Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1711: : The Death of Sun Ce (Part 1)

"What's wrong with this king?" Sun Ce wondered.

"You child, you usually don't listen to persuasion..." Mrs. Wu started to cry when she said that, tears falling unceasingly.

"Mother, don't be sad, it's just a trivial thief who has already been killed for the child." Sun Ce thought about it for a while before thinking of the cause and effect of the matter.

After hearing Sun Ce's words, Mrs. Wu cried even harder.

Sun Ce also realized that something was wrong. Although he was stabbed by an arrow that day, Sun Ce tried his best to avoid the vital point, why he passed out in a coma.

"Bo Fu, your father left early. I didn't expect, I didn't expect..." Mrs. Wu's cries became even stronger, as if thinking of the dead Sun Jian.

Sun Ce struggled to get up, but he was affected by the arrow wound on his chest, and couldn't help sucking in a cold breath.

"Bo Fu first lie down and rest. Don't walk around and follow the doctor's instructions." Mrs. Wu felt her emotions affect Sun Ce and hurriedly got up and said.

"Don't worry about the mother, the child is fine." Sun Ce tried his best to squeeze a smile.

"Bo Fu must follow the doctor's words." Mrs. Wu exhorted again.

"Baby knows." Sun Ce said.

After Mrs. Wu left, Sun Ce immediately ordered people to call in the doctors.

Facing Sun Ce's inquiry, the doctors dared not conceal anything.

It turned out that the arrow was poisonous, and the poison had already entered the body. Several healers also used a lot of power to pull Sun Ce from the ghost gate. However, Sun Ce was extremely weak at this time and needed a good rest. As for whether he can survive the poison on the arrow, the healer is not sure.

The healer has made preparations for being scolded by Sun Ce. Who knows that Sun Ce smiled disinterestedly after listening: "This king is still saying what is a major issue, it's just a small injury."

Sun Ce believes that with his physique, these toxicities are not a problem at all. As for the doctor’s final advice, he did not take it seriously. However, thinking that Xu Gong’s subordinates shot him wounded, Sun Ce’s heart was very angry. Overlord, if others knew that the three assassins had been shot and obviously died, wouldn't it be a joke.

Moreover, after Sun Ce's arrow wound healed a little, he went to a restaurant in the city to drink. Sun Quan also followed Sun Ce, accompanied by Jiangdong civil servants and generals, which was quite mighty.

While drinking, Sun Ce heard the noise coming from outside and couldn't help but wonder: "What happened outside the restaurant and why is it so noisy?"

Sun Quan hurriedly walked out of the restaurant to listen to the news. Sun Ce was injured that day, but Jiangdong was shaken up and down. Now Jiangdong is stable on the surface, but it is actually surging secretly.

If something happened to Sun Ce at this time, Jiangdong would definitely be plunged into turmoil. After Sun Ce was injured, the guard leader of Prince Wu's Mansion was sent to prison.

While Sun Ce’s injury worried Jiangdong’s civilian officers and generals, he was also a little helpless. When Sun Ce was hunting, he assassinated the assassins. He didn’t expect Sun Ce to take their persuasion to heart, and he still went out of the city to hunt. Fortunately, Arrow Although Ya was poisonous, he had passed the most dangerous time, and Sun Ce was also able to get out of bed and walk around.

This situation gave Jiangdong's civilian and military commander a sigh of relief, and secretly agreed that in Sun Ce's personal guard commander, he must find someone who can persuade Sun Ce.

After a while, Sun Quan returned and said in a low voice: "There are gods passing by downstairs, and the people in the city have gone to visit the meeting, even the generals in the army have also gone."

Sun Ce was puzzled when he heard the words, but he hadn't heard anything about gods in Jiangdong.

Sun Ce stood by the railing and watched, but among the crowd outside the restaurant, there was a person standing in the middle of the road wearing a crane buckle and holding a quinoa stick.

Seeing this, Sun Ce was furious. He was the master of Jiangdong. How could he tolerate other people in the arena so presumptuous.

Sun Quan said: "Brother, this person's surname is Yu Mingji, he lives in the East, travels to and from Wuhui, uses amulets to save people, it is extremely effective, he is called Yuxian by the world, and he should not be offended easily."

Sun Ce became more and more angry when he heard the words. From Yu Ji, he saw the figure of Taipingdao. At the beginning, Taipingdao was to save people by using amulets to save people. It attracted the enthusiasm of the people. Finally, he embarked on the road of rebellion. Now Jiangdong has stabilized not long ago. Allow these monsters to behave in Jiangdong, "catch and bring this person, and anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!"

The accompanying soldiers had no choice but to go downstairs. Normally, Sun Ce only lived in the inner city and naturally had a lot of ignorance about the affairs of the outer city. However, Yu Ji was a person of great fame in Jiangdong, not only ordinary people, but also the army. The lieutenant general and the high-ranking officials in the inner city also had contacts with them. If they were captured, the two soldiers were also worried that they would be punished by the gods.

The people on the street who were worshipping in saw two soldiers standing around Kyrgyzstan, and they got up and went to question them. In their minds, Yu Jike was a god-like figure, how could he be blasphemy for ordinary people.

In the restaurant, Sun Ce's expression became even more gloomy. If Yu Ji were allowed to continue in Jiangdong, he would have greater influence. The consequences would not be predictable by Sun Ce. As the master of Jiangdong, he would not Allow this to happen under your own governance.

"Brother calmed down his anger. It's just a group of people. It's not a cause for concern." Sun Quan persuaded.

"Zhong Mou, do you remember the Yellow Turban Rebellion at the beginning? The Taiping Taoist demon Zhang Jiao used these methods to win over the hearts of the people and make the big man turbulent. There are still many yellow turban remnants entrenched in all sides and harmed the people. If such characters are If you don't get rid of it, how can Jiangdong be stable?" Sun Ceyu said earnestly. He still appreciates Sun Quan.

"Brother's words are very true." Sun Quan's heart moved. "Brother, although this person is a demon, he has a lot of prestige in Jiangdong. If he is caught, it will be extremely unfavorable for his brother. Don't drive him away. "

"Zhong Mou, there are some things that can't be softened. Even if the king will be driven away in Ji, he will return to Jiangdong in the next day. This is a disaster. If it is not eliminated, how to make Jiangdong stable." Sun Ce said.

Although the people onlookers were dissatisfied with the brutal behavior of the soldiers, these people were soldiers in the army after all. They were just ordinary people and naturally did not dare to resist. They could only watch the two soldiers brought into the restaurant in Jiji.

There were many diners in the Fangcai restaurant who heard that after the arrival of the gods, they followed up, but outside the room where Sun Ce was drinking, they were blocked by soldiers. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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