Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1752: : Planning Yizhou

The situation in Chang'an is generally very good, but after Liu Bei attacked Bajun and Jia Mengguan, it made people feel a little uncomfortable, but the same thing I put on Liu Bei's body, Liu Bei's feelings can be imagined. Knowing that Jiameng Pass is the main barrier of Yizhou, but it is in the hands of Lu Bu, who is in control with a strong ambition, how can he let it go.

After Qin Tian got Lü Bu's order, he hurried over.

"Qin Tian, ​​you led the people of the Black Ice Terrace to enter Hanzhong, and you will try your best to find out about the family and Yizhou, especially the Jiange plank road." Lu Bu said in a low voice.

"Here." Qin Tian hurriedly left after giving a salute. By using the black ice platform to obtain information, he naturally understood the changes in the situation in Hanzhong. Liu Bei chose a good time, and of course he succeeded in attracting Lu Bu's attention.

In the end, under the influence of Lu Bu, Jiangdong Army and Cao Jun did not go to war, but confronted each other.

This incident also made Cao Cao aware of the terrible aspects of Lv Bu. After the suppression of Liangzhou, the land of the Central Plains still appeared. If there was an opportunity in Jingzhou at that time, he was sure that Lv Bu would not give up. Although the Central Plains went through many wars. , Is still a place of wealth, if it can be obtained, Lu Bu's strength will definitely be able to get a greater improvement.

Cao Cao knew that there was bound to be a battle between his side and Lu Bu, but before this war came, Cao Cao wanted to wipe out Jiangdong’s forces. In this case, he would have a greater chance of winning against Lu Bu. Who knew it was? Lu Bu didn't give him this opportunity at all.

Jiangdong is an important means used by Lu Bu to contain Cao's army. Cao Cao also knows Lu Bu's purpose. It is to restrict his development. Now Lu Bu is stable under his rule. Liangzhou has just been suppressed, but it has attracted attention for Yizhou. Cao Cao can. It is foreseen that Lu Bu's next direction will inevitably be Yizhou.

The land of abundance, fertile and wild, easy to defend and difficult to attack, can it stop Lu Bu's will to attack Yizhou, but Cao Cao is still very grateful to Liu Bei. It is precisely because Liu Bei attacked Bajun that Lu Bu focused on Yizhou, otherwise Lu Bu If you join forces with Jiangdong to attack Jingzhou, Nanyang County and Nan County will be in danger.

"Wen He let me make detailed investigations of the Jiange plank road, it is best to be able to find out clearly, the military layout of the Jiange plank road." Lu Bu said.

Since you want to take action against Liu Bei, you must be fully prepared. Only by knowing more about the enemy can you achieve greater victory in future wars. If the danger of Yizhou is well known, the army must attack Yizhou. A difficult battle.

However, the existence of Yizhou has made Lu Bu feel a lot of deterrence. Liu Bei is an ambitious man. If he is allowed to stay in Yizhou for development, his future strength should not be underestimated. It is better to take advantage of the current situation and take Liu Bei. Drive out from Yizhou.

The strength of the Yizhou family is one of Lu Bu's most headaches. After years of stability, the power of these families has been greatly improved. If they secretly support Liu Bei, it will become even more difficult to break Yizhou. It's difficult, after all, there is not much difference between the family's attitude towards Lu Bu and Lu Bu's attitude towards them.

"Hey." Jia Xu arched his hands.

In fact, Lü Bu planned Yizhou a long time ago, but because of the war in Jizhou and Yuan Shao in Qingzhou, it was temporarily shelved. Otherwise, whether Liu Bei can seize Yizhou so smoothly is still a matter of two things.

"Lord, Yizhou's checkpoint is dangerous. If you can buy the generals in the Yizhou army, it will definitely have a surprising effect." Jia Xu said.

Hearing this, Lu Bu nodded slightly, and he would buy the generals in the army. It was indeed a good method. At this time, among the army of the princes, unless they had a certain status, they wanted to have military pay.

In these troubled times, it is not easy for young men to join the army. It is more to be able to have a bowl of food in such troubled times, so as not to be starved to death. The soldiers in the army are indeed facing great danger. To put it bluntly, they are just to be able to have a bite in the army.

As for children with family backgrounds entering the army, it is more that the family deliberately did it in order to increase the influence of the family.

"The defenders of Wuguan, don't care about it for the time being, and send orders to train soldiers from all over the place. This king will go to various places to check the training of the army. Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have failed will be punished." Lu Bu said.

The army is the most important factor in ensuring stability under the rule. Only when the soldiers in the army have more powerful forces can they achieve greater success in future wars.

After a series of orders were issued from the Chang’an Mansion, no matter what the whole rule was, the soldiers in the Israeli army were most excited when they were training. If you have made achievements in the inspection, you will surely be able to make your mark in the army.

The morale of the generals in the army is high. The Liangzhou army and the Qiang soldiers who have just arrived outside Chang'an City are the same, especially the Qiang soldiers. After seeing the majesty of Chang'an City, their expressions are full of surprises. If they are allowed to attack these, it can be said that there is no chance of winning. At this time, they realized how naive the Qiang people want to capture Liangzhou and threaten the big man is. ridiculous.

The officials of the Inspectorate’s Office and the Inspectorate’s Office also started a new round of actions.

In Yizhou, Liu Bei learned that the army had almost taken Jiameng Pass from Lu Bu's hands. His expression was full of regret, but the attack on Jiameng Pass and Hanzhong definitely made Lu Bu more angry with Yizhou.

"Lord, this is the news recently circulated by the recent Dajin Daily." Zhuge Liang handed over a Dajin Daily with a serious expression.

After reading the contents of the Dajin Newspaper, Liu Bei's face was ashen, and he rose up against the case, and said angrily: "Lü Buan dare to do this!"

Lu Bu clearly said that he would not recognize the Yizhou court, which would be a big loss to the prestige of the Yizhou court. Although there were two courts before, Lu Bu paid no attention to this matter and stayed out of it.

"The Lord calms down his anger, Lu Bu is a martial artist." Zhuge Liang persuaded.

Liu Bei gritted his teeth and said, "This kind of unfaithful and unrighteous people."

For Lu Bu, Liu Bei is indeed angry, especially after seeing the content of the Dajin Daily, his mood is even more uneasy.

The Dajinbao was more popular than the newspapers controlled by other princes. The main reason was that the Dajinbao was cheaper. The newspapers under the rule of the princes were more expensive. The main reason was that the princes did not master the technology of cheap papermaking. Faced with such a dilemma.

"The lord should report to the sage Ming and regard Lu Bu as a gangster." Zhuge Liang said. He knew that Liu Bei and Lu Bu had completely torn their faces after this incident. Lu Bu could not tolerate the humiliation of the Yizhou court. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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