Rebirth in America

Chapter 32 Carpenter Records

October 3, 1950, was originally a very ordinary day.

For Alex, it was business as usual: he got up, had breakfast, went to school, and went out to perform on stage in the evening. But when he got home from school, he found his parents' faces filled with excitement.

Alex, I've already canceled your performance tonight. Bart said with a smile.

Alex looked at Richard and found that the other man's expression had not changed, which meant that his brother had already known it.

Bart patted Alex on the shoulder and said happily: Do you know how many records we have sold? 150,000! 150,000 records have been sold, and this number is still increasing. . It is said that it is expected to exceed 300,000!

Before record-week sales were tallied, Rudy couldn't stop laughing at some of the statistics. In ecstasy, Rudy called Bart and told him about the sale.

So many! Alex was mentally prepared, but he was still shocked.

Angel held his daughter Karen aside and said, I knew you would succeed! I just didn't expect it would come so fast!

Alex, when are you going to start planning a second record? Bart said excitedly. He thought to himself that if they could release 10 records a year and each one was so popular, they would soon become millionaires.

Richard also said happily: Let's start recording the second record right away!

Alex shook his head and said calmly: It's not time yet, we should talk to Rudy about the record company's problems.

Bart's heart suddenly sank, and he said with some confusion: You still want to take over Rudy's company?

Alex nodded. He had already decided to do this when he learned that his record sales were so good.

Angel didn't think too much. She said encouragingly: Alex, do what you want to do. We will always support you.

Bart looked at his eldest son Alex, and then at his second son Richard who was full of hope, and suddenly felt that he couldn't keep up with his pace. He thought about it and felt that the biggest problem here was whether the next album could sell so many copies.

Alex, do you have plans for a new record? Bart looked into Alex's eyes and asked seriously.

Alex said confidently: Don't worry, I have already thought about it! It will definitely be much better than the first one.

Richard also echoed: Yes, Dad! We have been ready for a long time.

Seeing the confident eyes of his sons, Bart's heart suddenly warmed. He remembered that he had had such confidence and such eyes in the past.

Okay! Let's go to New York right away to find Rudy! Bart finally said. This is the most important decision in his life and the most critical decision. Years later, he was still grateful for the decision he made at that time. If they had not taken this step, it would have taken them ten years to get rid of the exploitation of the record company.

Angel wanted to stay at home and take care of the child, so she couldn't go with him. After Bart gave Rudy a call, the three of them, father and son, hurriedly found a car and rushed to New York.

When Alex came to New York for the second time, he found that the buildings in the city had become more and taller. There seem to be more people in New York and the streets are more crowded. Only the air still smelled so bad, and Richard still couldn't get used to it.

The place where Tianlai Company is located is an industrial area. The place is shabby, the streets are in bad condition, and there are homeless people everywhere.

Alex didn't know if other places in New York were like this. If he were asked to come to New York, he would definitely not move to this area.

When they saw Rudy, they found that his hair had been neatly styled, he was wearing a gray suit, his chin was smooth, he had obviously just shaved, and he became much more energetic. They almost didn't recognize him and thought they had found the wrong person.

Hey! My friends, welcome to my company! Rudy opened his arms and tried to hug them.

Both Bart and Richard seemed to be shocked by Rudy's momentum. They originally thought that after arriving in New York, Rudy would cry and shout that he wanted to transfer the company to the Carpenters. Unexpectedly, the other party became so energetic and confident.

Even though Alex has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running away. He understood that Rudy was creating an atmosphere that was favorable to him, and fortunately, he had an advantage in the subsequent negotiations.

As expected, Rudy's conditions have been improved. He demanded to retain 60% of the company's shares and use 40% of the shares in exchange for a 10-record contract with the Carpenter brothers. At the same time, the record share was changed to 64%, with the company taking 60% and the Carpenter brothers taking 40%. He no longer insisted that the Carpenters sign to his company, as long as they could sign a record agency contract.

Bart was very angry at this practice of raising prices. He felt that he had been cheated. So I decided to stop talking and go home.

Rudy saw something bad and was about to break up the deal, so he quickly gave in: Then I will retain at least 40% of the company's shares, and the record share will remain 40% to 60%, the same as before. However, you have to pay 1 million US dollars to purchase the shares. The money can be deducted from the record share.

Of course, Bart still refused. He originally thought that he could pick up a company for nothing. He had never planned to spend money to buy it. He shook his head and said: Mr. Rudy, we cannot accept this condition. You should slowly find a way to pay off your debts. Otherwise, wait until the company goes bankrupt and let the bank pay it off. Take over.”

Rudy laughed and said: I have been able to pay off the interest on the debt. As long as the company does not go bankrupt soon, I still have a chance! I don't believe that I can't find good singers. As long as I can record another good record, I will You can slowly pay off the company’s debt!”

Bart was speechless after hearing this. He didn't expect that his initial hesitation would give Rudy a chance to make a comeback, and this opportunity was actually given to him.

I'm afraid you can't hire a good singer! If it were that easy, you would have been able to pay off the debt long ago. Alex suddenly interrupted.

Rudy felt cold, knowing that Alex was right. When the company was in good condition, he didn't think of ways to do it, but the slightly famous singers all had contracts, and it was difficult to find good ones among unknown singers. Not to mention the fact that people like the Carpenter Brothers, who have the advantage of age, ability, and the ability to write their own songs, are among the best in any company they work for.

If the Carpenter brothers had not cooperated with Rudy, Teana company would have been bankrupted long ago. Having been a music producer for so long, Rudy certainly knows how great the Carpenter brothers are. Especially Alex, he has never understood the strength of this child. Sometimes he shows that he doesn't know much about music, but sometimes he can do shocking things.

Let's go! Staying here is just a waste of time, meaningless. Alex said, taking Richard's hand and preparing to leave.

Before Bart left, he said: By the way, remember to pay the share of the record to your account.

Rudy opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Bart glanced at Rudy and felt a little pity in his heart, but things had reached this point and there was nothing he could do. I had to turn around and walk out of the door.

Rudy watched the Carpenters leave, the expression on his face changing. When he could no longer see the other party's group, he finally made up his mind and ran out.

Wait! Wait a minute! Rudy chased behind them and shouted repeatedly.

The Carpenters heard Rudy's cry and turned and looked into each other's faces.

Bart said coldly: Is there anything else, Mr. Rudy!

Okay! You win, tell me what you want to do before you cooperate! Rudy said breathlessly.

Alex said calmly: All of it! We want all the shares, and it won't cost a penny!

Rudy was so angry at this sentence that he almost fell down: That's impossible! I won't give you all the shares even if I risk bankruptcy!

At first, Rudy was deeply in debt and unable to extricate himself. His mood had reached its lowest point at that time. After so many days, he was full of confidence again. How could he still give up all his shares!

Bart said: Then I will give you up to 5% of the shares, and we will still not spend a penny. The company will repay the company's debts. The money that should be distributed to us from the record will still be divided!

Rudy said quickly: 20% shares!

Alex refused to let go and insisted: No way, at most 5% of the shares!

15% stake, Rudy shouted.

5% of the shares, do you want it? Alex also shouted.

10% of the shares, no matter how little, I won't do it anymore! Rudy said with all his strength as the veins on his forehead popped out.

Bart suddenly stretched out his hand and said: Then 10% of the shares, we will go find a lawyer to sign the contract right now!

Rudy was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, quickly held Bart's hand and said, Okay! Let's get it done today!

Everyone found their own lawyers, and after a lot of hard work, everything was finally settled around 10 o'clock in the evening. What they signed was a share transfer contract, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net Rudy transferred 90% of the company's shares to Bart, and Bart must bear certain debt responsibilities. However, the contract also stipulates that the company's debts must be repaid with the company's money.

After signing the contract, Alex suddenly said: Should we change the name of the company?

This proposal received an immediate response from Bart and Richard, and Rudy, who had become a minority shareholder, had no right to speak at all. In the midst of everyone's heated debate, it was finally decided to change the company's name to Carpenter Records! Who told their family to be carpenters?

Seeing Rudy's depressed look after signing the contract, Bart went up to comfort him and said, You don't seem too happy!

Who would be happy if he suddenly went from being a boss to a wage earner? Rudy said angrily.

Bart shrugged his shoulders and said: You can't think like this. You still have 10% of the shares, but the shareholders of the company are. Besides, you should think like this. You paid off the debt of two million and got 10%. shares. Aren’t you happy?”

Rudy thought about it and felt a little better: Listening to what you said, it seems like it is really like that.

Alex also jumped in and said: This is not a 10% share of an ordinary record company, but a share of the record company that owns the Carpenter Brothers! With our brothers here, are you still worried about not making money?

Alex's words caused a burst of laughter from everyone, and while Rudy was laughing, he let go of the burden in his heart. Relationships were reestablished, and the Carpenters finally owned a company.

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