Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1777: Life is so amazing

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seventh chapter is so wonderful

The two didn't talk much about anything specific. After all, Zhong Denghua did not participate in this project, and it was not interesting to talk too much.

After the person invited by Zhong Denghua arrives, Chen Jianghai will have a good chat with him.

Now that there are professionals, the next step is to need local support.

For such a thing, it is natural to find Feng Zongxian.

Speaking of which, everyone is busy right now.

Feng Zongxian is busy with the project of One Axis and Two Cities.

Coupled with the wave of state-owned enterprise reform during this period, Feng Zongxian, who is in charge, doesn't even have enough time to sleep.

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Jianghai heard Feng Zongxian's hoarse and tired voice.

"Jiang Hai, what's the matter?"

Hearing Feng Zongxian's words, Chen Jianghai couldn't bear it.

Feng Zongxian at this time may be the busiest time.

Going to him now is just adding a burden to Feng Zongxian.

But Chen Jianghai knew that he had to do this, and he had to do it as soon as possible.

The sooner these laid-off workers have something to do, the more tragedies they can avoid.

And how to properly arrange these laid-off workers is also a major issue before Feng Zongxian.

The sooner the highway starts, the greater the benefit.

I believe that Feng Zongxian will definitely support it, and it is also a good thing for the local government.

Later, Chen Jianghai told Feng Zongxian what he thought.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's thought, Feng Zongxian's eyes lit up immediately.

During this period, Feng Zongxian used Chen Jianghai's method to reform state-owned enterprises, and the effect was quite good.

However, Feng Zongxian was worried about the placement of laid-off employees.

There are only two ways to solve the layoff of employees in this state-owned enterprise, one is to give money, and the other is to give jobs.

However, Feng Zongxian can't do these two methods now.

If Linghai is really rich, the project of One Axis and Two Cities will not let Chen Jianghai make a lot of money.

The local government simply cannot provide so much money to properly arrange the huge number of laid-off workers.

But at this time, Feng Zongxian naturally did not dare to go to Chen Jianghai again.

I have troubled others once before. As a friend, Feng Zongxian already felt embarrassed.

If you look for it, isn't it clear that you want people to give you money?

Feng Zongxian naturally couldn't do such a thing.

However, after racking his brains for a long time, he still couldn't come up with any useful solution.

We can only squeeze some money out of the finances as much as possible to temporarily solve the problem of feeding the laid-off workers, so as not to cause big trouble at this important juncture.

Now the city's finances are also very tight. Under the circumstance that funds are in short supply, Feng Zongxian is really helpless when it comes to money-related matters.

He was so hard.

Many places are stretched thin, and often we can only tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. It is very good to be able to maintain the status quo reluctantly, and it is impossible to pay so much money.

As for the jobs, Linghai's side has already been fully saturated.

Now that so many laid-off employees are pouring out all of a sudden, it is impossible to arrange all of them.

Even if there is a sea of ​​joy in the local area, there are not so many jobs available for these laid-off workers.

Feng Zongxian did not expect that someone would bring a pillow as soon as he fell asleep.

Chen Jianghai is just in time for rain.

Under such circumstances, Chen Jianghai was willing to take the initiative to spend money to build such a highway, and in order to arrange as many laid-off employees as possible.

This is equivalent to a headache for Feng Zongxian, and it was solved at once.

"Jiang Hai, you really helped me a lot!"

Feng Zongxian was excited and grateful to Chen Jianghai.

Feng Zongxian now believes that Chen Jianghai is his nobleman and his lucky star.

Without Chen Jianghai, his work in Linghai in recent years would not have been so smooth.

When he first came to Linghai, many colleagues felt sorry and worried for him.

Everyone thinks that with his Feng Zongxian's ability, he can actually go to a bigger place.

Only in a big place will Feng Zongxian have room to play and truly show his talent.

Linghai is a place with backward economy and underdeveloped transportation.

If you want to show your strength here and make some achievements, it is really difficult.

Innate conditions have limited Linghai's future.

Feng Zongxian's friends and colleagues agreed that, if nothing else, Feng Zongxian's political career would basically end in Linghai.

But life is so amazing.

No one would have thought that Feng Zongxian would meet Chen Jianghai in Linghai.

The current Feng Zongxian, with the support of Chen Jianghai, has achieved dazzling achievements.

I don't know how many friends and colleagues I have envied.

No one would doubt that Feng Zongxian would be able to move his position by virtue of his heavy political achievements after the completion of the twin cities.

As for where it will be moved, it depends on the level of satisfaction with Feng Zongxian.

However, almost everyone, including Feng Zongxian himself, is optimistic about this matter.

It is because Linghai, a one-axis and two-layer project, is so dazzling and classic.

Once successful, it will not only be an earth-shaking change for Linghai City, but also a huge reference for the construction of other cities.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and then said to Feng Zongxian: "Feng Shi, I'm just doing something within my power."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Feng Zongxian was very impressed and full of emotion at the same time.

As a national entrepreneur in Huaxia, Chen Jianghai has really done everything he can do. His personality is tall and brilliant, and he is definitely an example that many entrepreneurs should learn from.

He believes that such a character should really be established as a monument.

Especially when he thought of Chen Jianghai's age, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Chen Jianghai is not yet thirty years old, but he has already reached such a height, which is truly unprecedented.

"Jiang Hai, I want to thank you for all the laid-off employees in Linghai."

Feng Zongxian said very sincerely.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "We don't need to talk about Feng Shi's polite words. Let's talk about the expressway project."

"It's best to implement this matter as soon as possible, so that the laid-off workers in Linghai can benefit in advance."

Speaking of business, Feng Zhongxian also became serious.

Chen Jianghai is right. If the expressway project can be implemented as soon as possible, they will have less pressure on the placement of laid-off workers.

The expressway that Chen Jianghai wants to build runs from Linghai to Pingshan.

In this case, it is natural to need the full cooperation of local governments in the province.

About Feng Zongxian has no worries.

If Pingshan and the province knew about this, they would definitely agree with it with both hands and give the greatest support.

Now the whole country is worried about the laid-off employees of state-owned enterprises.

The issue of the placement of laid-off workers is directly linked to each person in power, and no mistakes should be made.

So in this matter, many of them are devastated.

Of course, Pingshan and the province are no exception.

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