “I understand what you mean. You want to say that even threatening to talk about Shao Ning with the life of all under the Heavens is useless.”

“Yes.” Yun Hua nodded, “That’s what it means, so people in PN can threaten Mingli with the lives of innocent people, but they can’t threaten Tan Shaoning. So what really threatens Tan Shaoning is definitely his family He told me to be careful, that means the other party must have threatened him with me. “

Yun Hua smiled bitterly. “I just can’t figure out how the other party threatened him with me.”

Zhou Sheng Beiqian shook his head gently, “I can’t think of it. But …”

“But nothing?” Yun Hua looked towards Zhou Sheng Beiqian, “Bei Qian, have you found anything?”

Zhou Shengbeiqian thought for a while and said, “Huayi asked him why he refused to answer. He never said it. Even after Huaihua repeatedly asked, he refused to say … This shows that he did not trust the current environment. “

Yun Hua narrowed her eyes suddenly, she looked towards Zhou Shengbei Qian, “You mean …”

The two looked at each other and did not say the next words, but they already understood what the other was worried about.

Not safe here.

Tan Shaoning must be worried about this.

However, it seemed unreasonable. He had already told her that many. If it was not safe here, the other party would have known that he had spoken to Yun Hua and accepted Gu Huaiyi’s inquiry.

So there must be something else.

What will it be?

“You said, would he be tempting?” Zhou Shengbei Qian suddenly thought a little.

“Tentative?” Yun Hua stared wide-eyed, she didn’t really think about it.

Tentative …

But it is possible!

If the other party did not let him speak, he had already spoken, but after speaking, the most crucial message was not said.

Perhaps Tan Shaoning is trying to test what the other party’s reaction is.

If the other person really has eyeliner here and can know what he said or did not say, then the other party will definitely respond as soon as possible!

And because he did n’t say all the key information, even if the other party was angry, there was still room for turning around. After all, what he said was irrelevant and could be overturned at any time.

On the contrary, if the opponent does not respond to this temptation, it proves that the opponent cannot reach this long, and he can continue to speak.

“Tan Shaoning is very smart.” Zhou Shengbei Qian laughed. “Yes, you just said that you have blood relationship with him, what’s going on?”

“…” Yun Hua helped the amount, “This is another story. It’s a long time. I will tell you later when I’m free. In short, it’s my father’s life. father, so I talked to Shao Ning about being blood-siblings. “

Zhou Sheng Beiqian was also quite speechless. “It still happened …”

“Yeah, it’s a long story. Don’t tell her. My mother doesn’t know it yet. I don’t want her to remember the past. It’s a good start now.”

Zhou Shengbei Qian was nodded, “It is true that being able to set aside a brand new start is indeed the dream of many people. You should follow the fate, forget it, and you are destined to do it, that’s fine.”


Yeah, it’s destined to forget it, it’s fine.

Just like Bo Siyao, forgetting the past is good to everyone and better to herself.

“I’m thinking, like my mother and Yao Yao, my mother said that, if Yao Yao, if she recovered her memory one day … will she feel …” Yun Hua bit her lip, “I I do not know how to describe.”

“Yao Yao?” Zhou Sheng Beiqian raised an eyebrow and a mysterious smile appeared on his face. He blinked at Yun Hua, “She, don’t worry about it.”

“What do you mean?” Yun Hua always felt that Zhou Sheng Beiqian’s smile was particularly meaningful, as if there was something she didn’t know.

“Hey, what’s going on, make it clear.”

“I think.” Zhou Sheng Beiqian smiled. “She is willing to do this, it’s so good, and it’s good.”

“You …” Yun Hua stared at Zhou Shengbei Qian for a while, and then thought about what he said just now. After a while, Yun Hua suddenly stared wide-eyed, “Ah, you mean … you Means Yao Yao she … “

“Shh. I didn’t say anything.” Zhou Sheng Beiqian smiled.

Yun Hua was shocked.

But after thinking about it, she couldn’t help but clenched her fists. “No wonder! It’s really strange! No wonder I always feel a little strange, but I don’t think about it … Yao Yao, she really …”

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