Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1788: 1 Anything is possible!

Chapter 1788 Everything is possible!

Chen Liye opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the words in his mouth.

He really didn't want to continue to stimulate Wang Shufen, just sighed in his heart.

In fact, he can fully understand the old woman's mood at the moment.

However, he also knew that the current situation in Qiuhai was not optimistic, and Chen Jianghai must be tired of dealing with it.

So according to his thoughts, at this juncture, it is better not to cause trouble to Chen Jianghai for these little things.

After Wang Shufen finished speaking, she glanced upstairs subconsciously, just in time to see Chen Jianghai coming down the stairs.

Under such circumstances, Wang Shufen immediately put away the sad look on her face and forced a smile.

Chen Liye noticed the expression on his wife's face, and followed her gaze, and also quickly squeezed a smile on his face.

Chen Jianghai walked downstairs and saw the smiles on his father and mother's faces a little strange, not only a little puzzled.

But he didn't ask any further, but said to Wang Shufen with a smile, "Mom, how's the vegetable plan you said last time?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Wang Shufen's face suddenly filled with a smile.

It seems that my son has always remembered this!

For her, that was enough.

All the previous disappointment was also swept away at this moment, replaced by a full of happiness and excitement.

"Jiang Hai, I am now a vegetable supplier in Meihua Supermarket."

Wang Shufen said happily.

Seeing Wang Shufen like this, Chen Liye on the side shook his head with a wry smile.

After all, my strong wife still wants the approval of my son Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai pretended to be surprised: "Mom, you are too fast, you have already become a supplier?"

Seeing her son like this, Wang Shufen almost lost sight of her smile.

Chen Jianghai continued: "Mom, today I will go with you to see how the quality of the dishes is."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Wang Shufen was even happier.

However, Wang Shufen quickly reacted and said worriedly: "Jiang Hai, haven't you been very busy recently?

Will this waste your time? "

Chen Jianghai heard that his mother was worried about him in turn. With emotion in his heart, he just smiled slightly and waved his hand quickly: "Mom, you don't have to worry about this, it will definitely not be delayed."

It can be said that Wang Shufen is very happy that Chen Jianghai can support her like this.

Then Chen Jianghai followed the smiling Wang Shufen to the countryside to buy goods.

This time, it took Chen Jianghai almost half a day.

After seeing the smile on Wang Shufen's face, Chen Jianghai felt that it was all worth it.

As long as the father and mother can be happy, what is the time he spends as a son!

Besides, things on Qiuhai's side are pretty much arranged by Chen Jianghai, so there is no need to worry too much.

Everything can be done step by step. Even if he wastes more energy on it, it will not have much effect. It is better to take advantage of this time to accompany his mother.


While Chen Jianghai was accompanying Wang Shufen to the countryside, Qiuhai's products had officially started to drop in price.

As soon as consumers saw Qiuhai, they also cut prices, and their hearts that originally wanted to buy products from foreign companies were shaken again.

The products on the market today are generally similar in terms of technology, and consumers will naturally place more value on brands.

In recent years, Qiuhai has accumulated a very good reputation in China, and consumers' first choice is naturally Qiuhai.

There is another reason, that is, it is foreign companies that cut prices first.

As Chen Jianghai expected before, this makes consumers feel that foreign companies choose to cut prices because they cannot compete with Qiuhai.

Now the price of the two is the same, the first choice of consumers is naturally Qiuhai.

Regarding this first wave of the game, Qiuhai can be said to have won these foreign companies.

Regarding the struggle between Qiuhai and these foreign companies, many people all over the country are paying attention.

In the beginning, many people were not optimistic about Qiuhai.

Don't look at Qiuhai's development so well, but in their bones, they just think that Chinese national brands can't compete with these foreign brands.

Qiuhai is of course no exception, and will eventually be defeated under the joint encirclement and suppression of foreign companies.

But reality has given these people a resounding slap in the face.

Qiuhai was not as vulnerable as they imagined, on the contrary, he achieved a staged victory.

The two price cuts of foreign companies, and now Qiuhai has followed suit, has already explained the problem.

If there are fewer foreign companies, Qiuhai will not pay attention to them at all.

It can also be seen from this point that there is really no way for foreign companies to take Qiuhai.

Those who support Qiuhai also have a feeling of exaltation at this time.

When they supported Qiuhai, they were ridiculed a lot.

Now Qiuhai uses his strength to tell everyone that foreign companies are not terrible.

There are always people who say how powerful foreign companies are, but these two price cuts have broken the unbeaten status of foreign companies.

Besides, if they were really that powerful, they wouldn't have been overwhelmed by Qiu Hai over the past few years.

Those who were sneering and sarcastic before, and all kinds of people who sang Qiuhai, are now also aggrieved.

They never thought that Qiuhai would directly defeat these foreign companies in the first round of the game.

The winner is called a clean one.

After a while, those who were not optimistic about Qiuhai began to comfort themselves secretly in their hearts.

This war has only just begun, and it is too early to say who will win or lose.

Now we are fighting a price war, and we are fighting for the heritage of their respective companies.

In this respect, foreign companies are definitely many times stronger than Qiuhai.

In their view, Qiuhai's desire to win is simply impossible.

So Qiuhai will definitely fail.

It's a pity that what they don't know is that there is never anything in this world, it is impossible.

Everything is possible!

Regardless of those who are not optimistic about Qiuhai, the current result is also a shot in the arm for all Huaxia's national enterprises.

All national enterprises are paying attention to the war between Qiuhai and foreign brand alliances at this time.

They want to know who will win the final victory if Qiuhai works with foreign companies?

Among these national enterprises, most people hope that Qiuhai can win.

In any case, everyone is from China, and naturally they don't want to see foreign companies show off in China and harvest the wealth that belongs to China.

Even the former competitors can't help but feel a bit sad at the moment.

Fortunately, this first small victory made all Chinese national entrepreneurs breathe a sigh of relief.

If Qiuhai was defeated all of a These national enterprises will be even more unsightly in the competition that follows.

This staged victory also gave everyone great confidence.

Many people believe that if Qiuhai can continue to maintain such a situation, even if he wins the final victory, it is not completely impossible.

Of course, everyone in Huaxia thinks this possibility is very small.

Those who support Qiuhai think that it is the best result that Qiuhai can draw a tie with foreign companies.

Those who truly believe that Qiuhai can win the final victory are absolutely rare.

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