Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1691: : Attack Dunhuang

In the past, Dong Wu had such thoughts, naturally there weren’t too many problems. After all, soldiers only had so many methods when siege the city. However, they were faced with a hugely developed army, especially It was on the siege. After years of battle, the princes had a huge improvement in their strength, the most obvious being in the siege.

The city that used to take two months to be conquered, under the suppression of the Thunderbolt and the crossbow, may take a month, or it may be able to be conquered in a shorter time.

After showing off the 20,000 troops outside the city, they chose to attack the city from two sides. Now there are thousands of defenders in the city, and their strength should not be underestimated.

A series of thunderbolt cars were erected to a distance of 300 steps from the city wall. The defenders of the city were puzzled after seeing this scene. In their perception, if the enemy wanted to attack the city, it would be natural. It is to get close to the city wall and climb to the top of the city to achieve this. These soldiers are busy 300 steps away from the city wall, making them extremely puzzled.

Not only the defenders of the city, but Dong Wu also felt the same. Dunhuang was the ultimate way for the Western countries to enter Liangzhou, while the eastern city of Dunhuang was occupied by the Qiang. This situation made Dunhuang The defenders of the Central Plains knew very little about the news about the princes of the Central Plains, and they were forgiven for not knowing things like thunderbolt carts and bed crossbows.

After a busy day, quiet outside the city gradually recovered.

The next day, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the city wall, the army outside the city had already gathered, and the soldiers controlling the Thunderbolt were even more prepared. They only waited for the commander's order to launch an attack on Dunhuang.

Lu Bu glanced at the city in the distance and issued an offensive order. Of course, this order was communicated to the Perak riders. At the back of the Perak car, there were soldiers carrying soil bags on their shoulders. On these soldiers, there was not even For the protection of armor, what they have to do is to throw the soil bags into the moat at a very fast speed. This is also a process that must be passed through to attack a city. Only after the moat is filled can they approach the wall, posing a threat to the defenders.

Seeing the army outside the city, Dong Wu hurriedly ordered the archers to prepare.

The process of the enemy filling the moat is when it causes the greatest damage to the enemy. In order to pursue speed, the soldiers filling the moat will naturally not wear armor. The defender can calmly shoot the enemy at this time.

This is also the time when the defender's advantage is maximized, and the siege party can only pay the lives of soldiers.

After getting Dong Wu's order, the archers in the city aimed their bows and arrows outside the city.

There was no rumble of war drums, only the roaring boulders, and the soldiers waiting in the city saw the huge boulders coming over the sky and the earth.

A circle of black shadows wrapped in boundless power hit the city, and the city was suddenly chaotic. Under the boulder, the strength of the defenders was so weak that the armor on their bodies could not provide them with protection.

A famous archer fell in a pool of blood, wailing.

Hundreds of thunderbolt cars attacked together, and the momentum was shocking. The most important thing was the shock it brought to the defenders. They had never seen such a way of attacking the city before, and now they suddenly came into contact with it, how would they react?

The power of the thunderbolt and the screams of the robe made many defenders pale, and some timid soldiers even moved towards the city. However, after seeing the bright swords and guns in the hands of the soldiers in charge of supervising the battlefield, they could only give up.

Not only the defenders on the city, but even the soldiers who were in charge of monitoring the battlefield turned pale after seeing this situation, and many soldiers were holding on.

When the enemy is attacking the city, there is nothing more relaxed than the soldiers who are responsible for supervising the battlefield. They are very safe on the battlefield. There is no need to worry about threats from the enemy. However, this time, the supervising soldiers were not spared. Three soldiers Hit directly by the boulder, **** and bloody.

A round of megalithic attacks caused the city to fall into turmoil. Although Dong Wu kept giving orders, the effect was not very good.

The soldiers controlling the thunderbolt car did not stop, but tried to throw more boulders onto the wall, causing the most damage to the defenders.

After the third round of boulders, the soldiers who were responsible for filling the moat moved. At this time, the city was in a panic, and there were no defenders who would take care of the soldiers who would fill the moat.

Lü Bu secretly regretted the situation in the city. If Dunhuang did not have this sixty-step-wide moat, the army would be able to capture Dunhuang only by relying on the cover of the Thunderbolt. The power generated during the offensive was enough to make them retreat.

After half an hour, the chaos in the city has alleviated a lot. The soldiers in charge of overseeing also died several people. There were even two soldiers in charge of overseeing who wanted to escape from the city wall and beheaded mercilessly for Paoze. This shows the thunderbolt. What a deterrent the car formed in their hearts.

The Perak’s offensive continues, and the moat has been filled by a quarter after a day's time. According to this situation, it only takes four days for the army outside the city to fill the moat. time.

Dong Wu's plan failed again. He originally thought that the existence of the city could stop King Jin's army. He didn't want the enemy to still cause considerable damage to the defending army when facing the city.

In fact, very few soldiers hit the boulder, but the deterrence caused by the boulder was huge, especially the tragic death of the robe around them was a huge excitement.

If they can survive, no one wants to die, and the same is true for Dunhuang's defenders.

At this time, some soldiers couldn’t help but flash through Chen Ying’s mind. They thought of Chen Ying’s decision. At first, they didn’t feel anything, but now facing the offensive of the previous army, they suddenly understood Chen Ying’s decision. With great diligence, some generals looked at Dong Wu even with a hint of resentment.

After three consecutive days, the moat was about to be filled, and the defenders on the city gradually adapted to the attack of the thunderbolt, hiding behind the female wall and shivering. Under the power of the boulder, human power is fragile. .

The generals in the Dunhuang army were more dissatisfied with Dong Wu at this time, especially the news spread in the city, which made many generals have more yearning for refuge in the king of Jin. The discussion in private was about the army outside the city. During the war, the lives of ordinary soldiers were the most inferior. On this point, ordinary soldiers still had a clear understanding.

Dong Wu also noticed that something was wrong. If this situation continues, Dunhuang must be difficult to hold. He can only pin his hopes on the reinforcements going to the Western Regions. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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