Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1758: : View the army

Everyone knows that Manchong was just introduced by people who supported Cao Cao, and his rhetoric already represented Cao Cao's will.

Seeing Cai nodded, Liu Cong said with a trembling voice: "Shanyanghou stepped forward and listened to it."

After the incident in the court came to an end, Xun Yu clearly felt that when Cao Cao looked at him, it was very different from the past. When the same thing was put on Xun Yu, he would be right in this way. Those who opposed him at that time had many opinions.

In terms of prestige and strength in his hands, Cao Cao is enough.

However, what Cao Cao overlooked is that there are still many aristocratic families in Xudu who support the court. These people are the ones who have some last hopes for the big man. They don't want the big man to be lost in their generation. To share their worries, when the big guys are most in distress, they think they should do something.

News of the princes spread to Chang'an. After Lü Bu learned that Cao Cao was only carrying the prime minister, he was slightly surprised. According to the current situation, Cao Cao had to become king in order to show his status. The prime minister's status was very high, not among the three masters. However, the status of the generals also surpassed that of San Gong. Compared with the status of King Shanyang and King Jin, they were a thousand miles away.

The king and the hou have completely different meanings. After proclaiming the king, he has the absolute power to rule under the rule, but the words of the hou are still subject to many constraints.

Jia Xu said: "Cao Cao has the heart to be king, but the officials in the DPRK have secretly opposed it. It is said that Xun Yu, whom Cao Cao relied on most, secretly opposed Cao Cao's claim to king, which Cao Cao was afraid of."

"Xun Yu?" Lu Bu wondered. He knew the importance of Xun Yu to Cao Cao. He was an important minister under Cao Cao's command. In terms of governing localities, he was more powerful than other officials. For these talents, Naturally, Lu Bu has been yearning for a long time.

"From the past, Xun Yu will not oppose Cao Cao. After all, he is an official who has followed Cao Cao for many years." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu sighed: "Perhaps Xun Yu doesn't want the big man to die, but now Xu Du has carried all the hopes of the big man."

Lu Bu said, "As the saying goes, the big man is decayed, the people are not living, and the family is rampant. Even after the world is stable, what can be done? Will the people have a way to survive? Now that they see the drawbacks existing under this system, they can’t. If you change the family, you might as well destroy all of this first and re-enact the rules."

The counsellors in the room clung to their hands. At this moment, what they felt from Lu Bu's body was absolute strength. The majesty of the king of Jin was displayed vividly at this moment. This is his monarch, who will lead them. The monarch sweeping the world.

"The lord's words are very strong, the family is too powerful, it will affect the direction of the world." Guo Jiadao.

Pang Tong’s mood is a bit complicated. When he first came to Lu Bu, he knew Lu Bu’s attitude towards the family. Now that he really saw Lu Bu’s treatment of the family, he understood what would be the result of Lu Bu’s dominance of the world. Kind of damage.

Through the system under Lü Bu’s rule, Pang Tong could feel that the strength of the aristocratic family has been gradually weakened in Lu Bu’s hands, and their influence is decreasing. At this time, even if the family wants to oppose Lu Bu’s rule, they need to have enough in their hands Lu Bu would not give these aristocratic families a chance to stand up.

Aristocratic families may have children in the officialdom or in the military, but they cannot influence the officialdom or the military.

Especially the soldiers in the army, they may not have any problems when they are in command. If they clearly rebelled against Lu Bu, one can imagine what the consequences would be.

For the generals and officials of the family, Lu Bu had many precautions.

The absolute control over the governance is based on the pain of the family.

"Shi Yuan, you follow this king and go to various places to check the situation of the army." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Pang Tong hurriedly arched his hands.

Pang Tong is a member of the family, and Gu Yong is also a member of the family. Under Lu Bu's rule, the two have a strong position, such as the Mi family. At this time, the influence in Chang'an is not small. Mi Zhu is in charge of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, and Mi Fang is in charge. Striding with the elite Mo Dao army, let the Mi family know how to advance and retreat. The members of the family are working hard for the development of Chang'an. Correspondingly, the Mi family will get more things. The power of the family can exist, but it cannot affect it. To the safety of a city.

The Mi family has a lot of power in Chang'an, but there are no people from the Mi family who oppress others. Lu Bu will not tolerate people who violate the law and discipline. The Mi family understands this very well.

After the First World War in Liangzhou, the army around Chang'an suffered a lot of damage. In addition, there were many troops stationed in Liangzhou, and there were many vacancies in the army.

The hot conscription has begun again, and the army in various places is in progress. As the rule becomes larger and larger, the number of troops will be more and more Don’t mention the impact of conscription on the land of Sansuke. However, Lu Bu went to Bingzhou with Pang Tong and others. The Bingzhou Army was the force that Lü Bu relied on most. Over the years, the Bingzhou Army had become an elite endorsement in the eyes of the princes. Mentioning the Bingzhou Army, all praised, and the Bingzhou Army. These years have indeed made great contributions to Lu Bu, although the focus of the rule has now shifted to Jinyang, and the state is still extremely important to Lu Bu.

The workshop is still located in Bingzhou.

In the army everywhere, there are the figures of the Union State Army. When they were just formed, many generals came from the Union State Army. It can be said that the speed at which the generals of the Union State Army increased in the army under Lu Bu's The fastest, but the record achieved by the Union State Army is enough to make everyone admire.

Jinyang, the most important place in Binzhou, once carried all the hopes of Lu Bu.

The people of Binzhou moved millions of people to Chang'an, which allowed Sanshou to grow, and the population of Binzhou was drastically reduced. However, these people now live very well in Sanshou. The land of Sanshou is rich and not comparable to Binzhou, but At this time, Bingzhou still has a strong foundation, which is reflected in the support for Lu Bu.

Lü Bu can recruit one hundred thousand soldiers and horses in Bingzhou with only one order. Lü Bu still has absolute confidence in this point. The rest of the places have not been in Lü Bu for a long time. However, the people of Bingzhou absolutely support Lü Bu. General Lu Bu They led to a life that they could not even imagine in their dreams.

When the princes attacked Binzhou, they were blocked outside Huguan, and did not enter the hinterland of Binzhou. Over the years, Binzhou has gradually stabilized and the people's lives have become more and more prosperous. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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