These big bosses of the dealers who came here for the purpose of inspection were completely impressed by the three wines in the Jiu Xian Collection series, especially the last one, Kuang Xian Liquor, which was simply like jade dew. These bosses asked Yan Xinhuo to quickly buy a few more bottles to satisfy their craving.

Yan Xinhuo had long expected such a result. After all, the wine An Xueyou hooked up was indeed a masterpiece.

“Sorry, bosses, our Jiu Xian Collection series has just been launched on the market, and we haven’t seen the money back yet. We are not that lavish, but we have to make a living. Well, that’s it for today, the three wines in Jiu Xian’s collection, but our Taibai Xian wine, which retails at a retail price of seven yuan, is priced at an affordable price, so bosses can drink it as much as they want, and get drunk before resting.” Yan Xinhuo laughed.

After saying that, someone brought two boxes of ordinary Taibai fairy wine in from outside the door.

Each box had six bottles, a total of twelve boxes.

A boss took out one bottle and saw ordinary people He suddenly looked disgusted with the packaging, unscrewed the lid of the wine, put it in front of his nose, and said:”Director Yan, who are you trying to offend? This is a new craft white bar. We want to drink your Brew Master Collection. Yan

Xinhuo said with a smile:”Really, if you don’t see the money back, you won’t be willing to spend money lavishly.””

Immediately, a big boss heard it and said:”I finally understand. Director Yan is just trying to catch the rabbit before he sees it, so don’t you just want us to make a statement? I’m here to express my opinion, your Taibai Xianjiu is full of wine types. I will place an order for one million first. After the meal, we will sign the contract and pay the deposit. In this way, we will finally see the money back, right? Yan

Xinhuo laughed and said:”Yes, you can count on seeing the money back.”

Another group of big bosses also understood and said with a smile:”Yan Chang is really a thief.””

“I also want to express my opinion. Is it okay if I place an order for 800,000 yuan first?”

“I’ll also get a million dollars’ worth of goods”

“My capital turnover is not very good at the moment, so I will order the goods for 600,000 yuan first.”

“Me too 600,000”

“Me 800,000……”

The bosses at the wine table expressed their opinions one after another, reporting the number of orders they planned to sign with Taibai Xianjiu this time.

There is no way, otherwise if you want to drink, they won’t let you.

After all the bosses had expressed their opinions, Yan Xinhuo smiled and said:”It’s considered making money, okay, bosses, you can drink as much as you want today.”

After saying that, Yan Xinhuo winked at the waiter on the side. , less than two minutes after the waiter left, Shixianjiu, Swordxianjiu and Kuangxianjiu were continuously brought to the wine table.

“Dear bosses, I, Yan, have a drinking problem, so I found a drinker from our factory to drink with all the bosses.” Yan Xinhuo pointed at Guo Yao who had just come in next to him.

Guo Yao was able to drink, and Yan Xinhuo accidentally discovered it, so he temporarily brought him here to accompany these bosses. There is another purpose of having Guo Yao accompany him, so that more of these bosses can drink. The boss should drink some Shixianjiu and Jianxianjiu, but let them drink less Kuangxianjiu. After all, the quantity of ten-year-old puree is the least, and the factory does not produce much Kuangxianjiu.

They all drank and were in good spirits, so they quickly invited Guo Yao to take a seat. Guo Yao immediately asked the waiter to open the wine, and then toasted to the big bosses one by one.

During this meal, all the bosses enjoyed the meal, and they were all enjoying themselves together with the people at the wine table. Yan Xinhuo and Guo Yao had already become brothers.

After dinner, Yan Xinhuo asked the drunken bosses to go to the room upstairs to rest. None of these bosses came alone, most of them came with them. Xiaomi, there was no shortage of people to take care of them when they got back to the room, so they didn’t have to worry about their safety.

The next day, these bosses woke up and had sobered up. Miraculously, they didn’t feel hungover at all, with no headaches or stomachaches. They didn’t feel uncomfortable inside, but felt refreshed.

They went to the Taibai Xianjiu Winery one after another, signed the contract, paid the deposit, and got the goods in one go. When the bosses left, Yan Xinhuo was so excited that he couldn’t contain himself..

He quickly called Lin Shen to report the results.

“Mr. Lin, good news, I have sent away the wave of dealers who came yesterday. Just yesterday, they ordered 8 million yuan of goods from our factory. Among them, affordable Taibai Xianjiu has the largest volume, accounting for 65%. Then there is Shixianjiu, there are also 20%”Yan Xinhuo was excited and authentic

“Well done, Yan Chang.” Lin Shen praised.

This is understandable. After all, the market for affordable wine and 28 yuan Shixian wine is broader.

“The main thing is that our wine is good. Didn’t you see their expressions after drinking our wine yesterday? Yan Xinhuo said excitedly

“This is all the credit of Teacher An. His blending skills are truly unparalleled. Lin Shen said

“The day after tomorrow, there will be a wave of dealers from other places coming, and I think this number should be indispensable.”Yan Xinhuo continued.

“Well, the factory should increase its production capacity, otherwise it will be unable to keep up. Lin Shen said

“Of course, the workers in our factory now are highly motivated and have high morale, as if they had taken stimulants.”Yan Xinhuo himself is full of energy.

It is true. Now the entire Taibai Xianjiu Distillery employees have heard that yesterday, the factory director went out to have a drink with the dealers and walked away with 8 million yuan. Damn it, Taibai Xianjiu couldn’t move so much in a year before. Therefore, the entire factory’s employees were as strong as chicken blood. Although these eight million dollars were not theirs, they were full of energy.

As a part of the production of wine, this feeling of pride is indescribable.

Those employees who were working outside all day were inexplicably excited when they heard that they sold eight million goods in one day. If they can develop such a big customer, the achievement will make them feel great.

Suddenly, all the sales staff, no matter how many times they rolled their eyes or were kicked out yesterday, will be resurrected with full blood and high spirits. They went out to visit customers again.

Even many employees who had positions in the factory wanted to go out to sell.

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