Soon, Lin Guohui also heard the news that Lin Shen had arrived at the Donghu Liangpin Factory, and hurried over immediately.

He had just been in a meeting with several powerful dealers, but when he heard that Lin Shen had arrived at the factory, he also suspended the meeting and hurried over.

“Mr. Lin, welcome to our factory for inspection. Lin Guohui said sourly.

Lin Shen is the boss, he is just the factory director. Logically speaking, he only works for Lin Shen. In a place like the factory, after all, you cannot call the boss”son”, and Lin Guohui can understand this. , so his tone was a bit sour.

However, Lin Shen really couldn’t be arrogant in front of Lin Guohui, so he winked at Lin Chungeng. Lin Chungeng immediately understood what he should do.

“Dad, I’m back from vacation. Your factory is very busy. It’s almost the Chinese New Year and there are so many people waiting to get the goods. Lin Shen said.

Lin Guohui then smiled and said,”It’s the end of the year, and the factory will also be on holiday, but the main target consumers of our products will have money. Those who come to get the goods want to take advantage of the Chinese New Year.” Make some money.”

Lin Shen gave a thumbs up.

“How about it? During a private visit in the factory, did you find any problems?”Lin Guohui said

“There are no big problems, but there are some small ones. But it’s not a big problem. I’ll mention it to you later when everything is fine when I get home. Lin Shen said

“Okay, but now I have room and board in the factory. I will go back after the factory has a holiday.”Lin Guohui said

“What day is the holiday?”Lin Shendao

“The twenty-eighth day of the lunar calendar.”Lin Guohui said.

It seems that Lin Guohui is also prepared to fight until his death. Well, since Lin Guohui is so motivated, let him go.

“By the way, I’m having a meeting with some dealers. Would you like to come over and listen to me? Also provide guidance?”Lin Guohui said

“I? Forget it, I still like to keep a low profile. Lin Shen said

“Okay, then you just keep a low profile, and I will continue to go back to have meetings with them. You go home early, and your mother keeps nagging you about when to go home. Lin Guohui said.

Lin Guohui went back to continue the meeting. Lin Shen felt relieved when he saw that everything was developing smoothly in the factory. He did not stay in the factory longer to prevent Lin Guohui from feeling uncomfortable. Instead, he left directly and prepared to go back. Home.

Soon, as we drove to Daguanzhuang Village

, Lin Shen could feel the changes in the county. When we arrived in the village, the changes became even more obvious.

First of all, a lot of the farmland in the village was covered with trees. There was a sign for a crayfish farming demonstration, and there were also some newly dug ponds and canals.

After entering the village, a family also put up a sign. It seemed that they had set up a small factory in their own home, and they also produced spicy noodles. Small snacks.

Of course, according to Lin Guohui, most of those who can survive in Donghu County must have obtained permission from the county. Otherwise, Lin Guohui would have reported them all.

Lin Shen’s car entered the village and immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

Although this year, there were people who raised crayfish in the village and drove vans, but only those who could drive in cars last year. Lin Shen.

So as soon as Lin Shen returned to the village, the news of Lin Shen’s return spread.

Lin Shen also discovered that the dirt roads in the village that were not easy to drive have now become hardened roads, making them much easier to drive.. Lin Shen returned to his house. The ground in front of his house was much smoother.

Lin Shen parked the car and entered the house with large and small bags.

Lin Guohui had already called Zhang. Lian said that when Lin Shen entered the house, Zhang Lian was preparing lunch, and the yard was filled with the smell of food.

“Xiao Shen, are you back?”Zhang Lian, wearing an apron, walked out with a spatula.

“Mom, I’m back from vacation.”Having not seen Zhang Lian for half a year, Lin Shen found that Zhang Lian was very good in both mentality and complexion.

Lin Shen moved the large and small bags from the car into the house. Zhang Lian had already washed the apples and asked Lin Shen to eat an apple quickly.

“Mom, who built the roads in our village? Lin Shen asked

“It was repaired by the county. Ours is the only village among the ten nearby villages that has built a cement road.”Zhang Lian said proudly.

Even Zhang Lian knew that the reason why the county is giving such favor is because Donghu Liangpin has become the pride of the county, including Lin Shen’s idea of cultivating crayfish last year, which also made Donghu County famous.

So the county reciprocated and opened the road to the village.

“oh. Lin Shen said while biting the apple. He found that his home had changed a lot. He installed a telephone, and also bought a refrigerator and a washing machine.

“Xiao Shen, you probably don’t know yet, but this year, many villagers who breed crayfish in our village have made a small fortune. Even those who have not formed large-scale farming have put some shrimp seedlings in their own rice fields. When the shrimp traders come to collect them, they cost a lot of money. Every household in our village can have a good year this year.”Zhang Lian said.

After talking with Zhang Lian, it seems that the changes in the county this year are really big.

“Mom, do you need my help?”Seeing Zhang Lian say a few words and then turn back to the kitchen to work, Lin Shen asked

“No, you go to your father’s house and ask him to come for lunch. Your father should also be happy when you come back from vacation.”Zhang Lian said.

Lin Shen followed the instructions and went to Lin Shouyi’s home. Many villagers saw Lin Shen along the way and took the initiative to say hello to Lin Shen.

“ah! Xiao Shen is back!”

“Are the college students in our village back from vacation?”

“Boss Lin, when did you go home?”

The villagers greeted them warmly, and Lin Shen responded one by one.

When they arrived at Lin Shouyi’s home, as expected, Lin Shouyi was overjoyed when he saw Lin Shen coming, and seemed very concerned about Lin Shen’s questions.

Recently, Lin Shouyi Over the past year, Lin Shouyi’s status in the village has also increased.

Many people in the village will call him”old man” when they see him.

Even the village committee wants Lin Shouyi to be a cadre, but Lin Shouyi is not interested, otherwise with Lin Shouyi’s current prestige in Daguanzhuang.

, is very likely to enter the village committee in the village election, of course Lin Shouyi understands that all this is because of Lin Shen’s ideas and investment in the county government at the beginning of the year, and Donghu Liangpin is now doing well in Donghu County.

Since then, the big boss and factory director behind Donghu Liangpin are Lin Shen and Lin Guohui respectively, which must have increased Lin Shouyi’s prestige in the village.

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