Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1754: : Jiangdong

Chapter 1754: Jiang Dong (page 1/1)

Cao Cao nodded. The Chang'an army in Wuguan was indeed a big threat to him. He was really worried that Lu Bu would suddenly send troops from Wuguan.

Among the princes, only Lu Bu did not deliberately make friends with other princes, but relying on his own strength to have a reputation among the princes. These characters are terrible, and Lu Bu's behavior is unpredictable.

"Check Chang'an closely." Cao Cao cast his gaze on Cheng Yu.

"Here." Cheng Yu handed his hands. From this conversation, he could feel the urgency of the current situation under Cao Cao's rule. As an important adviser under Cao Cao's command, what he should do is to solve problems for the monarch.

In Jiangdong, after the content of the Dajin Daily came out, Sun Quan immediately summoned the officials under the rule.

"I don't know how you think about this?" Looking at the ministers under his command, Sun Quan's heart was still a little nervous.

"Lord, the king of Jin coveted Yizhou for a long time. Now that the soldiers and horses of Yizhou attack Bajun and attack Jiameng Pass, they will naturally offend King Jin. Unsurprisingly, there will be a battle between the two." Zhang Zhaodao.

As the head of civil servants, Zhang Zhao still has a lot of weight.

"This king wants to support King Jin." Sun Quan said slowly.

"Lord, it must not be the case. Now that the king of Jin is in great power, Jiangdong is not stable. If Yizhou's soldiers and horses turn to attack Jingzhou, Jiangdong will once again be in turmoil." Zhang Zhaodao.

Lu Su, who had returned from Chang'an, said in a deep voice: "The lord, in the opinion of his subordinates, when he supports the king of Jin, when the Jiangdong is in crisis, it is the king of Jin who ordered the army to send troops to Wuguan, so that Cao Jun dare not act rashly. When Liu Bei attacked, he still did not withdraw the army from Wuguan. If Jiang Dong could not remember this kind of sentiment, wouldn't it be a joke to the heroes of the world."

Sun Quan turned his attention to the other officials, and found that the civilian officers and generals under his rule were divided into three groups, one of them supported King Jin, the second did not support them, and the third did not say a word.

After a long period of contemplation, Sun Quan coughed slightly, and when everyone calmed down, he said in a low voice: "When the Jiangdong is in distress, it was King Jin who helped, and now Liu Bei attacked the land of Bajun. How can such behavior be orthodox. This king decided to support King Jin and denounce Liu Bei."

Seeing that Sun Quan’s tone was firm, everyone in the field said yes. They knew that Sun Quan was planning to follow Lu Bu. At this time, in the world, Lu Bu’s strength was the strongest. Of course, Lu Bu was afraid that the three princes would unite. In one place, one of them will definitely be made, Jiangdong is undoubtedly the most suitable, because Jiangdong and Lu Bu's rule are not close.

The princes knew the truth about the distance and the near attack, but when the concrete matter came to them, they had other thoughts.

For example, Jiangdong’s relationship with Liu Bei and Cao Cao was very poor at this time. He seized Jingnan County from Liu Bei’s hands and fought against Cao Cao in Jingzhou. Even if he supported Liu Bei on the ground, he would not benefit from it. This time, Lu Bu sent troops to deter. Cao Jun really gave Jiangdong a great encouragement.

Sun Quan saw hope from Lu Bu and wanted to make Jiangdong more stable after going through the war. As long as he recuperates, he will have the capital to sweep the world. Sun Ce left him with a strong army, it depends on how he is. To give play to the strength of these troops.

After everyone left, Sun Quan kept Lu Su down.

"Zi Jing, I don't know what you think about the union between Jiangdong and King Jin?" Sun Quan asked.

Lu Su contemplated for a while and arched his hands: "Lord, the situation today is very clear. Liu Bei occupies the land of Yizhou. He has Liu Qi in his hands. He claims to be orthodox. Cao Cao owns many cities in the Central Plains. He has Liu Cong in his hands. The court confrontation. In this way, there is absolutely no reason to unite between the two. This situation is exactly what the most powerful King Jin wants to see. If the princes are united in one place, they will have trouble with King Jin. Small deterrence, only when the princes fight in their own hands, can King Jin get enough benefits, but King Jin can extend a helping hand when Jiangdong is in distress. Jiangdong still has to admit this kind of friendship."

"If King Jin attacks Yizhou in the coming year, Cao Cao will surely invade Jingzhou. At that time, King Jin's army will have no time to take care of the war in Jingzhou, but the lord will go to war with Cao Jun." Lu Su said.

A panic flashed across Sun Quan’s face when he heard this. He just took control of Jiangdong. Naturally, he hopes Jiangdong will be more stable. He does not have the ambitions of Sun Ce for the time being, and his influence in the army is not high. Only stability can make Jiangdong. While developing, he can gradually control Jiangdong's situation.

"Zi Jing, if Jiang Dongjun fights against Cao Jun, what is the chance of winning?" Sun Quan suddenly asked.

Although Lu Su was young, he was a shrewd person. He naturally felt his worries from Sun Quan’s words and said with a smile: “The lord does not need to worry. It is not easy for Cao Cao to break through the lord’s General Zhou Yu has the talents of heaven and weft, and with his ability to dispatch troops and generals in Jiangxia, he will surely be able to make Cao Jun return without success."

Sun Quan's expression eased a little after hearing this.

Sun Quan and Cao Cao successively expressed their support for Lu Bu’s remarks, which made Yizhou panic. But when you think about it carefully, Yizhou and Cao Cao are in the same situation. The state attracted Lu Bu’s gaze, and Jiangdong’s move was reasonable. Lu Bu helped Jingzhou at a critical moment, and this kind of momentum assistance is naturally not a problem for Jiangdong, just a word. You can make friends with King Jin.

The court of Yizhou has no choice but to send an army to suppress the rebellion for the dignity of the court.

"Kong Ming, our army failed to seize Jiameng Pass and lost the army, and now it is even more embarrassing for the princes of the three parties." Liu Bei sighed. He did not expect that the attack on Ba County would lead to such a situation.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "The lord does not need to worry about this. Even if the lord does not attack Bajun and Jiameng Pass, will Lu Bu and Sun Quanzhi support Yizhou? They did not oppose Yizhou before, but because no one mentioned it. , Yizhou is dangerously important. The lord can deploy heavy troops at the checkpoints along the way, even if it is the elite army under the Jin king, as long as he defends Yizhou and waits for the chaos of the world, the lord will surely be able to sweep the world with an elite division out of Sichuan."

After listening to Liu Bei, he felt much better. He knew that this is now Yizhou’s biggest advantage. Occupying a favorable geographical position, it can resist attacks from the enemy to a great extent, just as Zhuge Liang said, as long as Defending the checkpoint in Yizhou and not giving Lu Bu a chance, even if Lu Bu has more than 100,000 soldiers, what can he do?

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