Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1762: :discover

The penetrating power of the bed crossbow is strong enough to shoot through the armor that protects the horse.

Lu Bu nodded and said: "This is the contribution of the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop, otherwise, how could the army under this king have such a sophisticated weapon."

From the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop, Pang Tong felt an extraordinary aura. Every craftsman here was full of energy. After learning about some of the rules in the craftsman's workshop, Pang Tong understood.

Like the soldiers and soldiers in the army, the craftsman workshop also has their reward system, such as Ma Jun and Pu Yuan, and now they enjoy the treatment of the prefect. Even under Lu Bu's rule, the prefect is an important existence on one side, but The craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop have their reward system.

Really entering Lv Bu's rule, Pang Tong could feel the difference between Lv Bu and other princes, and Lv Bu dared to do things that other princes did not dare to do.

The status of craftsmen was low in the era of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce. However, at the beginning, Lu Bu paid enough attention to craftsmen. Now Bingzhou Craftsman Workshop is absolutely far superior to the princes in building weapons and weapons. With Li, after the craftsmen feel the future, they will work harder.

In terms of hotness, the artisan workshop is the most popular place to forge weapons, and the craftsmen responsible for forging weapons are even more shirtless and full of energy. The main reason is that the weapons produced by the Bingzhou Craftsmanship Workshop have become the most popular among the weapons. In the mainstream, the lords' demand for weapons, especially those forged by hundred steel-making, is huge.

"Master." Pu Yuan hurriedly saluted.

"Is there any progress in the weapons we have built today?" Lu Bu asked.

Pu Yuan said: "Lord, if the craftsman's workshop makes every effort to build, 500 steel-smelting weapons can be built every day."

"Very good." Lü Bu nodded, and the faster he can build weapons, it can play a greater role.

Pang Tong already had too many sighs along the way, even if Pu Yuan said that he could build a thousand in a day, he would not be surprised.

"Master, the subordinates are fortunate to have a long sword for a short time, cutting iron like mud, beyond the scope of a hundred steel-making weapons." Pu Yuan said.

Lü Bu's eyes lit up when he heard this. As a military commander, his favorite war horse was the war horse.

"Take this king to have a look." Lu Bu said.

Pu Yuan placed this forged weapon in a relatively hidden position, otherwise, if a confused craftsman had transported this long sword as an ordinary weapon, there would be no place to cry.

After the long sword is acquired, it is slightly thicker than the Qingyan sword and Xuanyuan sword.

Pulling the sword out of its sheath, a gloomy light flashed, and the sword was three inches long and five feet long, exuding a dark light.

"Good sword!" Lu Bu exclaimed.

Three five-baht coins were placed on the table for Pu Yuan. Lu Bu swung his sword across. The three five-baht coins were cut open, but there were no gaps on the long sword. The five-baht coins were neatly gapped.

"Maybe more of this thing?" Lü Bu asked.

"This is also a success by chance, but it is very difficult to build it again." Pu Yuandao.

Lü Bu secretly regretted that if an army was equipped with this kind of magic weapon, on the battlefield, who could stop it, only the crushing of the weapon, would not be able to contend with other armies.

Cheng Tie is responsible for creating Shenlixianlian and other objects. These items are the most profitable, and the input cost is very small. Today, the things made by Shenli are gradually becoming popular among the people. This phenomenon, Lv Bu is naturally extremely Happy, the more Shenli sells, it means more things can be obtained.

Entering the workshop, Lu Bu saw a dense pile of sacred glass. These things are precious to outsiders. When placed in the workshop, they cannot attract the attention of the craftsmen, mainly because they usually come into contact with this kind of things. It was too much. At first, there was some curiosity. After a period of time, they found that Shenli was a commonplace thing, but they became more and more proficient in the technology of creating Shenli items.

Seeing the discarded sacred glass products discarded by the craftsman, Lu Bu's eyes lit up, and a piece of unobvious sacred glass was picked up by Lu Bu from the ground.

"Master." Cheng Tie said with a panting fist when he heard the news.

"Can there be any good made in this workshop?" Lü Bu asked.

"The lord said this is a discarded Shenli, there are many in the workshop." Cheng Tie explained.

"What is the difference between this thing and ordinary Shenli?" Lu Bu asked.

After reading it, Cheng Tie said, "There is nothing special about this kind of magic glass except that it is more translucent."

Lu Bu said: "Can you create more of these things?"

"Yes." Cheng Tiedao, nowadays, it is not too difficult to create Shenli objects in a craftsman's workshop. As long as a craftsman can gradually master it after a few days of learning, the basics of creating Shenli are now They are all skilled craftsmen, and they have unique experience in creating Shenli.

After entering the room, Lu Bu ordered Ma Jun to be summoned to and then took out the paper and pen, and drew on the paper.

"Master, what is this thing?" Cheng Tie asked puzzledly.

"If you can create this thing, this king will have a lot of rewards." Lu Bu smiled and said: "The key is that the divine glaze created must be the kind of translucent divine glaze just before."

"The lord, don't worry, the subordinates will be created within three days." Cheng Tie promised, patting his chest.

"There can be no jokes in front of this king." Lu Bu smiled and handed the drawing to Cheng Tie's hand.

Cheng Tie agreed with full confidence. Although this kind of magic glaze looks a lot strange, it can't be made. The key is to create that kind of translucent magic glaze. It's a little difficult, but only the skilled craftsmen in the workshop Gathering together to build, they will soon be able to study it out. At this point, he still has enough confidence in the craftsmen in the workshop.

If the God glass piled up in the workshop is seen by the merchants, it will definitely be crazy. In their eyes, the expensive God glass is in the workshop of Baibo Valley, but it is discarded on the ground like rubbish. If treasured officials see it, they don't know how they will feel.

After entering the workshop, Pang Tong understood the horror of making Shenli. From the process of making Shenli by the craftsman, Pang Tong was sure that the items made for Shenli were extremely cheap, and cheap Shenli was worth hundreds of dollars. Under the circumstances, it can be described as profiteering.

It takes a lot of iron to build a weapon, but not to build Shenli. It only requires a craftsman to control the method. Today, what Lu Bu is most afraid of is the sale of Shenli, but in terms of the price of Shenli, there is none. Because of the large-scale appearance of Shenli, the drop is too little.

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