In fact, for most people, 300 is a very scary number.

What’s more, during the prosecution, the appeal of Yun Hua’s lawyers’ team was tens of thousands. This is definitely a number that can scare countless people into tears. It is a number that makes many people think of nothing other than death!

Du Xiaofei is suspected of damaging the reputation of others and the circumstances are extremely serious. He has been taken away by the police for investigation. Because there are no vicious consequences such as casualties, he will not be sentenced to prison, but compensation in civil lawsuits is even more Damn it!

The police also notified Du Xiaofei’s mother Li Ye.

Li Yan couldn’t believe her ears!

When Li Hui was taken to the police station, the whole person was embarrassed. She couldn’t believe looking at the daughter who cried hovered between life and death in front of her. She didn’t know what to do.

“No, it will not be Xiao Fei. We Xiao Fei have always been very obedient and will not stigmatize other people casually.” Li Yan was still unwilling to believe.

However, the police said: “You have no reason to argue. We have conclusive evidence, such as the IP address. For example, we found the photos in the post from Du Xiaofei’s mobile phone. Following Yun Hua and the others, and Du Xiaofei herself admitted that the post was made by her, and those rumors were also spread by her, the evidence is clear. “

Li Yan lost her strength all over her, and couldn’t believe looking at her daughter. In her mind, she has always been a good and sensible daughter. How could she do such a thing!

“Mom, mom, save me, I know I’m wrong, I dare not …” Du Xiaofei cried.

Li Yan was in pain.

“Du Xiaofei followed the other side to take pictures of each other, and took rhythm on the Internet, destroying the reputation of others, because the spread is very wide, and the consequences are very serious. In this case, the other party can fully sue you! Including the other party’s request Compensation is very reasonable. Of course, the digital court will not support it, but we expect that the court will at least award the compensation of 1000 million. “The police said at their discretion.

“How can I lose that many!” Li Yan couldn’t believe it.

The police explained to their mother and daughter very carefully: “It’s very simple, because Yun Hua is not an ordinary person, she is an Olympic champion, she is a celebrity. If you violate the reputation of an ordinary person, then even the bad impact is limited. Yes, but the infringement of celebrity’s right of reputation has caused a wide range of influences. As now, almost the entire network has been bewildered by rumors spread by Du Xiaofei, and unsuspecting netizens have condemned Yun Hua. It has caused a very bad impact. You know, Yun Hua is an Olympic champion, she also has some advertising endorsements, as well as other invisible things, her reputation is damaged, and she is a sports celebrity / star endorsement. Affected, other businesses are also claiming from her, then who can she claim from? It can only be claimed from you! “

Li Yan clutched her cloth bag tightly, trembling with anger, and gave Fiercely a glance at Du Xiaofei, “How can you do this kind of thing on your heart! How do I teach you!”

“I kill you, forget it, I worked hard to do part-time work and earn money to send you to Leiden, in order to let you study hard, that’s how you return me? If you do n’t study hard, that’s all, you still make this It’s coming … what am I going to pay 3 million to others … You are killing me! “

Li Yan cried and stretched out her hands to pull Du Xiaofei’s hair, and slapped her fiercely, “You dead girl, if you don’t study hard, you’ll find me something. You are trying to kill me, I’m not alive …”

The police hurried up to stop, but Du Xiaofei was hit by Li Yan a few times, her hair was messy, she didn’t dare to resist, she just knew to cry.

But is crying useful now?

Mistakes have been made, is it still useful to cry? If crying works, what is the law?

After a while, Li Xun calmed down after persuasion by the police.

“Comrade Police, Xiaofei is still young. Can she be punished for being a student or a student? 3 million is too much …”

“This is not something we can decide. Besides, your daughter is over the age of 18 and has full capacity to take responsibility for any of her actions.” The police said, “For us, this is a violation of the privacy of others, and It is a civil responsibility to undermine the reputation of others. We are only responsible for investigation and mediation. We cannot control whether the victim is prosecuted! If the victim does not prosecute, you can be private. If the victim insists on prosecution, You will have to pay as much as the court decides, and you will still have a case. This case will always be in your daughter’s file. She will be in the third year of high school in the second half of the year. When the college is admitted for voluntary admission, some schools will not accept it. There are students who have the case. “

Li Yan just felt that the sky had collapsed.

So complicated!

so serious!

How to do?

What should I do now?

“The best way is to find reconciliation with the victims.”

This is the advice given by the police.

Reconciliation, private.

Li Yan just felt like she was going crazy!

But this is her daughter, she is her own daughter, and she is doing this for her daughter … what else can she do now!

Li Yan sat slumped in her chair, unable to stand up.

Are rich people so easy to get along with?

No one knows more about the face and face of rich people than her. For them, what they want is not money, but face.

“Wait, let me have another look …” Li Su suddenly stood up, she stared at the photos on the police information, and then she was stunned. “This … this … isn’t this Yun Young Lady? ? “

“Yes.” The police officer in charge of the case gave Li Wei a strange look. “Did you already see it just now? She is Yun Hua.”

Li Yan’s expression was quite complicated, with ecstasy and nagging, and finally all became uneasy and nagging.

She had patronized her just now, and she didn’t even notice who the party was. The name passed by her ear, and she didn’t care. Because for her, it doesn’t matter who the victim is, she doesn’t care, she only cares about this huge amount of compensation!

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that she had missed something, and sure enough, she missed the most important information!

The victim is Yun Hua!

Yes, Yun Hua!

She was still confused yesterday because the intermediary called and told her not to work in the East Lake Villa in the future, and she was paid three months more.

At that time, she thought it was the main house to move, or to go out, so she no longer needed to work overtime, but now it seems that this is not the case at all!

People simply fired her!

Li Yan suddenly thought of a problem.

She immediately stared at Du Xiaofei and asked, “You helped me buy food for the host that day. What did you say when I came back? I was a little confused at that time. You seem to be saying that the host said that I would take a good rest. No Are you in a hurry? Du Xiaofei, tell me the truth, what happened! “

Du Xiaofei bit her lip, and she whispered for a long time: “I bought the food for you and delivered it to me, and then asked the people in the villa if they wanted to clean it. They said yes, I started cleaning … But, but I must go into the room for cleaning. I just went into Yun Hua’s room for cleaning. Yun Hua’s boyfriend kicked me out and said … and said that you don’t have to go to work in the future … … “

Du Xiaofei’s voice was very low.

Li Yan shivered.

“I told you, let you leave the kitchen and leave. Who asked you to clean? Why did you enter the bedroom of the host’s house? Do you know what is in the host’s bedroom? If the item is lost, both our mother and daughter can’t afford to lose their lives! The host never tables others to enter her bedroom, you dare to run to her bedroom! “

“Did the host family let me take the set of cosmetics back home the day before? It really is like that! You are greedy, and you want the high-end cosmetics from the host family, then you sneak into the room. Don’t admit it! You’re mad at me! “

“No wonder I did a good job. The host asked me not to go. You did n’t dare to tell me the truth when you went home, which made me ask the agent for a long time. No wonder the agent was so impatient with me! You are treating me as a thief! I am so mad, I am so mad! “

Are there any more?

The policemen were stunned.

Du Xiaofei’s mother Li Ye worked part-time at Yun Hua’s house. Yun Hua gave Li Ye a set of high-end cosmetics for her to take home to daughter Du Xiao Fei. Then Li Ye became ill. Du Xiao Fei volunteered to help mother deliver vegetables to Yun Hua’s house and arrived at Yun. After Hua’s family, Du Xiaofei became greedy and went to Yun Hua’s room on the pretext of cleaning. He was caught by Yun Hua’s boyfriend. Yun Hua’s boyfriend ousted Du Xiaofei and fired her.

Later, Du Xiaofei became angry, and wanted to take revenge on Yun Hua, so she deliberately took some ambiguous photos to mislead everyone, and fabricated rumors that Yun Hua was pregnant and had an abortion, but also posted it online. In the end, it was so uncontrollable …

The truth pieced together by the police is really scalp.

How can there be a girl like Du Xiaofei!

Greed for vanity and jealousy, this isn’t enough, but it will still spit out blood …

Too terrifying!

Is this really something a high school girl can do?

However, if you look at age, Du Xiaofei is already an adult, and has passed 18’s first birthday, tsk tsk, hehe, and then use the young and ignorant to fool it, but it can’t be justified!

After the age of 18, you are already an adult and you should be responsible for any actions you make!

“Mom, mom, I really know what’s wrong, what should I do, what should I do?” Du Xiaofei cried.

Li Yan is also miserable. “I wish I hadn’t born you! I worked so hard …”

“Mom, you begged Yun Hua, didn’t you say that Yun Hua was good to you? You see, she is willing to give you three months’ severance pay for her dismissal, indicating that she has affection for you and made mistakes. It’s me, please ask her, please, please, please? Don’t destroy me … please her … “

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