Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1722: : Attack the city

"This is a stone!" a soldier exclaimed, pointing at the growing black shadow from far to near.

Fifty boulders, if placed in the battle between the princes of the Central Plains, it is nothing, because when facing the thunderbolt, they have formed a way of defense, and the princes also have the thunderbolt in their hands, unless they are facing each other. It is very difficult for the giant Thunderbolt vehicles in the Chang'an Army to suppress the defenders with ordinary Thunderbolt vehicles during the siege.

Under the boulder, wailing sounded everywhere, and the defenders on the city were in a panic. In their opinion, the way the Han army attacked the city was too weird to allow such a huge stone to fly to the wall from such a distance. Although not many soldiers died under the boulder, the panic caused was even greater.

Many defenders looked pale, they thought of ghosts and gods. At this time, if the Han army had divine help in their eyes, otherwise, who could explain how these huge rocks flew up.

Seeing this, Na Yanqi's expression changed greatly. Obviously he didn't expect that the Han army's siege method would be like this. Constantly commanding the soldiers to defend, if the wall is chaotic, it will give the enemy more opportunities.

Several boulders hit the city wall, and Na Yanqi felt that the city wall below him was trembling slightly. Among the guards responsible for protecting Yanqi, two of them hit the boulder directly and fell into a pool of blood.

The guards looked pale when they saw this scene, but after all, they were well-trained soldiers, and their main responsibility on the battlefield was to protect Yanqi's safety, and barely insisted on not appearing chaotic.

The giant stone is still attacking continuously. The Yanqi's command seems to have no effect on the defending soldiers. After panicking, many soldiers fled down the city. They didn't want to stay on the wall or face. For these weird boulders, I don't want to face God's punishment.

The bed crossbow also shot three rounds of crossbow arrows towards the city wall.

Weili's city was slightly weak, and the three thousand defenders were crowded on the city wall. It is conceivable how far the thickness of the city wall was compared with the city of the Central Plains.

In the front of the battlefield, after seeing the situation in the city, Lu Bu, who came on horseback, gave an order, and the ladder soldiers who had been prepared appeared in the front of the battlefield. It was not easy to build the well, and the faster it was to break Weili. The better, as long as it is faster, can we show the bravery and toughness of our army in combat.

"Beat the drum!" Lu Bu ordered.

The battlefield suddenly sounded intensive war drums. Accompanied by the rumble of war drums, the ladder soldiers approached the city wall at an extremely fast speed.

Several rounds of thunderbolt attacks have made the city wall more chaotic. Few soldiers took into account the situation of the Han army outside the city. What they want to do most is to escape the city wall.

The soldiers of Wei Liguo experienced failure outside Yumen Pass. Facing the battle of the Han generals, the first warrior of Wei Liguo captured the Han generals alive. Faced with the repeated challenges of the Han generals, no one dared to go out of the city to fight. Their mood can be imagined. And knowing, if the Han army used the method they knew to attack the city, they might be able to resist tenaciously. However, under the attack of the boulder, many soldiers' psychological defenses completely collapsed.

Under these circumstances, they no longer obey the command of the general.

After Na Yanqi saw the situation on the city wall, he was very angry. The generals in the army could not effectively restrain the soldiers under his command. Is this still an elite soldier of the State of Wei Li?

"Those who dare to make trouble, kill directly!" Na Yanqi ordered with a cold expression.

"General, the Han army has attacked the city!" After taking a look at the situation outside the city, one of the guards said with a pale face. It was obvious that the only attack by the Han army's thunderbolt car left a deep impression on him.

Na Yanqi was shocked and anxious when he heard the words. However, the situation on the city wall determined that it was temporarily difficult for him to form an effective threat to the Han army.

Occupying the city, the biggest advantage is that when the enemy is attacking the city, the defender can shoot the enemy with a bow and arrow, causing huge damage to the enemy. At this time, the situation on the wall is not to say that the defender has been shot and panic. Under the circumstances, it was not bad that the rookies shot each other.

The personal guards took action under Na Yanqi's order. Their target was not the Han army who was attacking the city, but the chaotic soldiers of the Kingdom of Wei Li. Na Yanqi understood that only after the situation on the city wall was stabilized could it be blocked. The offensive of the Han army.

A famous guard raised the butcher knife in his hand without hesitation, and did not keep his hand because it was the old robe.

The **** killing caused many Wei Liguo soldiers to gradually wake up from the shock and panic. However, their sobriety was once again chaotic under the last round of giant stone attacks before the Han army completely attacked the city.

The city walls are slightly crowded. If a soldier finds that the boulder is coming towards them, one can imagine what they will do. Some soldiers even kill the robes next to them in the face of life and death crisis, and then avoid the boulder. The friendship in front of threats Paoze is not as important as their safety.

The continuous killing of the personal guards finally made the chaotic soldiers gradually wake up. Seeing the corpses around them, many soldiers looked flustered. Obviously, the giant stone attack just now gave them too much shock.

The ladder reached the city wall, and a famous Han soldier climbed up the city wall along the ladder. These soldiers seemed to be the most elite soldiers under Lu Bu's camp.

It was the first time for the trapped camp to take the lead. The situation on the city showed Lu Bu an opportunity. His own ladder was placed on the city wall, and he only needed to attack the giant stone again to make the defenders more chaotic. In this way, as long as the trapped After the soldiers of the camp boarded the city wall, it was the end of the defending army. He wanted to make the defending army feel desperate from the bottom of his heart and let them turn around and flee when facing the attack of their own soldiers.

Li Ru smiled and said, "Lord, it seems that it only takes a day to defeat Wei Li."

The success of the battlefield was something that Li Ru and Guo Jia did not expect. Who would have thought that the soldiers of Wei Liguo, who had always claimed to be brave and elite, would be so afraid of the boulders thrown by the thunderbolt, but they thought that before this, Wei Liguo. After all the soldiers experienced, they were relieved.

Successive failures have almost smashed the pride in the hearts of the soldiers of Wei Li State, and the giant stone attack is the final blow to completely release the fear in their hearts.

The first person to climb the city wall was the first to climb the warrior when attacking the city. If he could survive the siege, he would be able to get a huge reward. There is also this kind of system in the army under Lu Bu. This system can stimulate the fighting spirit of the siege soldiers to a large extent.

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