Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1702: : Entering Dunhuang

When news of the defeat of the 7,000 army of the 3,000 troops led by Zhang Yi and Li Guo spread in the city, some generals who had fantasies about Dunhuang completely gave up. Wei Li’s troops and horses were in harmony with those who captured the powerful. They were extremely powerful. Clearly, at a time when they were at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, they were able to defeat Wei Liguo's soldiers and horses, and the soldiers under King Jin's account were already outrageously tough.

Lu Buce immediately moved forward, and behind him were military generals and counselors such as Guo Jia.

"Meet King Jin, guilty of humble duty, led the army to resist King Jin's army, and ask King Jin to punish him." Dong Wu and Zhao Lu solemnly saluted.

Lu Bu got off his horse and laughed: "If two people can take refuge in this king, how can this king be convicted?" Yan Bi helped them up.

Zhao Lu and Dong Wu's expressions relaxed a lot. Lu Bu said these words in front of everyone, and he would definitely not regret it. After all, Lu Bu's identity was there.

After the group entered the city, Zhao Lu and Dong Wu were very respectful. The soldiers in the city were also silent. They cast their eyes on the team fighting with them. When the king of Jin's army attacked the city, it caused them trouble. A small injury, but for these soldiers, the defenders of Dunhuang admired extremely, this is the admiration of the outstanding people.

After entering the city, the army quickly controlled the city gate. The defenders of the city had already been gathered in one place. Since they decided to give up resistance, they would not fool around on this matter. The two went out of the city to welcome Lu Bu into the city. The sincerity has already been demonstrated.

In the Prefect’s Mansion, Lv Bu glanced around at the civilian and military commanders in the arena, and slowly said: "Liangzhou is turbulent, and the Qiang people are in chaos. This king does not want the people of Liangzhou to be caught in the war. After the Qiang people are defeated, and now General Dong and Prefect Zhao take refuge, Liangzhou will gradually stabilize."

"Dong Wu is temporarily following the army, and Zhao Lu is still the prefect of Dunhuang." Lu Bu said slowly.

Before entering the city, he had a detailed understanding of the situation of the two families. Dong Wu's influence in the army is not weak, but he is much worse than Zhao Lu in the officialdom. According to the information he received, Zhao Lu is Some talented people have some methods for governing the place. It would be better if Zhao Lu was in charge of the governance of Dunhuang temporarily. As for Zhao Lu if his talents were not enough to become the prefect of Dunhuang, Lu Bu would naturally die. People replaced it, and Lu Bu believed that before surrendering, Zhao Lu and Dong Wu must have a certain understanding of the situation under his rule.

"Thank you, the lord, the subordinates will do their best to govern Dunhuang so that the people of Dunhuang can live and work in peace and contentment." Zhao Lu was overjoyed and walked his hands to become the prefect of Dunhuang. It was Zhao Lu’s dream. Originally, he became the prefect of Dunhuang from Chen Ying’s hands. Seizure, he didn't hold much hope, but happiness came so suddenly.

Lu Bu said: "You know what the situation is under this king. If an official is unqualified, other officials will naturally come to replace him."

"Subordinates understand." Zhao Lu said. Even so, he understands that this is Lv Bu giving him a chance. If Dunhuang is managed well, his future will be even brighter. Dunhuang is a barren land after all, so how good is Lv Bu's governance. Da Ye, if he can achieve success in governance and satisfies Lv Bu, it will not be impossible to leave Dunhuang County in the future. Aristocratic families have their ambitions, and if they can go to the rich place, no one wants to stay in the poor. place.

Dong Wu's heart is a bit bitter. He is a general in the army, and it is reasonable to follow the army. However, this means that he has lost his power in Dunhuang. In contrast, Zhao Lu gets the most. People, Dong Wu secretly wanted to say hello to Zhao Lu in the future, he would definitely help the Dong family one or two, after all, the previous two were working together to fight the enemy.

However, Dong Wu's ideas were destined to fail. Zhao Lu was obviously more thorough in understanding the system under the rule of King Jin.

"Lord, now the city is turbulent and the people are uneasy, we should gather the fields together as soon as possible and distribute them to the ordinary people." Zhao Lu arched his hands.

Lu Bu nodded with satisfaction. In the past, he had brought up such things, but this time, the family took the initiative to mention it. It seems that when the strength in his hands reaches a certain level, he still has a lot of influence.

"You can do this as soon as possible. If you need help, just tell this king."

"Here." Zhao Lu looked a little excited. His behavior this time was a gambling. If he succeeds, he will gain more trust. If he fails, his ability will definitely not be recognized by Lu Bu. It is basically impossible to go further down the road of officials.

Dong Wu looked at all this blankly, as if he hadn't reacted from the surprise of the talent just now. He gathered all the fields and distributed them to ordinary people. He felt that Zhao Lu was Tiandi is just The roots of the aristocratic family, if it is distributed, what influence will the aristocratic family have.

Dong Wu's understanding of Lu Bu is more in the military, while Zhao Lu is more concerned about the local area. After all, when the two were in Dunhuang, they had different positions.

"Does General Dong have any opinion on this matter?" Lu Bu asked Dong Wu, turning his gaze to him.

Dong Wu hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Subordinates swear to obey King Jin's orders."

Pang Tong, Guo Jia and others looked at everything in front of them and smiled. This is the benefit of absolute strength. In the past, the family looked at their own things very tightly, especially when facing Lu Bu, for fear of loss. Family things, but now they are taking the initiative to hand over the things at home, which in itself is a huge progress, but behind this progress is a powerful army.

"The people are the foundation of Dunhuang. After years of war in Liangzhou, the people are overwhelmed. The king's order is passed on. After the people get the fields, within three years, there will be no taxes." Lu Bu said slowly.

"The lord is wise," everyone in the tent said one after another.

Lu Bu said: "The number of people in Liangzhou has dropped sharply. When more encouragement is given to them, so does Dunhuang. When the prefect Zhao governs the locality, he should consider issues more from the perspective of the people. Noble family, as long as you follow the rules, this king will not be embarrassed."

"Here." Zhao Lu arched his hands.

After this incident, Zhao Lu successfully walked into Lu Bu’s sight. Of course, what he paid attracted the hatred of the family in the city. For these short-sighted families, Zhao Lu didn’t want to explain, whether he did this or not, the future family’s The fields are impossible to hold. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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