Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6102: : Because of this, this king is even more worried


This is often the case in wars. The stronger side is able to obtain greater convenience and more possibilities during the war, while the side that cannot win in the war will let them face the enemy’s offensive. Our own situation is even worse.

The strong Jin army will bring the damage to Guishuang’s army on the battlefield. Under such a war environment, as long as the Jin army’s offensive is launched, as long as the Jin army’s offensive means can be used to attack the enemy. It will cause great damage, and the subsequent confrontation will be under the control of the Jin army.

In fact, on the battlefield this time, the methods displayed by the Jin army will cause great damage to the enemy. The reason why the Jin army did not attack Peshawar is because there are uncontrollable forces on the battlefield of Guishuang. factor.

After driving away the resting army from the battlefield of Guishuang, the Jin army will have no more opponents on the battlefield of Guishuang, and under such a war environment, the impact of the Jin army's generals will have a greater effect.

In the face of a war with a complicated situation, the offensive methods of one's own soldiers can be more demonstrated, and the offensive of one's own soldiers can have a greater effect, which is of great help to the subsequent war situation.

General Guishuang was worried when facing the war. There was a clear gap between their combat methods and the Jin army. In the face of such a gap, the Jin army's offensive could demonstrate greater power.

As long as it is a chance to win on the battlefield, soldiers Guishuang will not give up.

Guishuang’s army also has their persistence. Although their combat effectiveness is far from that of the Jin army, they have won a lot of victories on the battlefield in the past, and such war victories can be Provide an important foundation for the Jin army's operations afterwards.

The Jin army, which has a variety of offensive methods and is fierce during the war, is the master of the battlefield.

Queen Guishuang waved his hand, and the officials in the palace left one after another. From the queen's demeanor, they could feel the queen's worries about the Guishuang war. Such a situation is normal for Queen Guishuang.

Put it on any monarch, when the capital city is under siege by the enemy, when the capital city is in danger, and when the empire may be destroyed at any time, there will be deep worries.

The key is Guishuang’s officials and generals in the army. At this time, they cannot have a strong commitment, because the strength and means that Guishuang’s army demonstrated when undertaking the Jin army’s attack are limited. Such a war environment How can Guishuang soldiers cheer up their spirits?

When encountering a war, the madness of the Jin army can provide good conditions for the Jin army to win the final war. The key is that the Jin army can make good use of their own advantages when attacking the enemy. Such a Jin army It is the most terrible.

Although Guishuang's army has gone through a lot of wars, they couldn't win the battle against the Jin army, which was very deadly.

Perhaps when Guishuang's army faced the Jin army's offensive, it would show an extraordinary side, but it was a bit unreliable to pin its hopes on it.

After everyone left, the queen turned her gaze to Ye Khan "Do you think our army can hold Peshawar?"

Ye Ke Khan was taken aback for a moment, and sighed: "The strength of the Jin army is strong, and the emperor of Jin has mobilized a large number of soldiers and horses to enter Guishuang. If the Jin army breaks through the city gate, or depends on the benefit of gunpowder, the city wall will collapse. If they do, the situation in Peshawar will be even worse."

"But the queen can rest assured, the minister will do his best to guard Peshawar, unless the minister is killed in battle, otherwise, the Jin army will not be allowed to wreak havoc in the city."

"This king heard that after the Jin army captured Guishuang's city, they did not want to kill, but instead allowed the people in the city to get a good treatment and a stable life." The queen said.

Aluqi nodded. "The Jin army has been fighting all year round. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom is not an ordinary person. When the war is going on, he has extraordinary means, and such means can help the Jin army in the war. What comes is greater help."

"The ability of the officials of the Jin State to govern the place is equally terrifying. Once the city of Guishuang falls under the control of the Jin army for a long time, I am afraid that they will never remember that they were once the citizens of Guishuang. of."

The queen said: "I don't want to advance to the country, it is so terrible, I actually provoke such an enemy at the beginning."

"Even if Guishuang did not clashed with the Jin army, wouldn't it be said that the emperor of Jin would not have an idea about the city of Guishuang?" Aluqi said: "The emperor of Jin is paranoid about war. When the emperor of Jin country identified one thing, it is rare to hear the voice of opposition in Jin country, and the emperor of Jin country has a high prestige in the army. He has absolute loyalty to the emperor of Jin, such an emperor is too terrifying."

The queen sighed: "How brave and skillful the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire were at the time, so that Guishuang gained stability from the chaos of war. Who would have thought that this kind of stability would have suffered such a threat again within a few years."

The Guishuang Empire lasted for many years. Originally, in the opinion of Guishuang’s civilian officers, Guishuang’s smooth emergence from the war was bound to be more glorious, but the appearance of the Jin army shattered this idea, because in the Jin army What can be seen in the body is a stronger fighting spirit, and in the impact of the Jin army, what will be felt is the weakness of Guishuang.

Ye Khan said: "The queen needn't worry too much. After all, the Jin army came from a long distance to fight Guishuang. It is not so simple. As long as the soldiers and civilians in the capital, at the critical moment, work together to stop the Jin army from attacking. Win when it’s time."

"The Jin army fought in Guishuang, and it was a little difficult to transport grain, grass and grain. As long as the war was delayed for a long time, the soldiers of the Jin army had no fighting spirit, and our army might not be able to hold Peshawar."

"Is it just holding the capital?" the queen asked.

Ye Ke Khan was silent. It was already very difficult to defend the capital. Unless the current Guishuang army had the strength to fight the Jin army head-on, and defeated the Jin army by a frontal attack, in this way, it was able to get out of the hands of the Jin army. The lost city will be captured smoothly.

However, Guishuang's army suffered heavy losses one after another. When facing the Jin army, there was no more confidence to speak of. At this time, Ye Khan knew what the status of the lieutenant generals was.

Because of this, Yekh Khan's greatest wish at this time was to hold Peshawar, the capital, and hope, as the situation changed in the future, Guishuang might not have the chance to make a comeback.

The queen said: "You two, for Guishuang, do your best, don't work too hard, the situation in the city is already like this."

"Queen, although the Jin army is terrible, it treats the citizens of Guishuang more generously, so the queen does not need to worry too much about the citizens of the lost city." Alqi said with relief.

The queen smiled bitterly: "Because of this, this king is more worried."

After the Jin army captured the city of Guishuang, if it showed a brutal side, it would be resisted by the people of Guishuang. However, it is a pity that the Jin army displayed the means after it captured the city. It is shocking, they did not infringe on the people of Guishuang any more.

It is completely different from the Anxi army’s invasion of Guishuang. In the war with Guishuang, the Anxi Empire’s army will show their fierce nature as long as they gain an advantage or meet the people of Guishuang. .

And this kind of method will make the people of Guishuang not have the slightest affection for the resting soldiers. When they encounter the resting army, they will inevitably rise up to resist.

But this kind of thing happened to the Jin army. Obviously, there are many differences. The Jin army’s attitude towards the people of Guishuang is different. What you can get is the recognition of more people of Guishuang. Such recognition will not Let the people of Guishuang have more resistance to the rule of the Jin army, and they will even be more satisfied with the current living conditions.

This situation will not help Guishuang's continuation, and will help Guishuang's army to contend with the Jin army.

Only when more Guishuang's people stand up and rise up against the Jin army, can they play a greater role in blocking the Jin army's offensive.

The Jin Kingdom’s methods of governing the city are incomparable to the people of the Anxi Empire, and it is exactly the same, allowing the Jin army to have current achievements on the battlefield of Guishuang.

There is no shortage of people who are loyal to Guishuang, but who can be sure that these people will remember Guishuang and the initial blood and persistence when the Jin army ruled longer.

The war with the Jin State made the senior people of Guishuang panic, and made the lieutenant soldiers have more confidence in the war against the Jin army. If this situation continues, it will bring more harm.

The war has greatly destroyed the development of the city. This war has brought a great blow to the city of Guishuang, and it will even more affect the development of Guishuang.

Even if the Jin army withdrew from the battlefield of Guishuang, Guishuang could not get out of the destruction of war without several years of development.

But the same situation happened to the Jin State, and the measures it could take to make the city under the rule prosper soon.

The rapid development of Wusun and Dawan proves the methods used by officials of the Jin country in governance. Under such methods, what will happen to Guishuang?

The situation inside, after careful consideration, you will find that the Jin army is terrible. They are the kings on the battlefield. They have many means as support when governing the city. Once such a Jin country is obtained on the battlefield, After gaining a greater advantage, what they can bring to the enemy is greater destruction.

Such destruction is even more terrifying than defeating enemy soldiers on the battlefield.

Govern the city and let the city get better development. This situation is more people are willing to see.

Although the rule of the Guishuang Empire has been for a long time, when the people of the Jin country can bring a more stable life to the people of Guishuang, and the lives of the people of Guishuang are guaranteed, will they stand up against the Jin country?

When the people of a country agree with the enemy's words, the outcome is destined to be sad.

Queen Guishuang, the most worrying thing happened in Guishuang.

The contradiction between Guishuang and the Kingdom of Jin originated from the battle of Guishan city in the past. The strength of the Jin army showed that the high level of Guishuang could not feel at ease. Only then did the Guishuang army attack Guishan city. Such an offensive, What ushered in was the fiasco of Guishuang's army.

The powerful strength of Guishuang's soldiers that could not be shown in the war was the fuse of this war.

It’s good for the emperor of Jin to have something on the battlefield. When Guishuang’s army is able to block the Jin’s offensive with greater success, even if the emperor of Jin wants to launch a war, he must be more cautious. of.

There is a big gap in the strength of Guishuang's army in the war that encountered the Jin army. With such a strength gap, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom will inevitably have more ideas about Guishuang.

The people of the Jin Kingdom saw the possible victory against Guishuang, and therefore they would have corresponding support for the Jin Emperor to launch a war.

All these are connected.

Without strong strength, it is the original sin. If Guishuang's army has strong strength, I am afraid that the Jin army will suffer more losses on the and even will conquer the city of Jin.

Putting the same thing on the monarch may end up in the same way, but the party who loses on the battlefield often pays a more miserable price.

The Jin army's powerful offensive ability, put on the battlefield of Guishuang, caused Guishuang's army to bear greater losses, so that Guishuang's army could not use its own methods better in such a war.

When the war lasted longer, when the Jin army had better control of the situation on the Guishuang battlefield, the Jin army would show a stronger side.

The situation on the battlefield is often like this. The losing party has no more right to speak. When they suffer a war, they can only passively endure it. Their resistance is unable to gain a greater advantage from the enemy's hands. of.

The victory of the Jin army allowed the lieutenants to have more expectations for the progress of the war, and let the lieutenants and soldiers show a fierce side in the war against the enemy.

The advantage on the battlefield can often be used well by the Jin army. This is also the key to achieving greater results on the battlefield.

The Jin army itself is an elite that has emerged from constant wars. The way they face the war will make the enemy army feel pessimistic and desperate about the war.

In the face of such a war situation, the battle of the Jin army will often achieve greater results.

Not to mention how proud the Guishuang people used to be. In the face of such a war situation, they had to have more awe of the Jin army.

(End of this chapter)


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